the maths of peoples lives
on this planet
just doesn't add up
marijuana + yoga classes + stressful relationship with a retarded boyfriend
+ hive functions + 9-5 grind + self-loathing sobbing + mantra chanting
= ?
tv dinners + sodas + jogging + meditation + corporate job
+ cigarettes + gym + achohol + love dogs + eat meat of other animals
= ?
nothing coherent
is the only answer
one can give for sure
maybe it makes sense to them
maybe they can add it up
to put 'positive numbers' in front of soul evolution
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
the maths
the last ditch attempt at equality
beings left with no avenue
to turn to
turn to soul
for extracting the notion of equality
necessary to give the ego momentary satisfaction
they are very sure
that the very same soul resides in them
which resides in lotusocean creator
making them ... equal
yet for some unforeseen reason
they cannot see the world for what it is
their actions are also always far from perfect
belying their very own perception of soul as perfection
if something is perfect within
that perfection would automatically
reflect in their lives, timelines etc etc
the truth is clarified by 2 sanskrit terms
which english has improperly reduced to one word 'soul'
आत्मा - *atma* or soul is a name for partial coherence
परमात्मा - *paramatma* or supremesoul is a name for complete coherence
amongst souls
by proper definition
there are varying evolutionary degrees
depending on the level of fractal coherence
goes without saying
paramatman does not reside inside every being
Monday, 28 December 2009
there is no seperation between
foolishness & ugliness
intelligence & grace
beauty & truth
schism creation amongst these
is not a matter of chance
but a deliberate act
the motive ... smile
mirror mirror on the screen
only in the mirror of beauty
does uglyness see itself revealed
only in the mirror of truth
does falsehood become aware of its existence
a name for the perfect mirror
only the fools after seeing their self revealed
for what it is
in the divine mirror
get angry with the mirror &
ascribe all those faults to the mirror
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
am-uni-tion, not ambition
most here don't have enough am-uni-tion
(nowadays a bad word used only in relation to weapons )
to rise above
petty ambition
and all other ambi's
is the correct word for am-bi-tion
a goal can be reached only by uni - single mindedness
not bi-furcation
breaking out of the matrix
is seen as
too big an am-uni-tion to have
for most
when even setting sights on
being the best in any field is seen
as too much am-uni-tion
they would rather fall prey to
laziness or madness or both
than have proper am-uni-tion
am-uni-tion to have permanent happiness/bliss
which is basically
having uni-ty with divine as one's am-uni-tion
is a complete no-no
conservation experts
after ravaging and plundering
most of the places on earth they set foot on
the transluscents have now set themselves up
as conservation experts
in the very same landmasses they desecrated
america, australia, africa, pacific islands etc.
they have taken it upon themselves
the task of keeping forests healthy
forests of course couldn't take care of themselves
in the millions of years
uptil' their saviours came along
more surprising in the light of the fact that
they are gnown to be not able to
take care of their own health
they are the brand new caretakers of the land
they have given themselves the authority
to decide who enters their?! land and who doesn't
they take their caretaker status very seriously
as they painstakingly check each visitor's boots for foreign soil
which might contaminate their?! ultra-well-preserved land
the older caretakers like aborigines, indian tribes, maori's etc
were surely not doing a good job
too many plants, trees and animals were thriving
they have come up with innovative techniques to save wildlife
like starting forest fires
introducing new snakes, frogs, flies etc etc from other lands
it has all backfired badly
but they are sure they can solve it by introducing another specie
or raining a certain pesticide over the whole area
no its not madness at all
its all completely sane
as they will tell you right in your face
'we are good people, we are'
(refer to eliza dolittle ' i am a good girl, i am' in the film 'my fair lady')
Sunday, 20 December 2009
'ignore' at your own risk
continuing with the theme of the last blog
'the art of deliberate ignoring'
its good to see
an earthling realize
the most real of reality
majority of this world's beings
can be in trouble for
ignoring the ONE who walks amongst them
'the One' not properly depicted but than its only a muggle attempt
the ONE who holds the TIME WHEEL ( सुदर्शन चक्र -Sudarshan Chakr)
Friday, 18 December 2009
the art of deliberate ignoring
the genesnakes
haven't learnt much in their
long crawl out here
they all seem to have learnt
the noble art of deliberate ignoring
some are more expert at it than others
it goes like this -
whenever they see some being
more interesting & attractive than themselves &
thus naturally feel drawn towards it
they immediately retract
& feign that they are not interested at all
instead they try to attract the other being
in their limited ways
males usually jump around crazily
showing off their physical prowess
females jot out their mammary glands and
change their gait
couples start snogging each other
after making sure they are in line of sight
some try & show off their
skills/gnowledge in loud conversations
some just pretend to be overtly happy & satisfied
some start staring into their mobile
with unflinching penance-like concentration
some go to crazy lengths to appear busy
nothing subtle about this art
what they hope to gain
from this strategy
besides giving the higher being some laughs
is hard to conceive
after all
who needs who
as the word
clearly suggests
stems from
the simple matter of
' deliberate ignoring '
Thursday, 17 December 2009
myth no. 314159265358...
silly pretenders of saintlihood like gandhi
have helped in establishment of the myth -
'best way to lose one's self
is in the service of others'
lotusocean states
that such service is the best way
of increasing the ego
its only in service to the divine
can one lose one's self
service to divine
is automatically a service to whole creation
in a world where
rambling incoherently
for hours upon hours
blogs upon blogs
is seen as a talent
of anything except the accepted cliche's
is seen as
the domain of the
the *not* hip and with it
the reality however is that
of a simple genuine praise of divine
is way more rewarding for the soul
all the hip talk
the desperado's can come up with
to mask their meagre intelligence
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
all the good people
most people here
are pretty sure
that they are good people
its the rest of the world that is mad & bad
it doesn't add up
a world consisting mainly of good people
cannot be mad & bad
which it clearly is
the only logical conclusion therefore is
that the majority of people are not as good as they think
nothing is more traumatizing to
people than the revelation
that their self is not good
in fact for many it is a ball of negative qualities
they defend and they cry and they scream
some say they are just pawns in an evil system
thats true but why would good
willingly become pawn in an evil system
if only they could
admit gracefully
to the inherent evil within
their road to redemption won't be so tough
Monday, 14 December 2009
2 kinds of 'i'
just like there are 2 kinds of eye's
normal and third eye
there are 2 kinds of 'i's'
the dissolution of
the imperfect 'i'
only happens through
surrender to a perfect 'i'
no 'i' in d'i'v'i'ne needs dissolution
dedicated to those questioning
the bold 'i'ness of
the 'i' transmitting this blog
Sunday, 13 December 2009
it goes without saying
that one's efforts are always towards one's goal
lets look at the kind of goals beings here are setting themselves
as kids it is all about plastic toys
as teenagers its all about parties
as adults its all about gaining as high a position in
society as they can
very few beings here are even contemplating
goals like
breaking out of mrityulok (3-D matrix)
not having to be born here again
in the temporary realm of pain & disease
this is the case
even when they are living in times where
all the pain & suffering of their own and others
is all very clear and out in the open
almost everyone from a sportsperson to a housecleaner gno's
that a goal has to be set first
before any effort can be made to reach it
most are hyperbusy setting & achieving meaningless temporary goals
as soap-bubble-superfluous as
the zillions of silly new year resolutions
surprisingly there is also no real change in goals
despite all the bubble bursting
which always happens in time
the happiness they expect at the moment of reaching their goal
never materializes
whether it be the top of mount everest
or holding the trophy they wanted most
thousands of goals have already been scored in football
but the heavens haven't opened up as yet
at the end of the day
the only difference between all beings
is what goals they set for themselves
Saturday, 12 December 2009
discipline is loosing the battle
in a world where all the media
is screaming/preaching loudly - 'be undisciplined'
its cool & great to have that coffee or toffee
you are indestructible & no harm can come to you
most people have a fear of discipline
from the trauma they carry from the silly school discipline
which is designed to artificially fit one into society
no matter how they all try and run away from
any kind of discipline
they find they run straight into it
the school is followed by 9-5 jobs
the same society
which blatantly propagates undiscipline
puts people in cages for 8-12 hrs a day
to toil for an undisclosed goal
even basic disciplines like eating home-self-cooked-proper food
are disappearing fast
along with them will disappear
respect for the higher
the more undisciplined one is
the more unable one is to respond properly to the higher
such beings end up becoming vampiric apathetics
for them the energy of the higher is too much to handle
so they end up
criticizing, swearing, pointing fingers and shunning
it instead
no discipleship without discipline
their is a reason why these 2 words are the same
diverse branching/cutting of P(the axis) line
in simpler terms
one has to have discipline at every turn
to navigate properly
through the phenomenon called life
caPTain PT
you walk like
you gno where
you are going
you talk like
you gno what
you are doing
but the truth is
you've got no clue
you are lost
in this world &
the other ones
don't even
enter your consciousness
you are trapped and incubated
you need a navigator
captain P is a navigator
for this world
and the big beyond
he is here
to steer
the soulship home
captain P
captian P
captain PT
the one and only navigator
Friday, 11 December 2009
beauty and the beast
the tale 'beauty and the beast'
was conceived in europe
for a reason
the all pervading beastliness
& inside-out lack of beauty
had become all too apparent to them
all they could hope for now
was a beauty to come along
and redeem them
but being the twisted beasts they are
they turned the tale upside down
to placate their ego
'beauty falls in love with the beast'
when the opposite will always naturally be the case
there are a lot of beasts
inhabiting the now
who are suffering from notions of beauty
lavished upon them by the lying media
and brainwashed masses
however within their beings they gno the truth
as everyone happens to look at a mirror sometimes
if they really acknowledge this fact
than they have a chance at humility
which opens up possibilties of
an eventual surrender to the divine
otherwise its just a continuous hollow souldestroying run
to plastic surgeons &
beauty parlours
which should be renamed
beasty parlours or
'beasts - wanting to artficially generate beauty - parlours'
Thursday, 10 December 2009
the absolute root of
all of this world's problems
the one single delusion
people carry
that they can generate bliss and happiness
using their own self's
ideas, tools & calculations
without bowing down to the divine
the fact that they can't
stares back at them all the time
from the time when they were kids and came off
a themepark ride feeling empty
to when they are teenagers
and come back home feeling sick
after a nightout with socalled friends
people are usually old & bitter & twisted
before they even mildly confront this fact
even than they still
just clench their teeth
which is supposed to be seen as a smile
and carry on pretending
till they can pretend no more (death)
if one is really asleep & dumb
one may ask how is pollution
& millions of other problems related to this
it is easy to trace
the root of each of these problems in
negative qualities like greed etc.
which in turn
emanate from the self's absolute belief in itself
the clear gnoing of what will make it happy
and how to get it
in those whom this self-belief is dwindling
& rightly so
evil's minions are there to
reinforce it
disguised as friends, counsellors & preachers
in this time called kaliyuga
one is surrounded by this
reinforcement setup called society
& thus
needs to have a strong sense of honesty
about one's own state
to not listen to the evil's sermons
who is just looking for recruits
in its battle with the divine
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
the small matter of PT's Pics
some have taken exception
to yours truly's pictures being here on this blog
insinuating it to be an exercise in vanity
so it makes sense
to reveal their purpose
they are here
to depict beauty & grace
if anyone has problems handling beauty and grace
than they are sure to have
problems handling the contents of this blog as well
divinity always has the right to express itself
in every possible way
in a time
when evil has overflooded all the mediums
with its ugliness
it must also be stated that
all these pictures have been
taken at home or in nature (real home)
no studio light magic
99% of them are untouched by photoshop etc
most are captured by the still picture function
on low resolution camcorders
not ultra-expensive high res. still picture camera's
used for capturing the ugliness in all its detail for
newspapers, magazines, bollywood, hollywood etc
they all wanna party
especially the girls
what that exactly entails
is not clearly known
there are a few general guidelines
lots of paint on the face
followed by alchohol
followed by a pill or 2
followed by some strange moves
followed by grunts & shouts & spills & vomits
followed by a very hard walk/drive back home
to meet mr. hangover & mr. leftover in the morning
almost all the effort in this world
goes into achieving this holy end
girls partying amidst big concrete structures
its the top of the pyramid
in muggle scheme of things
real party
P being Arty
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
understanding requires standing under
(most just want to stand equal or over)
you have forgotten how to listen
the g of listening
the gravity of listening
compassion or humility ?
there are many out there
trying to develop compassion
what they fail to understand
is that
compassion (complete passion)
is the domain of the divine
even by the common definition
it is the onus of the higher being
to show mercy & forgiveness
what most beings urgently require is to
develop humility towards higher and divine
compassion for the lower will
automatically be taken care of
keyboard terrorism
the number of those
engaging in
unnecessary & arbitrary & illogical
battles hiding
behind their keyboards
is increasing with each passing day
every lowlife
types like a king, saint & a prophet
all rolled into one
sitting behind their little keyboard trenches
they have no fear of misrepresentation
or repercussions
'all is fair in keyboard button pressing'
is their mantra
only in pics, videos or in person
are these beings revealed
for what they are
average boring identityless cowards
jumpin' & yellin'
lots of
beastly and bratty
jumping and yelling
going on by the various genesnakes
to get attention
some more than others
they call it music, sports etc etc
what they would actually
do with each other's attention
remains a mystery
Monday, 7 December 2009
what are called humans in mugglespeak
are 'genesnakes' in lotusoceanspeak
even though the diversity seems mindboggling
there are not many of them here
a gathering
comprising of a single representative
from each one
would barely fill up a school hall
two major realizations which turn
people towards
suicide (a term for childish escape attempt) -
awareness of being trapped in a hell
awareness of self's imperfections & disabilities
nothing wrong with these conclusions
( parents, psychiatrists and society will tell you otherwise! )
in fact they are necessary for any kind of evolution
its just that
people are not taught simple facts like -
'suicide will not solve the problem
just increase it '
the body can be killed easily
but the 'stupid self' they are running from
will always survive
to face the music
under even more trying circumstances
don't stop us now ...
they are not stopping ...
to quell the boredom
they are now holding candlelight meditations
asphyxiating (suffocating) to death in sweat lodges
zillions of workshops/seminars
held everyday in the name of enlightenment
with no signs of it
at the end of the day
can't seem to give up turning everything
into a mock circus
a meaningless exercise in pretentious doing
for the sake of doing
the 'self' making hilarious efforts
bowing down to anything higher
remains a closed option
Sunday, 6 December 2009
what respect is
real respect is
is simply
giving more credence to
what a higher being has said
self's analysis
of that statement
its best to
not analyze at all
& listen
so that the words
permeate the whole being
which can only happen
by ignoring
self's incessant chattering noise
Thursday, 3 December 2009
whenever confronted with something higher
than oneself
it is easy to realize the patheticness of one's own being
that is not a bad thing in itself
as it creates room for humility
but the really pathetic part is the
majority's response to this feeling
they immediately look for something
more pathetic than themselves
and keep company with it
to feel good about themselves
the door firmly shut
on evolution
devolution here we come
its all worth it
as long as
the ego is safe
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
the male delusion
there are no males here
they are all just females with different anatomy
despite a nagging inkling of this fact
the illusion of misplaced masculanity
keeps on pushing them to conquer
making it very difficult for them
to surrender
no recieving =
no evolution
all the meaningless in and outs
only increase the frustration &
notions of inadequacy
as they find themselves incapable
of achieving their objective
of establishing supremacy over the being
they are desperately trying to penetrate
a real male is like shiv
one who can really penetrate
one who really gno's
thus qualified for imparting
from sperm to gnowledge
Friday, 27 November 2009
where do we go now ?
the translucent race
after having created all the distractions
that they possibly could
and doing all the
consuming, plundering
cheating, pretending, feigning
have reached
the end of their tether
their last generation
can't seem to understand
why their new generation is suicidal
sheer boredom
arising from blissless activities
has hit
with no end in sight
'where do we go now '
is the burning question
the answer as always is simple
'towards the higher'
that however requires the small
matter of humility
majority of that snake is choosing
meaninglessness, suicide and descent into more
hellish states
bowing down remains all too inconceivable
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
heart of gold
another new habit
amongst creatures of planet earth
is the loose ascribing of
*heart of gold*
to anyone and everyone
every simpleton
or country bumpkin
or construction worker
is supposed to have one
heart of gold
a fractal heart
something which can
control time itself
along with the multiverse
let alone this physical universe
hollow pretension amongst
the desperate snakes(genepools) here
has reached another level
Friday, 13 November 2009
who'll teach who
there are lots of symptoms
given for
kaliyuga - the dark age
in vedic scriptures
but one main attitudinal point which is often
missing from all sources
is this -
when the lower boldly & shamelessly
try to teach & preach to the higher
instead of humbly learning
kaliyuga has reached its zenith
and like all things nondivine
with kaliyuga the end is very near the zenith
Sunday, 1 November 2009
just heard someone say
they love violin
well violin is related by root to
2 english words -
violate and violence
it in an instrument which
creates screeching violence for the ears
and violates the listener
prime reason behind the horribleness of
western orchestra sound
replicated religiously by bollywood
in their own band/brand of annoyance
so-called carnatic music died
the day they started using the violin
what they are actually saying is that they love violence
they won't be able to
say the same so freely
current parameters of evolutionary status
as flags of equality amongst
all homosapiens on this planet
are being waved in every direction
to completely finish off all real distinguishing marks
between those more evolved and those less evolved
new marks are being constantly installed to distinguish
between the higher and the lower
what degree do you have ?
what is your job title ?
what is your annual income ?
are you published ?
how many tournaments have you won ?
are you on TV ?
how famous are you ?
how many awards have you got ?
the ones who have more of the above are
the new higher beings
i.e more evolved souls
the rest bow to them
the more your level of involvement in the evil matrix
the higher you are
bharat & britain
bharat - the real name of india
the goddess of bharat - bharati
bharati in time became britha
britha with incorrect pronunciation &
the regular 'an' suffix becomes brittany
brittany is the goddess of britain ( britannia )
she holds a spear in her hand
so now she is
britney spears
divide & rule ?
its taught in indian schools
that the british (more accurately those who ruled britain
along with 75% of the earth's land)
policy to conquer india was
'divide & rule'
the reality is that the policy of every invader
since time of chanakya has been to
dislodge the guidance of real brahmins
this is easily done by luring the lower castes
with visions of equality and abundance
Prithvi Raj Chauhan only lost
to Ghauri after defeating him 17 times
because of not listening to his brahmin guru
thats what the rogues who came under
the banner of britannia did
they hit out against the caste system
basically the top of it - the brahmins
and put themselves up in the position of the
guide of indian masses
to this day
the west remains the guru of majority of the indian populace
they continue to wonder why is it all going wrong
no matter how hard they try
or how much work they put in
Thursday, 29 October 2009
the american experiment
when asked about my views on
the experiment gnown as america
i have just one simple observation -
'no concept of moderation'
whether it be the
size/weight of people & their bellies
size of their burgers
size of supermarkets
size of vehicles ...
of course there is so much else wrong there
from the very root
but this part just sticks out
above all else
relative to rest of the earthly settlements
of course the extremism
is not divinecentric
how can it be when
they don't even
have any proper conception of it
lack of seeking/striving ?!
yes it is
and the reason brings us back full circle -
an environment
lacking moderation
when a bunch of thugs are given a large piece of land
to rape and plunder
moderation is the first quality to disappear
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
emergency of emergence
souls/beings here seem to have
no sense of emergency
when it comes to
breaking out of this collapsing matrix
rather than take action immediately
they need to actually think about it
long and hard
when searching for the reason behind this
one comes to realize that
they have other urgent matters to attend to
like paying bills in time
meeting office deadlines
changing oil in the car
sense of emergency is already reserved
catching flights & trains
getting to appointments on time
problems with the mobile
emergency = emerging from a contingency
they do act like they have no idea
what the contingency is
so there is no question of emergence
despite all their heavy handed splashing efforts
most beings here
are drowning quickly in the
ocean of this samsar (world)
amongst the gasps
as they look up to see that
which is effortlessly standing above it all
they only choose to hurl abuses at it
and scream
'we are in this only by choice
and can get out any time we want
we don't need you or your help'
quite a spectacle
a show of supreme confidence
in the most calamitous of situations
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
gratitude is just
short form of 'great attitude' (gr-attitude)
what is a great attitude ?
it is simply
not getting
upset or grievous
when something higher than oneself
says something
which offends the ego
or which the self cannot fathom
it is a perenially joyful state of being
borne out of real thankfullness
which flows out of true humility & reverance
for the high & divine
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
the prime arguement of devil's advocates
"goodness sucks
coz it is so goddamn boring "
quite a statement
considering that the ones
who proclaim the above
are so bored themselves
after taking every
twisted ungoodly/godly turn
which can only arise from
goodness ( praising divine )
is the absolute opposite of boring &
is only labelled so
only by those who have not experienced it
ps. yes we gno that argument
is the spelling which oxfraud dictionary provides
but to us arguement just makes more sense
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
in a world turning robotic fast
any emotion
no matter how negative (devoluting) it is
is seen as a sign of heart
depression is the major emotion
which sells in today's music
people are often found raving on
about how they can feel this or that song
which makes both the song and singwriter great
great always is something on the same level as them
bubble bursting time -
most of the emotions which
grip the mass consciousness
are generated from 3 lower chakras
root, sacral, solar plexus &
don't involve the heart at all
thats why most cannot relate to
lotusocean music
which deals with emotions
way beyond hurt, disaffection, jealousy,
self-loathing, fake self-aggrandizement etc
they are quick to point out
that it doesn't move them &
thus must lack proper emotion
the fact that they are apathetic &
don't really have a heart
is inconcievable
Monday, 12 October 2009
there are widespread notions that
one owns their body, thoughts, emotions,
cars, houses etc etc
but the truth is that
one's attention is all one owns
and it should be used
to focus on divine & its activities
this makes the attention pure, free and undivided
the result of which is a permanent bliss state
the most fatal mistake
in soul evolution
a spiritual aspirant can do
is to put one's precious attention
on one's own self
i.e body, thoughts & feelings
mirrors have to be discarded
both external and internal
this is completely opposite to
what all the faulty systems
have been deluding people with
telling them to self-reflect
focus/analyse their own
physical responses, thoughts, feelings
basically getting them more and more entangled
in the unfractal spider web of pain & unhappiness
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
in dealing with a higher being or divine itself
one needs proper res-pect
to trigger a
proper res-ponse in one's own being
which includes the
neuroelectrics in the brain/spine
& the consciousness as a whole
more res-P-ect
= more response tingles
= more resolution in attention terms
= more restraint on devoluting impulses
= more respite from tension
= more rest from restlessness
= more results in evolution
= soul ressurection ( res-sur-action )
res = rotating energy spirals
P = Pole/ the axis
ect = electric charge turnings
Saturday, 3 October 2009
is awful really awefull
when there is some 'awe'
its all good
its awesome
but if one is full of awe
its deemed not good
in fact awful,
which is just a coded way of spelling
whats so bad about being full of awe
for the divine
nothing really
except that certain words & languages
are deliberately designed
to create certain impressions
Friday, 2 October 2009
getting out of it
smoking pot, drinking alchohol, taking hallucinogenics etc
are all covered in the blanket phrase
'getting out of it'
yes this matrix requires
getting out of it
and that realization is good
but one must also realize that
these activities
just get one into it deeper
one can lose consciousness for a while
but after the trip its back to normal reality
and everything is harder than before
one might even die of overdose or choking
but that is no escape
as one will just have to come back
and be born again
in worse circumstances
and the same predicament
desperate but ...
there is no shortage of
desperate beings in this world
which makes sense
considering the hell it is
the nonsensical part is
their response to this desperation
which is to immediately seek something lower
be it a pebble or a pet or a pal
very few seek the higher
after their breakdowns
an obvious logical path
but deserted at the moment
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
beauty & the guru
the fable used to be
'beauty & the beast'
these days it is
'beauty & the guru'
just like beast and beauty are opposites
so has guru become an opposite of beauty
if one notices all the guru's
that have hordes of followers
one finds that they all have one
thing in common ...
they are all ugly
in a physical as well as an inner sense
outer is a reflection of the inner anyways
ugliness is now the prime prerequiste for being a guru
even more so than oldness
which is now gone down to
no.2 on the list of desirables
people are much more comfortable with something
more ugly than them
it doesn't cookup that
complex horrible feeling soup of
attraction, envy, jealousy, unworthiness
which starts simmering
when one encounters something
really beautiful & graceful
the guru cannot be beautiful & sexy & rocking
i.e more evolved than them
coz that will make one feel bad about themselves
and guru by current definitions
is all about feeling good about oneself
beauty is threatening
and by current definitions
guru has to be non-threatening
no real attraction generated by the guru
no loss of control for the self
since divine has the attributes
of ultimate beauty & grace
in overflowing abundance
it cannot be a guru
just doesn't fit the job description
the name game
so many now
especially from the west
are changing their names
to holy sanskrit terms
like gauranga das, sati devi,
savitri, tripurasundari,
krishna acharya, ma bhavna, hansavatar
kali ma, yogeshwari, yogmata,
nagarani, harihara dev ... list is longer
than the oxfraud english dictionary
they can't even pronounce these names properly
let alone
live upto the godly qualities these names
why bother changing the inner qualities
and intention
when one can just change one's name
and Be it
just another twist
from the earth genepools
to keep themselves from
really evolving
soft D's and T's
the fact that
english & all european languages
are missing
soft D (Ḏ) and T (Ṯ)
means that
all people restricted
to these languages
end up missing
this softness
in their minds
& consequently their consciousness as well
a deliberate ommission ?
hard D = Demons
hard T = Titans
you can find soft Ṯ and Ḏ in the vocals here
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
eye brow eye(i) bow
the upper eye brow & lid
has to bow
it is the
first step
in the important
business of
proper agreeance
jaw follows
then neck
spine after that
a body language
fast disappearing off
the face of this planet
Friday, 25 September 2009
in today's society
getting upset
in interpersonal dealings
is seen as a natural reasonable response
no one thinks twice about it
it is seen as one's birthright
almost like spitting
on sports grounds
when one gets UpSet with someone
one is actually setting themselves Up
above the other person
and judging them from that higher ground
like most words
the word Up-Set clearly carries its meaning within itself -
Setting oneself Up
i.e giving oneself a higher evolutionary status
this is all OK if that is actually the case
but if it is not
one is just setting oneself Up
for a fall
Thursday, 24 September 2009
it is significant that
the root of the word 'Significant'
lies in the star constellation
Cygnus ( real spelling - 'Signus' )
also known as
The Swan
The Northern Cross
Cygnus X-3 bombards earth
with high energy cosmic rays
called 'Signets'
which is the root of the word
Signature ( Signet-ure )
even the word 'Sign'
comes out
the term Signus
which was The Sign
to look for
in the night sky
after all
its where Cosmic Signals came from ...
the fact that
devi's (goddesses) like
Saraswati & Laxmi
are portrayed
riding swans
is no longer insignificant
and no you would not find this
information anywhere in a book
or anywhere else on the internet
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
divine impersonation
many these days
are playing flute
and posing with cows
to imitate krishna
and in doing so
aim to achieve equality with divine
in their great wisdom
they don't expect divine
to have enough intelligence
to change its garb
to suit a different time & age
flute always represented sound
cows were metaphor for pious souls
trapped in an evil matrix
the enchantment
& eventual release
could be carried out through
any instrument
electric guitar is the
appropriate one for this age
divine sound & light cannot be imitated
the difference is clear to those who seek sincerely
just sports
this is not a medieval torture chamber
it is not a lewd masochistic porn film either
its just a fun & friendly sport
in an unbeastly hypercivilized modern world
please turn up the volume for the full effect
surprisingly this is very close
to how they
partake in the pleasant sport called sex
as well
no pain & torture involved at all
alls perfectly well with these beings
& the world in general
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
quest for a 'soulmate'
occupies the mind, heart, time & energy
of millions of females
around this planet
all woes are supposed to end
life becomes worth living
happiness pervades
whence this soulmate is found
going by these assumptions
the 'soulmate' has magical properties
not usually found in any muggle
however the search domain is
firmly restricted to muggleworld
no surprise than
the frustration that follows
its clear that they are not looking for
anything higher than them
as evolution is not on the agenda
neither is there any interest in the servility
that kind of relationship demands
its also inconceivable that
a being this magical is
going to be loyal only to them
goes without saying that someone on the same level or below
will be hmmm 'boring'
it seems that the search is
either for a pet-dog-mate or
a private-trapped-genie that serves them
forever and ever
an unlikely prospect
and even if it happens
will that bring happiness ...
Monday, 21 September 2009
the rules
most people on this planet
are quite sure about
whats good for them
and they move towards it with confidence and gusto
they don't need any real guru ( higher being )
to tell them
whats good for them
even the guru's they choose are
according to their rules
rather than actual evolutionary differences
they trust their own perceptions
& rules
even if
it all leads them to utter misery & confusion ...
they can discard rotten vegetables
with ease
but not 'the failed rules'
they can cry, torture themselves
but letting go of the rules is out of question
in the end
even divine has to fit their hocus pocus rules
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
service compendiums
swearword in modern parlance
which is deemed okay in reference to
made-up inanimate collective franchises like a
football club, company or government
but a complete no-no when
used in context of individual dealings
the ancient vedic literature
called Puranas
which the epics Mahabharat and Ramayan
are a part of
can easily be called
'Servant/Service Compendiums'
to make them relevant in today's world
they are all primarily aimed at
showing how one should serve the
higher & divine
whether it be Hanuman serving Ram
or Kunti serving Durvasa
or various disciples serving their respective guru's
the primary emphasis of todays world
is to get
as far away from
the servant/serving state as possible
thats why the peasants are trying to become
govt. officials and corporate ceo's
only to find that they end up serving
something or the other
not necessarily higher than them
in terms of soul evolution
to put it straight
they end up serving the evil demiurge
this obviously has been propagated from
what is now called 'the west'
where the whole servant compendium was
limited to
'how to be a butler'
but the butler archetype was no real servant
as it expected things in return like pay etc
and was many a times smarter than its master
the hierarchical system propagated by the west
was not based on soul evolution
which was a given
considering that they occupied a very low position in
spiritual hierarchy
instead of humbly rising upwards
they decided to turn it upside down
and put themselves on the top
by simple methodologies like 'divide & rule' &
setting up money systems completely under their control
to make others serve them
they conveniently forgot that
any upside down system has its fatal repercussions
& a time limit
the sand is running out ...
higher & lower
in a world where equality
is a mass slogan
propagated by evil's minions
applied to gender, race, beings etc
are seen as swearwords
lotusocean declares
that there is higher and lower
the definition of
a higher being
is quite simple
'a being is higher than oneself
if the being is more connected to the divine than one is'
how will we gno etc.
it is very clear within the first instant
to those that are honest
if one doesn't gno how to behave properly
with a higher being
one has no chance of progressing towards the
eternal delicious overwhelming bliss that is divine
Monday, 14 September 2009
legal & organized suicide
in muggle world
goodness statements like
'its not good to laugh at
misfortunes of others'
are sported about like divine laws
but how do these misfortunes come about
in the first place ?
in the parts of the world
populated by a certain race
most of them come through
meaningless activities
like skateboarding, bmxing,
mountain biking, binge drinking,
motor racing of a zillion types,
bungeejumping, speed wrappling
stunt jumping, daredevil shows,
high wave surfing and
numerous other society sanctioned activities
legal ways to attempt suicide
where injury is not a misfortune
but a fortunate option
organized torture
to quell the
divineless boredom
they don't want all this to be laughed at
just encouraged
Sunday, 13 September 2009
when they say
vampires cannot handle the sun
it actually means that
vampires cannot handle the truth
which reveals them for what they are
sun is just a symbol for truth
one can practically see
all the vampires
squirming, wailing &
running away
as they read words on this blog
not many on this planet can handle
the words in lotusocean blog
which tells us a whole lot about the creatures here
contrary to popular perception
all vampires don't literally drink blood
there are different ways of manipulating and drawing energy
the main characteristic of vampires is that
as a result of their disconnection from divine
they don't generate their own fire (blissforce)
they rely on stealing the fire of others
and of course
the truth hurts
Saturday, 12 September 2009
education is a big word
in this world
when none is actually happening
the so-called educators
going under the accepted social term 'teachers'
gno nothing themselves
but have assigned themselves the role
to set up curriculae, tests &
environments for learning
under the banner of change & improvement
one encounters jokers
who aim to breathe life into
this fundamentally faulty & dead system
where instead of evolution
jobs & fitting in is the key
they consider themselves
experts on what is good for kids and others in general
without being sure about
what is good for themselves
the fact is that
in countries like india
where education is the buzzword
it is way more difficult to talk sense
with an educated person
than with an uneducated villager
belief in temples is dying but
the belief in
schools, colleges and universities
shows no signs of abating
education in its current context
is simply a conveyer belt
to churn out slaves for a borg system
all its grandiose institutions
consuming enormous resources
are no different from waste landfills
this pseudoeducation doesn't tackle
any real issues like
life or death
what else is there anyways
Friday, 11 September 2009
instant ascension
after instant coffee and noodles
there are many out there
who are seeking
instant enlightenment and evolution
the newagers are saying its possible
without any bowing down or discipline
since the demand & clientel is rising
charlatans are appearing out of every corner
its all just a few bucks away now
the new way they call it
goes without saying that
none of it involves surrender to the divine
its all fueled by
the jealousy they feel towards those who are higher than them
the root of this whole phenomenon is
the drive to (quickly) reach that exalted state
to restore parity
the final aim is to become equal to the divine
in a crash course
no penance required
no changes in attitude required
just some pretension and currency will suffice
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Saturday, 5 September 2009
youtube tubing tuning
although its originators intended
a cathode ray tube television connotation
it happens to be that
the name/term
implies tubing
which at a core level
refers to
projecting the inner sound
in the outer 3-d physical
through tubes
also known as valves
which are the heart of a tube/valve amplifier
tubes are the best way for
expressing ones own individual sound
because they
besides being analog (warm & full bodied)
program themselves to the
player's touch and expression
everytime one plays through them
its a quantum etheric electric bonding
so the same tube amp will
sound very different
even after a week of use
by 2 different electric tube guitar players
Friday, 4 September 2009
T = Turning
i = line to circle
m = matter
e = energy
time is the turning which causes light energy (line) to turn into matter (circle)
time can be created
time can also be inhabited in
just like one inhabits a physical body
its called a timebody
thats what timelords do ...
Kaal the Sanskrit term for Time
also has the same meaning
Kaa = Charge
eL = rotation
Kaal = Charge Rotation
Sunday, 30 August 2009
lets get physical
the number of gyms around the world
is growing at an exponential rate
because the number of
those who think that
physical strength is the only real reflection
of a being's power & strength
is growing exponentially too
the lower the soul spark
the more the effort to get muscle bulges
its termed as having a 'personality'
in their worldview
only this bulky personality commands respect
hollywood, bollywood etc concur
these people find it easy
to laugh at & put down paperthin sages
after all what harm can possibly come
from something they see as physically weak ?
since no school or tv programme teaches it
they don't gno that
the damage a rishi (seer,sage) can inflict
from uttering just one syllable
will outlast millions of years of beatings by a million rambos
such beings with intense soul power
can be easily spotted through their characteristics
which include actual physical effects
on nature & surroundings
along with effortless beauty & grace
but this vision is blocked for those
mesmerized by the pale grandeur of physical prowess
Thursday, 27 August 2009
people ask
why am i amused all the time
its due to
the timeless muse who resides within
and only
the muse can cause a-muse-ment
it creates muse-ic too
without relying on
fleeting moments of inspiration
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
good and bad qualities
there is a whole lot of
discussion and confusion regarding
what exactly are good (positive) qualities and
what exactly are bad (negative) qualities
the answer is quite simple
the qualities which allow one
to behave appropriately infront
of a being higher than themselves
are good qualities
and those that don't
are bad qualities
there are of course the minions of evil demiurge
who would propagate that
there is no good and bad
but than they will also say that
there is no such thing as evolution either
Sunday, 16 August 2009
the farce farce
some beings of this planet
suddenly wake up to label certain activities
& happenings out here as a farce
this farce label is only meant to lend credibility to
the organized collective activities as a whole
ascribing them some divinely ordained purpose
the 'love all' crowd
whenever i am confronted
with someone from the everexpanding
'love all' & 'god is in everything' crowd
i say
its time to show it
you can start with using all your bank balance
to feed the hungry children in africa, india ...
if you really love all
than you better be the busiest person in the world
coz all of your loved ones are in need of help
what a gimmick they have come up with
to completely eliminate all
division between the higher & the lower
in evolutionary terms
just because they simply refuse to accept
that something can be higher than them
which they might have to bow down to
it also gives them equality with god
coz they love all and god loves all
so they = god
misutilization of the word love
has reached its climax
only a tortured future awaits this hypocrisy
Saturday, 15 August 2009
the euro pact
one hardly ever see's
a euro ( member of a european union nation )
laughing at another euro
no matter how hilarious the accent, music, attitude etc.
germans don't laugh at frenchies or italians
and vice versa
only the brits have the license to make fun of them all
there has to be some invisible unwritten pact
amongst the euros
which keeps the natural reaction from taking over
a vow of silence
which never speaks out
against the ridiculuos within the hive
under the garb of manners
the same folks are seen laughing madly
at other genepools/hives habits, accents etc
outside of the euronet
the known dislike which euro's share for each other
makes the whole situation more hilarious
india is home to many hives ( bengali, gujrati, marathi ... )
but has no such pact
a situation which supports a more realistic view of affairs
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
आराम (AaRaam)
how hindi has some
logical intrinsic sense in its word structures
can be seen through this example
आराम (Ease, Comfort, Contentment)
आ राम (Come Raam)
which means
Ease, Comfort & Contentment
are only possible if one calls out for Raam
which is basically another name for Divine
Thursday, 30 July 2009
the lightworkers
there is a general thinking
in those wanting to evolve
that evolution depends on
going to the right organic health food store
all kinds of practices
like past life regression, reiki, fengshui,
personal channeling, dna activation,
astral projection, vipassana, group meditation etc etc.
have been propagated by new agey charlatans
they call themselves the lightworkers
surely a pun
coz they are in reality evilpropagators
beings struggling with their own soul direction
are talking about & actually attempting
planetary grid restructuring
they are talking about 3rd eye activation
without having even a basic kundalini experience
they are going to heal the world
through their out of shape bodies & lowvoltage auras
people find that no matter
how many of these practices they do
the end result is blisslessness & depression
one cannot expect anything else
from something which is done
for pretension/image
the simple fact that
all that is required is
a humble attitude
towards divine
eludes them
they want to reach higher states
without a change in basic internal attitude
the new motto is -
i would do anything for ascension
but i won't do that
Friday, 24 July 2009
Friday, 17 July 2009
muggle is a term that is used
repeatedly in
lotusocean blogs
so its best to throw some light on it
a muggle
as now many children gno
courtesy the hari-putra (harry potter) books
is simply a non-magic person
i.e someone completely unaware
of the greater realities beyond
the 3d physical matrix
muggle is basically a being
who accepts the 3-d prison reality
as the only reality
and spends its time
continuously creating & dealing with petty problems
it goes under many pseudonyms
average joe, simple person, mass, mob, dude, bloke
it desperately tries to eek out happiness
in domains which don't have any
it defies divine
& creates tailormade gods suited to its own narrowmindedness
it has opinions
but no gnowledge
it has thoughts
but no clarity
it is theroretically awake
but practically asleep
it has fear
but no real curiosity
it has questions
but does not want any answers
on the edge
most of the muggle time
is spent trying to make
sense out of nonsense
that is institutions
educational, religious or beauruecratic
they are all on the edge
of insanity
but somehow still don't lose faith
that things will work out
only if this or that was changed
its like expecting
something rotten from the root
to bear fruit
Saturday, 11 July 2009
majority of people's actions are not guided
by any real purpose or intent
by restlessness
if the intent is not to serve the divine
there is an inner lack of bliss & fulfillment
which leads to restlessness
this restlessness is the main driving engine of evil
all that is unnecessary & negative & devoluting
stems from this perpetual neverending restlessness
Thursday, 9 July 2009
ignorance leads to excitation
from almost anything
the experience leads to boredom
boredom may lead to real gnowledge
real gnowledge leads to excitation
from the divine and divine only
this excitation is the only real bliss
Monday, 6 July 2009
the numbers game
these days the validity of anything
is supposedly dependent on
how many attest to it
the numbers rule
whether its youtube, myspace, elections or selections
the mob cannot be wrong
no they are not just mindprogrammed zombies
they are all wise sages full of precise discernment
going by this logic
if thousands of flies
gather around some shit
than that shit isn't shit anymore
used the word 'supposedly'
coz the world is still ruled by a handful of beings
and they don't rely on the mob ratings
they control & manipulate the mob ratings
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Mist is the root of the word
they told you to spell as
to further mistify the mistery
Mistery only exists outside
because of the
Mist inside the minds of beings
Friday, 3 July 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
Friday, 26 June 2009
many people on this planet
especially the new-agey kind
are expecting some ufo's to arrive
out of which some et's will step out
and solve all of the world's problems
it doesn't occur to them that et's
can have problems of their own
they don't realize that anything
that is still in 3-d universe
and heavily reliant on
blissless technology like metal craft
is nothing but a problem
they are ready to see et's as gods
in their eyes
anything with more tech = god
even amongst socalled experts
it is now fashionable to reduce the term 'god'
to some et's called annunaki who
genetically engineered homosapiens
yes the masses were programmed to see them as gods
but surely these experts
once they have given up their petty ego's
and stop spreading the lie that
'everyone is god'
can find a way for a
much more higher & all encompassing definition
the whole concept of evolution
is now so mixedup with technology
that they cannot fathom
advancement in spiritual terms
there are and have been beings
on this planet who are much more
evolved and have gotten much closer to the truth
than any et
but as the saying goes
'grass always looks greener in the other field'
the beings which come here from
higher planes of existence are the
real extra-terrestrials
( called 'avatars' in vedic terminology )
the word 'terrestrial'
refers to the whole earth(terra) plane
which according to the vedic puranas
includes the whole physical universe (bhumandala)
there is news for those waiting on ufo's/et's
they are already here
they have been here for a long time
they run the affairs on this planet (shadow government)
and is everything going groovy ?
it is just common sense to realize that whether its
the et's or the spanish conquistadors
the whole scene is driven by selfish motives
only those who have surrendered to the divine
do not have such motives
and those beings can be found on this planet
as easily
as any yoda(s) from any other planet in our galaxy
or other galaxies
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
'friendship' is another concept
accepted by society
& pushed vigourously by the media
but why friendship ?
coz it is the best distraction
for your already dizzy attention
your friends are basically
people on a similar level to you
that don't hurt your ego
in fact
friendship is a mutual ego pampering circle
friend = free-i-end
simple put
the one who puts an end to
'a chance at freedom'
thus in its modern 'english' sense
it is anti-evolution
in earlier times disciples under a common guru
could be friends
they all helped each other
in a quest for evolution
the friends of today have a different role
they assist you in your quest for hell
it is a collective escape pod
friendship of today
curtails any slight chance of
the flowering of the delicate seed of individuality
it unashamedly promotes hive mind
this socalled friendship creates a blanket
which distracts one from seeing
the reality of their hellish existence
like buddha did
unfortunately he didn't have friends
so he could not just carry on smiling & laughing
he had to seek the 'truth'
not only does friendship cause one to not seek the higher
it promotes confrontation with the higher
the street gangs you see heckling people
are never just one person
people lose their head in the strength
which comes with numbers
they feel invincible
what the whole mindset is can be summed up in -
better to have company in hell
than to be alone on the road to heaven
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
the first step
when people ask me
what is the first step
for betterment of this world
i say that the world has to
stop misusing these 3 words
' Love ' , ' Free ' & ' God '
the rest will all fall into place
the energy paradox
the same person
on the street
who is very energetic
in its selfish pursuits for happiness
(eg. teenage girls out on the prowl in
miniminiskirts & skimpiest tops
in the coldest midwinter nights )
which somehow always eludes it
is often found to be
completely berefit of all energy & zest for life
when it comes to serving divine
( the same girls would suddenly feel
very cold & lethargic
if assigned any evolutionary task by any higher being
in the same weather/conditions )
the only action which can
give it the happiness it desires
it fails to find the energy for
BirdMan - Setting the Record Straight
a cropformation which appears on 14th Jun 2009
puts the whole mystery to rest ...
the message can no longer be refuted
Sunday, 14 June 2009
BirdTribe Phoenix CropStamp ~ 12 Jun 2009
the cropformation imprints keep on going
the lotusocean direction ...
birdtribe phoenix right thru
the heart of the sun
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
there are lots of attempts at singing
by various genepools here on earth
from an objective outsiders look
it is seen that
most of these genepools haven't
even learned to speak properly
i.e speak from the center of their mouths
they all speak in lopsided twisted ways
either to the left or to to the right
if you don't believe
switch on the telly
and start paying attention
toddlers learn to walk before they run
but here people learn to sing
before they can speak
all twisted & annoying wailing, screaming
passes off as singing as long as
it aims to hit some funny intervals called notes
no intonation or mantric power
in the voice
is seen as a requirement for singing
in fact it is taboo
to be that impactful
singing is afterall just one part of
the light entertainment circus
'gnoing' is also not seen as having any relation with 'the voicing'
despite the fact that all tales tell an opposite tale
'the voice' of benegeserits in dune
which can command or
'the voice' of sages in the puranas
which has a direct soul impact
anything real with any power has to be avoided
simply coz its not something one can relate to ...
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
3 Fishes - Another त्रि Formation
another chapter in our cropcircle saga
how cropcircles/formations
have been following lotusocean intent
in this case the response was to the
following film -
Monday, 8 June 2009
त्रि (Tri) Response Formation - 05 Jun 09
another chapter in our cropcircle saga
how cropcircles are following lotusocean intent
in this case the response was to the following film
Friday, 5 June 2009
'worlds most amazing videos'
name of a TV progam
the content -
police car chases,
extreme stunts, torture, misfortune,
dumbness, madness, craziness
it is all part of mild easy lightweight entertainment
amidst all the loud crashing & chaos
its easy to forget that
it defines the word 'amazing' for the masses
Thursday, 4 June 2009
the deal
there are those
who think that deals
which involve the soul
for fame & fortune are a myth
so lets hear it straight from a 'famous' mouth
if the voice won't chill you
the content will
yes 'the world we can't see'
people do need temptations
to grind in this hell
created by evil
some are ready to work for less
some ask for more
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
on the surface
this world's structures
seem to give you many options
option to be in sports, movies, farms, festivals, religions ...
the self sees all this choice as freedom
when it is just one big trap for soul-slavery
as long as one chooses from options provided
by the society, system or establishment
or whatever else one wants to call it
one will never break out
of this hell
option of choosing amongst the many rooms on the titanic
as it sinks
is not really an option
Monday, 1 June 2009
when P lays
its Play
when P is arty
its Party
P = the axis
of the multiversal tree
in other words
P is the Pole you spin around
what was lost is now being found