'Lets confuse the tongues of
men so they cannot understand each other'
- this surely has been the policy of
those behind the screens if one looks
at the current world situation
for example if one looks at Europe,
one finds that people/countries are usually
divided mainly by language
French are french coz they speak French &
Germans are german coz they speak German etc.
the script however remains the
same for most European languages
most words are just variations on a common root
if you add a 'K' to everything you
get German and so forth
the difference in languages mainly boils down to
local contortional idiosyncracies
much in the same way as dialects
through extensive colonization
English (Anglish) came along as a
common language which everyone
would understand but alas ~
even in England, home of English,
the Yorkshire folks can't understand
the Cockneys and vice versa
just when you think things can't
get any worse colonies like America & Australia
add their own annoying
sidey twang to it
if one pays attention
to the way people speak these days one will find
that most of the speech is one sided
i.e it comes from one side of the mouth.
it reaches an extreme in folks like Sylvester Stallone &
(of course) the aussies
even BBC news presenters have the same problem
the reason why the speech of kids in hollywood movies
sounds so obnoxious, demented & creepy
is twistedness &
unnecessary continuous contortion of the mouth
which comes about through lack of centering
its like a dark & hellish horror movie scenario
where the genepool has completely forgotten
how to be straight in mind & spirit
this lack of straightforwardness shows up in
speech. the speech in turn programs the mind &
this devoluting loop continues until
a conscious decision is made to break away from it
French speak like they
have cheese & wine in their mouth, Germans
like they have beer in theirs
hardly anyone is using their mouth/tongue/jaw properly
& speaking from the center of the mouth.
thats why most of the world has trouble
pronouncing Sanskrit - one of the main root languages
words properly ...
many are left wondering
why their Mantra chanting is not having
the desired effect !
Universal Language ~