decision making
its a breeze
at least if one believes
the west
one doesn't need
to have immense
disciplineor sagelike gnowledge
or connection to
divineto be in a
decision making position
any average pub going
joe and jane
can make decisions
especially any
americanwhile munching on their burger
star trek
stargate atlantis
these so-called normal people
with multiple issues
are making decisions
which not only affect
whole of earth
but the whole galaxy
sometimes many galaxies
sometimes multiple planes of existence
no surprise that
most of the decisions are wrong
which leads to crazy frantic drama
the surprising bit -
somehow in the very last second
everything works out fine miraculously
give or take
1 or 2 solar systems being destroyed
the message is clear
they can't sort out their own lives
have turned earth into a mess
yet it doesn't stop them
from fantasizing about
making decisions
for the whole universe