Monday, 30 July 2007

Thursday, 19 July 2007


indulgence in the illusory happiness of Not-Gnoing
is the only thing keeping people from Gnoing

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

ॐ CropFormation on 777

the story of the manifestation of the Om cropcircle on 07/07/07 at east field , alton barnes ~

Saturday, 7 July 2007


There was, once, a living man, Serapis, whose life design became so interpolated with the principles of mind governing Earth, that a consequent archetypical crystal of consciousness was built upon the single altar stone of his life.

This same soul which began the Serapis morphia was also incarnate
as the great Thoth Hermes Trismegestus, who in turn initiated the Hermetic archetype. Thus the Hermetic archetype is a transmutation of the Serapis in that the alchemical Hermes is a "mutable" of Serapis...

Trismegestus = Tripitaka = Trivedi = Trishul = Trinity and so on ...