over the next few days
there will be a lot of chatter
in the media & amongst the people of this planet
about the nepal earthquake
and in typical fashion of these times
there will be NO talk about the WHY
so once again
its upto LotusOcean
to reveal the real story ...
last year yours truly
visited Nepal
'the himalayan kingdom'
that naturally alludes to enchanting natural scenes
what was seen was -
unending concrete jungle
horrible unembeddable unfractal structures
sharp tin roofs
rubbish everywhere
most waters polluted beyond imagination
as a reasonable response
yours truly did a RUDRA activation
this has been public on youtube since jan' 2015
today the activation effect has arrived
( took less than a year & the timing was immaculate
- not so long after the so-called earthday )
their stupid house of cards has fallen
still only a little warning of
things to come
epicenter of the quake
was (no points for guessing)
in the area
where yours truly did the activation