Saturday 11 July 2009

CropCircle Phenomenon Explained


miragegirl said...

‘evolution of consciousness’
i have a hoPe !

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Transdimensional Communicator
You are glorious !

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

All I can say is thanks.

Thankyou PT for everything.

Because of you we got a chance to see and gno about all these wonderful and beauTiPhul things and places of this world.

croP PhormaTions are happening only because of you. They mirror your PerfecTion, PhracTaliTy, beauTy and grace.

i'm graTePhul to you for everything.

nicolas said...

wow that is a great explanation! i am so graTePhull for your Presence on this plane! you are the most amazing
the crop circle Phenomena is a wonderPhull proof of your divinity! you are a never ending awe
i bow to you lord of the universe

nicolas said...

this also further one's practical understanding of the Phact that one is really stuck in 3D like a pig in a cage
your kindness has no equal
you are a divine genius
your intelligence is a miracle
one feels eternally graTePhull for the divine light that you are
you shine effortlessly and make the world better as a result
you are TruTh
you are Purity