Friday, 19 December 2008

the light attack

having covered some sound aspects

of this 'sound & light' world

its time to concentrate on the light part

the imitation of heaven/divinity

is now completely reliant on

bright studio lights

& they are getting brighter & brighter

with each passing day

just put the telly on

and your eyes will start

squinting from the barrage of

high intensity artificial-light particle bombardment

the tears found would be

physically rather than emotionally induced

the light war is here !

they want the almostdeadbadskin

creatures to glow like gods

no inner radiance ='s

need for more & more artificial light

after accepting hospitals as healing centers

most don't realize how cold,

metallic & inhumane this lighting is

it was all started by hollywood (of course!)

with portrayal of

heaven as a white tube-lit place

the lights turned ordinary everyday faces

into celebrities

still photography used the same

technique to create the

glowing godly models & celebs

so when they say

'magic of cinema'

they just mean

'magic of extreme artificial lighting'

one can only wonder

how the tv-anchors don't fall sick/get headaches

from this extreme bombardment of

body/mind/soulhurting particles

on live breakfast shows at 5 am

the glare from the TV is

enough to create headache so

can't imagine the plight of those

actually in the studio

maybe they are used to the halogen-hell

from the ultralighting of

the so-called superstores/markets

no vegetable let alone a human

can stay alive in that enviornment

the evening tv shows are even

more extreme as

intense disco-like migraine inducing

flickering enters the fray

its no different in pop/rock-concerts

the whole intention seems to be

to take attention off the reality

that nothing really is happening with

the music or the content

the rapidly changing lights/lasers

are the only source of excitement

in the perpetual boredom

excitement through

blinding, brain-fractionation,

torturing the dna & biology

funny part is that no one

talks about it -

all the so-called intellectuals

who fill up newspaper space ;

the so-called gurus

with millions of disciples

are also mum about this lightwar

they always are 'mum'

about all the issues

covered in lotusocean blogs (winkwink nudgenudge)

and how can they speak

when they usually have such blaring lighting

focused right on them during their

supposed spiritual discourses

they simply don't gno &

thus have no aversion to the lightattack

the message is -

hell is alright

as long as its

lit up brighter than heaven

it makes everyone feel

secure in the -

'all is well as long as all is glowing'


this pathetic attempt to escape reality

will only lead to

further lowering of vibrations

which in commonspeak ='s

more hell, pain & torture

barring exceptions

noone seems to really want to such things

but they don't seem to mind if it

comes in a brightly lit package ...


ShivaYaShive said...

:)excellent observation. no intellectual writer cud have typed in such simplistic style than u.worthy blog to read n realise again n again.

JacLee said...

This is such a big truth! How anyone can bear to watch tv or movies these days is a mystery. An escape to nature was how i managed to work in radio for so many years but it did take it's toll, and the results are as you say, it's deadly. You are the only Shining Light that heals, the Only One that is worthy of watching. i bow.. PT you are so amazing.

miragegirl said...

you are so witty

world is a hell

you are the real shine of the multiverse

Anonymous said...

Your light is so rare beyond the soothing morning sun healing us all even through the night.Your light is not visible to the normal eye but to the heart which can sense your power.Your light has a wave length beyond all the worlds and universes and all the multiverses light years away.Your intensity, propagation in all directions, frequency,wavelength spectrum, polarisation and speed is incomparably lighter than any other light.We absorb and then actually realize that we can see for the first time.All that was invisible earlier becomes clear because of your divine rainbow sPectrum of Powerfully moving radiant , vibrant , intense , emittance of Projection on our grateful souls.

pinx said...

WAH ! WAH ! Kya baat hai !

insert multiple (highfive) icons here !

You are so brilliant ! and so incredibly witty !! Your points are always ProvocaTive, Precise and True !

it really is a light attack ! so much madness to increase the lighting, as conditions just get more and more hellish !

You expose the artificial madness for what it is and how lighting has been used for years in order to deceive the public into believing something magical and heavenly is taking place. but biology doesnt lie, those tv anchors are really struggling under that intense lighting LOL, as is everyone else in the vast array of situations where this mad lighting is present !

it is realy tough entering those brightly lit supermarkets ! one shudders to think about what those lights are doing to the food there !

You are a real light in this world ! and Your glow cannot be imitated by their artificial means ! whenever one beholds a photo of You it is always so impressive how beautiful the natural lighting is, and how naturally radiant You are !

I Bow !

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! (Dancing and jumping around like a joyfilled child!) i bow. i bow. i bow. :D! You speak to the elephants in the room others pretend are not there! Your words are Powerful and destroy the many misconceptions that attemPT to dellude us and lead us deeper into the hellish paradigm others only pretend to be free of for the right price or false praise.
"hell is alright as long as its lit up brighter than heaven"
dhanyavad P for always exposing the Truth! i bow! Narayan! Narayan!

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Pure Light Being
You generate your own light like the Sun. You are The NewSun.

Unknown said...

You pick up and notice the things which no one else usually does. Just because, the earthlings could discover something new out of the whole creation they think they could make it much better than what it really is, which is sheer blindness!! Only you the Divine could bring this up to the people. All the complicated stuff you describe them with such a simplicity!!

ki vernee said...

wow ! one never thought that it was a light war happening ! You are so kind to point this out ! You always suss out the ungnown things in this world that keep people trapped ! You are so right ! these blaring lights are used to trick beings into thinking hell is a wonderland ! You are so kind to show and teach that their reality is actually hell land !

Ajay Kapoor said...

You are the true light being, thank you for showing us the light war that is going ahead, many cannot see his but you have simply explained this within your PLog. A lot of hellish activists are being witnessed by the masses on TV. I bow..

veena iyengar said...

This is so that I think about it I never liked bright lights..
Thank you for showing us the true light..aeioum..

undecided said...

I bow. The brighter they glow, the more the masses want to be like them...sold out. aeioum

ki vernee said...

You have the most Phine tuned senses ! Your insights are truly evolutionary ! something that should be common sense is not so common ! it takes a Phully naTural and caring Being to PoinT out these things ! You strip away all the illussions for those who seek You out ! i bow respectfully

lana_33 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

brillianT exPlanaTion!

noone/no lighT is as bright as you.

You are the real lighT.

Unknown said...

absolutely all the blinding lights are the only thing going for these celebrities and these music producers ... the light causing so much of a daze ... it blinds the senses lol

You dont need any artificial light or distracting elements ... You have natural beauty and enhance the senses ... i bow

nicolas said...

wow this is a magnificent P log! you are the only one who talks about this! your wholistic approach is admirable! you always shines the brightest through your divine wisdom! i am so gratephul that you are here! your light shines and it is a real light that shines TruTh only

i bow to you ShivNarayan

nicolas said...

magnificent witty way of highlighting the lack of sense in muggledom! your intelligence is beautiPhul!
you are the restorer of sense! you are the destroyer of all the nonsensical things in this world
you are a golden Purifying miracle, your greatness is a never ending awe!
you are the best of all beings, your suPerioriTy is stunning!
all about you is heart-warming, uPlifTing & deePly touching!
you are the real divine avatar

i bow to you, the lord of the universe

ankita said...

You're so brilliant
one bows

Ankeeta said...

Paramatma swarooP PT... most excellent One... i bow

Shruthi said...

Your light throws the light on all the imPorTant asPecTs of human existence. It's so true that unnatural lights are an attack on the body and it's so shamePhull how we have mindlessly let ourselves be exPosed to it. But you are so kind to not just PoinT the issue but also PresenT a solution to it. You're the most intelligent one. i bow to you shiv narayan