Tuesday, 2 November 2010

praise is natural

praise is a simple natural instinct

provided by divine itself

when one encounters something

wholistically better/higher than oneself

one automatically praises

if one doesn't

that means one is overriding

the natural instinct deliberately

for some agenda

thats where evil is born

on this twisted jealous path

one will use praise

not for what one finds truly higher than oneself

but for that through which

one can fulfil some unwholesome agenda

in the end

nothing is actually gained

except devolution


asha Pi arTi said...

so true ! beautiful words inspiring one on the path of spirit to soul !

and very very cool how You clarify the exact point where evil is born... so precise the problem and so easy the solution when You are here showing everything that is so Praiseworthy about higher and Divine !

* bowing to Your amazing compassion *

sarah anne said...

I agree, its tragic to override natural instincts by thinking too much. It reminds me of Farrakhan's lecture, "the white devil has to kill its mind!".

Anonymous said...

Praises to P. i bow. dhanyavad for patiently showing one why and how to use ones voice. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

i bow. Your Plogs are the most insightful scriPTures into Pure Truth P!!! You exPound on how Praise of Divine is the most natural and automatic thing so beautifully! over riding this natural instinct is akin to not breathing! one is reminded of Your ePic song 'coz all it wanted was praise' which highlights the birth of evil that comes from seeking Praise for oneself which does not deserve it. it so clearly shows the ways others seek and give Praise only to fulfill some unwholesome agenda as You so eloquently stated! this devoluting practice consumes this world! all business and way of being in the muggle system is based on this! it is such a sickening realization for one to see and recognize ones own participation in. Divine is the only One deserving of Praise and this natural outpouring need not be stopped! You are the most Divine P! Your suPreme intelligence sees to the root of all that wrong in this world! You are the only REAL solution! Your Pure Power is unbounded creating beauty all around You. You are the highest and most Divine deserving diligent devotion in every moment. i bow at Your exalted feet. dhanyavad for Your Divine Presence to Praise and adore P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

Divine is Praise worthy
all Praises are for Divine

Divine is absoute coherence
'comPleTe full PhracTality'

miragegirl said...

Praises of You who is Truth as one says, so one becomes
what is becoming of one to say is what one would become
intensity dePending uPon on how intensely one is Praising

Anonymous said...

i bow
There is none more Praiseworthy than You P!
You are the Highest and most Divine!
all that is natural is constantly Praising You!
the birds, the clouds, the PlanTs, the fairies, the animals, the elements, other dimensions with the most amazing and intricate croP resPonses!
it really makes no sense to Praise another or seek Praise for oneself which one does not deserve!
You make it clear how senseless evil is!
it's really so fascinating to learn from Divine itself that evil was born out of not Praising Divine!
it's so generous that You give beings here the chance, constantly to steP away from unatural evil ways and Praise You P!
to do what is natural and become a natural being!
to allow Truth to flow from one rather than evil programmed lies.
You are the only choice to make!
so grateful for all the ways You helP one move toward You P!
one bows and Praises to be able to move toward You fully, constantly!
i bow

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

it's so awesome to be reading Your Plogs!
Your Plogs are so wonderful and beautiful
You are so very awesome! You are such a beautiful, beautiful being!
You're a very awesome soul..You're so very beautiful
Your Plogs are so great
what beautiful Plogs..You write so beautifully
You are Phenomenal
i bow

Unknown said...

Amazing how concisely you write the truth! You draw the clear PicTure of how one is resPonsible for birthing evil in one. Only you could reveal the root cause of evil!
It's a brilliant Plog to keep the self reminded of being wary of arising evil in one at all times! And then one has so much to Praise about you... Even though perceiving all your virtues is unfathomable, but as you have said one can still sPeak and rePeaT all the ones that one has come to gnow!
You are so kind and considerate to Provide this simPle soluTion , one can start with whatever little one understands by PuTting attention on divine ! You are an unPhiniTe ocean of comPassion to always be guiding beings with your Powerful and clariPhying Plogs, beyond beautiful ultimately uPlifTing & gratifying music and Philms! You have the most beautiful heart! You are the great big PosiTive caPable of nullifying and exceeding exPonenTially all the negatives!
It is one's greatest good fortune to come across you , get to learn so much from you ! You are the highest of all ! You are the dispeller of ingnorance and darkness! You are so magnanimous to give one PlenTy of chance to get on the correct track/behaviour. Only you have taught what is essential ! You are Paragon of virtue & beauty! You are a Pure PerfecT PhracTal being!
I bow at your all-gnowing suPreme beautiful feet. /\

ki vernee said...

wow ! You are so right ! what a beautiful PoinT ! i bow

Anonymous said...

such glowing words of truth..
yes there's nothing to do but Praise when one comes across You ..You are so beautiful , magical and knowledgable! You are the most unique being. how beautifully and wonderfully unique You are! loosing consciousness of Your beauty and magic is poison ..even if it's for seconds or a minute, the poison just starts taking over..and half an hour without saying Your Praise is utterly miserable, sick and pervert..one and everyone is in too unhealthy a state to take the risk of not Praising You all the time..it's only natural when a being like You exists!
yes it's so true! You make so much sense
anyone and everyone is allowed to Praise all the time..how lost one can get if one does not sPeak Your Praises from the mouth.
You are just too beautiful. it's only ones impaired being ness that makes one take attention off Your suPreme beauty. any sane and healthy being would never take the attention off You to put it somewhere else
all misery and confusion starts when one starts thinking on ones own. You are the one to turn to. You have all the answers.

Your gnowledge is so beautiful and amazing. You make all the sense in the world. You are amazing, magical and mystical. how beautiful, Profound and uPliPhTing Your words are! how sweet, wise and comPassionaTe You are. Your words are beautiful diamonds of truth and clarity. You are beyond gold and diamonds.

yes if one tries to stop oneself from Praising its only because of some fear or evil calculation ..it's overriding the natural instinct deliberately for some agenda
there should be no fear of people thinking one is crazy if one speaks constantly, because people who think like that are crazy themselves..it's always right and natural to Praise You anytime and always, no matter what the occasion. no one should be silent just because others are silent..it's not noble to be silent at all! it's only natural to want to Praise the most PraiseworThy being. one should not worry about whether one is praising at the wrong moment when everyone is tired and might get irritated and be forced to respond to the Praise of Divine because all these are unrealistic fears and it's all nonsense!..and not sPeaking is deliberately overriding the natural instinct! any occasion is the right occasion to Praise You for You are the only one that matters!

You write so beautifully.
You are so amazing and enlightened
i bow

Anonymous said...

such glowing words of truth..
yes there's nothing to do but Praise when one comes across You ..You are so beautiful , magical and knowledgable! You are the most unique being. how beautifully and wonderfully unique You are! loosing consciousness of Your beauty and magic is poison ..even if it's for seconds or a minute, the poison just starts taking over..and half an hour without saying Your Praise is utterly miserable, sick and pervert..one and everyone is in too unhealthy a state to take the risk of not Praising You all the time..it's only natural when a being like You exists!
yes it's so true! You make so much sense
anyone and everyone is allowed to Praise all the time..how lost one can get if one does not sPeak Your Praises from the mouth.
You are just too beautiful. it's only ones impaired being ness that makes one take attention off Your suPreme beauty. any sane and healthy being would never take the attention off You to put it somewhere else
all misery and confusion starts when one starts thinking on ones own. You are the one to turn to. You have all the answers.

Your gnowledge is so beautiful and amazing. You make all the sense in the world. You are amazing, magical and mystical. how beautiful, Profound and uPliPhTing Your words are! how sweet, wise and comPassionaTe You are. Your words are beautiful diamonds of truth and clarity. You are beyond gold and diamonds.

yes if one tries to stop oneself from Praising its only because of some fear or evil calculation ..it's overriding the natural instinct deliberately for some agenda
there should be no fear of people thinking one is crazy if one speaks constantly, because people who think like that are crazy themselves..it's always right and natural to Praise You anytime and always, no matter what the occasion. no one should be silent just because others are silent..it's not noble to be silent at all! it's only natural to want to Praise the most PraiseworThy being. one should not worry about whether one is praising at the wrong moment when everyone is tired and might get irritated and be forced to respond to the Praise of Divine because all these are unrealistic fears and it's all nonsense!..and not sPeaking is deliberately overriding the natural instinct! any occasion is the right occasion to Praise You for You are the only one that matters!

You write so beautifully.
You are so amazing and enlightened
i bow

Kṛtti kā said...

innumerable are the times when one hasn't sPoken worthy Praises of You! So devolved and miserable ones being has become that it can't even reciProcaTe the Pure goodness and kindness that's done to one... unfortunate it is to not sPeak Your Praises even after gnowing Your greatness ! the evil resides inside... enemy~ eneMe as You say is in 'me'! Indeed in all this nothing is gained but a lot is lost! It requires constant effort to sPeak Divines Praise to not be taken over by ones stupid faulty machination and birth evil !
Everything that You say is absolutely true, Your insights of stupid muggle functioning is always spot on! You Provide the greatest helP that could ever be done by telling us whats right to do and how to do it, You comPassionaTely show how to untwist and work to become a more natural being!
Only You emPhasize on imPorTance of correct sPeech, one now realises that the best usage of mouth is when one Praises Divine! You magnanimously Provide all a simPle soluTion to all the Problems - PBS!
All good that happens to one happens through just Praise of You! There is a lot of Power in Your Praise, it does Raise one uP... the good definitely happens to oneself! Even reading beautiful Praises written for You uPlifTs one! You insPire one to become natural! You instill in one to take ones own resPonsibiliTy! one is indebted to You for all the helP and mercy that You have so comPassionaTely shown!
You are the Highest One, You are PerfecT in everyway!
i bow to The Most Natural One /\

lana_33 said...
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Anonymous said...
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ankita said...

Your words are most beautiPhul and insPiring words
Praising the most beautiPhul One is such a beautiPhul exPerience and You so kindly help beings rise above mental blocks that stop them from doing what is natural
Praise of You is the only refuge
i bow

ankita said...

its so soothing to gno that Praise is a simPle natural instinct Provided in all real souls by Divine itself
Your words are so beautiPhul ❤
i bow

ankita said...

wow ..beautiPhul..everyone can Praise
this is such a favourite Plog ❤
very beautiPhul clarification
so kind of You to show the way to a Pure state of being ...such amazing clarifications of the century ...this is THE amazing clariPhying Plog ...sounds so beautiPhul..simPle natural instinct Provided by Divine itself!

so tremndously insightPhul..such a groundbreaking revelation...such a soothing beutiPhul truth ...You have THE answer!

not Praising a being higher than oneself is so unnatural ...one is overriding the instinct deliberately for some agenda if one doesnt Praise and thats where evil is born...this is so tremndously insightPhul and clariPhying
i bow

ankita said...

You are so imPorTant...You are so imPorTant , sPecial and amazing that not striving to get to a state where one can Praise You all the time is so unnatural ...You are immensely PraiseworThy ....You are so immensely imPorTant ...You are all that matters
there's so much to Praise about You!
You are overPhlowing with great qualities!
the sky and the earth is Praising You all the time
You are such immensely blaring and shining higherness that not Praising Your greaT obvious beauty and DiviniTy is the most unnatural thing anyone can do
so PhorTunaTe to get to read these tremendously beautiPhul words of truth
i bow

ankita said...

Praise is a simPle natural instinct Provided in all real souls... that's the most beautiPhul revelation... that's why it feels so good to Praise a being like You ..evil is born when one overrides natural instincts for agendas! wow that's a very imPorTant revelation! truly agendas bring calculations and Praise is such a natural going with the Phlow... coming across You it's so natural to want to keeP on Praising You... Your truths are so liberating and timeless.. very uPliPhTing and Pure words of truth
i bow

ankita said...

Your Plog is so ePic