there is a lot of
confusion about these
two sanskrit terms
मन्त्र 'mantra' and तंत्र 'tantra'
pronounced without that big 'a' sound
which they like to make in the west
after every sanskrit term
mantra simply means 'mind technique'
'man'= mind 'tra' = technique
mantras are always 'praises of divinities'
or 'words spoken by divinities'
any 'proper praise of divine'
or 'words from divine in its various avatars'
is a mantra
and it doesn't have to be in sanskrit
mantras are to be repeated verbally & mentally
to focus the mind on divine
tantra means 'body technique'
'tan' = body 'tra' = technique
the use of body
in service to divine
is tantra
one surrenders one's body to
the higher & divine
for purification/ascension
mantra and tantra
are always done in conjunction
one doesn't work without the other
Thursday, 27 May 2010
mantra & tantra
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
by george
the fact
that the name
is just an anagram
of the term
should light up a
few bulbs in any active brain
it is a saint now
as in the flag of
the main emblem of the west
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
who's copying who
the most famous
sage-like character in the west
is 'Yoda' from StarWars
where did they get that name from
which was what
Yogi's did
they did use that term as well
in Yogi Bear cartoons
most of Yoda's characteristics
are copied from behaviour of the
rishi's & yogis in vedic stories
not to mention the vedic avatar story of
Ram with a Bow
the all-american
who uses a bow even in socalled modern combat
in the west
all the superhero's
pushed onto the masses
from spiderman
to X-men
to teenage mutant ninja turtles
america's official national anthem
chosen by lotusocean
testifies -
realizing that they
cannot naturally get
their genes on phire
they are putting their faith
in technology, uglyness &
forced gene mutations
to get some illusory sense of
temporary useless power
at the cost of one's soul
the original superhero
9 superpowers
came from devotion to divine
& nonviolent wholistic living
not from
chip implants
or gene mutations
its elementary my dear ...
after severe disconnection from nature
& creating a plasticky concretey blissless world
people's definition of divinity
doesn't carry
connection with elements
divinity is/ has always been/ always will be
all about connection and manifestation
through elements
there is a reason why
the elementals are the devas (demigods)
the good guys/ the real goodfellas
in vedic wisdom
agni (phire deity) , vayu (wind deity), varun (water deity)
their head being indra (weilder of thunderbolt)
their mother being aditi (sky deity - the 5th element)
their support being prithvi (earth deity )
the body is made up of these elements only
& the soul ascends to higher realms
only after purification of the elements
element is elementary
the devas are always in heaven
only because they
always bow to the source - divine
Friday, 21 May 2010
what is the body for ?
there are many people
on this planet
doing many strange things with their body
twisting & turning it about
putting all kinds of substances in it
treating it like a rental car
without ever asking the basic question
what is the body for ?
the body is like a bow
to the arrow that is the soul
the DNA in your genes
is the slinky
which shoots up your soul
at the moment called death
in the same way the
soul requires
adequate velocity (faster than speed of light)
to break through the matrix of this plane
so if one does not train
one's body/dna
to do that
through praise/service to divine
it is waste of a body
goes without saying
one gets a worse model each time
one misuses
Thursday, 20 May 2010
why the physical bowing ?
there are those
especially in the west
who have problems
with the physical bowing posture
kind of expected when they don't have
rolemodels like hanuman
they are only ready to
do a mental bow
they want to disconnect
body, mind & soul
in other words
they want to create
multiple schizophrenia
they don't realize that
if the body is in an unhumble posture
the mind cannot stay humble for long
its not possible
mental discipline is directly
connected to physical discipline and
vice versa
and both together affect the soul direction
there are those
who want to disconnect
adoration from bowing
it is the same thing
bowing is the bodylanguage
for adoration only
adoration requires proper postures
not ungraceful ungrateful moves
bowing is the bridge between
adoration & surrender
in this world
it had become reserved only for
females ( the intent behind that pretension is well gnown )
or evil (celebrities, money, fame)
not divine
why bow ?
there are those
who ask why
i give so much
to bowing
well if one doesn't bow
to high & divine
one will only get angry
with high & divine
this is but natural
& will always be the case
there is no 3rd way of being
its either bow or get upset
the result of this anger/upsetness
is really bad for one's soul
which is already caughtup in a mess
it is simply a
way to deeper hell
which doesn't seem so terrible
in written form
but is way-way worse in experiencing
its all the medieval tortures
& all the so-called modern
war tortures combined
+ much worse
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
gene gene genie
the wish granting genie
they talk about in fables
like aladin's lamp
is not to be found
in a lamp or a bottle
hidden away somewhere
it is very near you
in fact it is right in your body
in your blood
in your genes
gene is the onle genie
to phire it up
you need discipline
& all the divine qualities
which can only come
from bowing/serving divine
the shrink
in evil's system
the high(guru) & divine
is replaced by a creature
called 'the shrink'
it is there to help you in your quest of
'shrinking' away from divine
it goes by other titles too like
psychologist, counsellor etc
it gives you a seat to sit
you don't have to bow to it
yet listen to it
it is supposed to solve
all the problems &
horrible feelings
which are but natural
in the hell you exist in
its job is take away
whatever little
natural reactions/aversions to hell
you might have left
after all the numbing & dumbing down
the fun part is
you pay for it too
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
end of kaliyug
many ask me
when is Kali Yug ( the dark age )
ending ?
i say the moment
all the lies are exposed
by truth
which is these writings
Kaliyug ends
Kaliyug is a nothing but
a structure built on lies
which reside in the
minds & hearts of
beings out here
after the revelation
if they still cannot
honestly accept & change
natural consequences will follow
teacher auntie
there is a
teacher auntie syndrome
running wild
especially in
middle-aged women
on this planet
they seem to gno
right from wrong
better than anyone else
they can all teach
even the divine a lesson or 2
all this confidence
despite the fact
that their own life-choices-actions
are not a testament to divine gnoing
their creations/world-views
have brought nothing but more hell
teaching without gnoing
is the favourite past-time
of those desperately wanting to avoid bowing
to the high & divine
Monday, 17 May 2010
there is a lot of talk about
the mind programming
which people of this planet are under
but it is all in a nutshell
an acute defensiveness towards divine/heaven
combined with
a gung ho approach in jumping into hell/evil
they have of their own free will
allowed their minds to be programmed thus
& it is through their using their own will
they can break out of it
by making a clear decision to
bow to the high & divine
Saturday, 15 May 2010
of dogs & wolves
a quick look at
how dogs & wolves
are coping with a homosapien birth
it must be said they have retained their vocal style
from the sounds of it
they seem to be finding it hard
and want to get back to their original state
which is no different from
running in circles & chasing tails
mostly getting birth in the west
where they are beloved pets & totem animals
its has been out in the open for a while
wolfgang amadeus mozart
" nobody said it was easy
but noone ever said it would be so hard "
they are having difficulties with
the job assigned by
their master - evil demiurge
shifting loyalties &
becoming a pet of divine
has not crossed their consciousness
as a valid option as yet
the competition
there is an undeclared competition
on this planet
who after
seeing me / coming across me
will be able to
ignore me the best
pretend that it never happened
and it made no impression on them
& carry on business as usual
the winner
will be awarded the prize
personally by evil demiurge
connected already
there are those
who tell me they are completely
connected with god/divine
talk to it everyday
& in the dreams at night
i say
its good for them
even though they
are not able to showcase
any divine qualities
in their manifestations
only they shouldn't ask me
any questions
as their god will surely be able to answer
all of them
Friday, 14 May 2010
trust & mistrust
in a world where
people are quick to mistrust divine
which is straightforward & beautiful
while readily trusting
evil & its system
despite its obvious shadiness & uglyness
there shouldn't be any surprise
at all at the amount of
suffering & misery there is
only those
who seek real Pleasure
can enter P's world
which is full of pleasures
for all the 5 senses
& consciousness itself
real spelling of
Pleisure or
P (theaxis) at leisure
those morbid ones who seek
hell & hardships instead
for whatever reason ( ego etc )
will attain that
Thursday, 13 May 2010
electric guitar & electric bodies
even though muggles
should lay off all instruments
electric guitar is something
they should completely avoid
the chances of making bad sounds with it
are enormous
as in the realm of electricity
the sound choice is enormous
wider aural spectrum to mess with ='s
greater aural damage
electric guitar/amplifiers/effects
only amplify the incoherence within
most produce mosquito buzzes
its noteworthy that she is playing the same amp i use
& jerky hiccupy wailing
he is playing the same guitar i have used in many lotusocean pieces
exact reproduction of a highly celebrated guitar hero
without bass & drums
i.e guitar in foreground
so that one can hear the guitarparts for what they are
usually they hide the electric guitar
behind bass/drums/vocals
thats what producers/mixing engineers
have done since the 1950's
there has been no person
who has been able to
handle this instrument solo
that includes all the socalled guitar heroes
& the millions trying on youtube
to maintain continuity & coherence
on an electric guitar
requires one own electrics
i.e kundalini to be working properly
it is a magical device
with complicated almost quantum possiblities
in terms of
tones, overtones, harmonics, resonance, feedback etc.
not an instrument for
back from the pub folks
if played properly
a single electric guitar
can produce more complex sounds
than a whole orchestra
while taking the whole thing
into another dimension
its not about moving your hands & fingers madly
which all muggles think guitarplaying is about
its about sound & holding the wave
one's level of evolution shows through
everything one does
but with more loud powerful electrical tools
it is all hyper-magnified
and if one cannot handle electric guitar properly
how is one going to handle another body
which is basically
all electric (nerves, brain) in nature
artificialsugarcoating world
cast the most negative aspersions on me
only to follow it up
with peace, love & love hearts
after fooling/placating the kids with
artificialsugarcoating candies
they have gotten used to the evil habit
of sugarcoating every kind of shit
in this age of typing
people use words freely
as long as
they have to not back them up with actions
trying to show
they are good people &
they are on divine's side
when the reality is quite the opposite
a real student/disciple
a real disciple is one who
whose ears just listen to the guru
whose mouth just praises the guru
whose attention is fixed positively on the guru
the guru chosen
should be higher than onself
for it to be any real guru-disciple relationship
which will take one closer to the divine
some can choose to make
divine itself their guru
the same principles apply
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
a word used over & over & over again on this planet
coz everyone is so talented here
and everyone tells everyone so as well
this video - 14 million hits & plentiful praises -
below is another example of
the overflowing talent amongst
the races/genepools here
ready for the circus from the womb itself
more than the clear loss of innocence
this shows
what the races/genepools think is important
& worth pursuing
millions of people doing
meaningless (not geared towards evolution/divine)
music, art etc.
are all classified as talented
not deranged & hellbound
its their definition of talent
which seals their fate
5 star hotels
while the
majority of this earth's population
faces the hell of
malnutrition & unhy(high)genic living conditions
the so-called lucky people
with the funny quantity called money
face the hell that is
5 star hotel
the final shangrila of this system
the 5 stars stand for
dingy, concretey, claustrophobic, unbreathable & unfractal
any real being with properly functioning
nerves & biological processes
can get headache/dizziness within half an hour
the food served there takes the
digestive system on a rollercoaster ride
while the airconditioning
works on giving the guest a cold
all in all
a much more dangerous place for biological entities
than any slum in an open field
Monday, 10 May 2010
masses are always right or are they
there is this notion
floating around this planet
masses are always right
what they choose can never be wrong
their stamp is irrefutable
they are the epitome of perfect precise judgement
which in other words means
masses are God
one cannot say anything against their choices
who they choose to revere
who they choose to lead them
etc etc
funny than that
masses on this planet are in such distress
& blisslessness
all their chosen hero's/heroine's haven't been able
to change their zombie-mind-programmed state
things are only going from bad to worse
the hell deepens
but they will not admit
that they have gone wrong
labelling without proper research
after labelling me
hippy, bohemian
there are those who
are now labelling me luciferian
once again putting 'labels'
without doing any proper research
is the norm amongst muggles
i praise all divinities
including ganesh, devi, shiv, narayan
in my works
this is the very antithesis of so-called luciferianism
which they don't understand fully either
divine manifests a different manifestation
for different times, planes & planets
being one for the now
is not a crime
Saturday, 8 May 2010
the audacity
there are so many now
especially in the socalled west
who are using words like
cosmic, ascension, kundalini, 3rd eye
while their actual state is that
of a depressed deluded addicted muggle junkie
they don't have a properly awakened kundalini
or fully flowering sacral centers
or an open 3rd eye
but don't mind posing as such
no proof to back anything up of course
this audacity is the worst quality
of the races/genepools here on earth
pretending to make it
when they are quite clearly sinking
all it does is take away any real seeking
when they think they have made it already
west started it after
learning some lingo from the vedic wisdom
and now everyone is in on it
what good would it do them in the end
how will their acting/pretension
serve them when they die
& face the hells that await
Friday, 7 May 2010
the not so exalted exalted
amongst the masses
there are many
who have an exalted almost-divine status
gandhi, mother teresa, the pope, dalai lama, amma etc etc
the established 'holy'
to clear up this illusory hype
lotusocean states that
these beings are very very far from divine
divine is not dumb like these beings are
divine is no pretentious social worker
divine is more like krishn
connected with the elements (none of these beings are)
perfectly kundalini awakened (none of these beings are)
& destroyer of evil (these beings don't even gno what evil is)
divine supports
one helping oneself
before helping others
one helps oneself
being fully kundalini awakened
through praise/service of the divine
Pgo not Ego
some snarl at my straightforward confidence
call it a big ego
well i tell them its
not Ego
Divine is finally in charge
of this universe & all of the multiverse
no matter how they would like
something else to be the case
so that they can freely do their nonsense
& get away with it
they expect Divine to be
underconfident, understated & under everything
but that is not its nature
Divine does manifest on Earth
is what are called Avatar's
& its here now ...
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
LotusOcean Radio
there are a lot of radio's
blaring sounds out there
to drag each & every one towards
hell & hellish states
so here are some sounds
from lotusocean
for doing just the opposite
the real stairway to heaven
sounds to clean your mind/consciousness
ofc only if you approach
them with respect & receptivity
if you do
we can promise
your ears will never be the same again
Sunday, 2 May 2010
everything is considered a trip
from a travel to LSD to a relationship
but all these just make one trip
on the way to
the highway to higher worlds
there is only one real trip
it is
the three pronged
time with P
Saturday, 1 May 2010
may i introduce may to you
may is when i was born
month of the may queen
when in distress its may day
its ma its ya
its maya
it all spins
around the maypole
may be you will ...
you know what you want but
you don't know what you need
you know what your name is
but don't know who you are
you know who i am but
you don't know what i am
what i do
what i am
thinking of you
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will find your way
maybe you will find your way
maybe you will just run away
maybe you won't like what we have to say
maybe you will just run away
maybe you won't like what we have to say
you know what you say but
you don't know what it means
you know what you hear but
you don't know what's the deal
you know something's missing but
you don't know what it is
you know who i am but
you don't know what i am
what i do
what i am
thinking of you
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will find your way
maybe you will just run away
maybe you won't like what we have to say
maybe you will look the other way
maybe you will wait for the judgement day
maybe you will wait for the judgement day
you see
it's been a long time
we've gotta have a little talk
your all so wasted
wasted now
you're all so wasted
wasted now
you're all so wasted
wasted now
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will make it happen
maybe you will find your way
maybe you will find your way ...