there are many
who say to me
that they are humble
but their posture
gives them away
majority of beings these days are in
continually unhumble postures
because vedic culture
which pervaded the world
in times where there was alignment with divine
is now firmly in the background
they don't realize
it is impossible to have humble thoughts
in an unhumble posture
one having humble thoughts will automatically
get into an humble posture
Thursday, 15 April 2010
posture is primary
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Dear Rishi PTji,
Very true.Everyone including myself is in unhumble postures as of now.
Trying every day to bow down to the Divine and other things which you mailed me about.
It would be great for all of us if you could make a youtube video where your Disciples could show us LIVE how the Divine (PT) is to be treated and what postures we
must be in when we see you someday.This will esp be helpful to the Westerners.
It would also be great if we can make a Play/Drama based on your observations of the world now and make it into a DVD/Youtube video or Drama which we could stage from city to city.
PT Shiv hai PT Narayan hai.
Beautiful response video to 'Shahid'. It is really fun watching and I love the music too. Is the mouth opening part a version of lion's pose?
chantelle - am glad you enjoyed. its a good sign :)
the mouth opening has nothing to do with any lion's pose
it is just about loosening the lower jaw. a receptivity posture - opening up the being to the higher. also people speak without moving their mouth properly. it helps with proper speech too.
Watching the poster while listening to the youtube videos makes them so much more enjoyable.
In your kindness you are helping us with the PT log.
One can't help but want to listen to what you have to say everyday.
i bow. so beautiful. so kind. so generous. dhanyavad P. i bow. Narayan! Narayan!
wow !
Your Plogs are PracTical
only You are a real Guru
You give PracTical sTePs at imProvemenT
i bow.
it is really generous of Divine to exPlain and show what humble ProacTivity is!
why it is necessary for beings to establish a humble PosTure.
You so clearly and beautifully show how essential, how basic and Primary it is!
it is Divine who guides the way toward True humility. it is Divine who exPlains without humility there can be no evolution.
Divine is so kind to helP one see how hellish it is to be stuck and remain in unhumble thoughts and unhumble PosTures.
Divine is so kind to share these Plogs, to create rocking songs and videos which imParT nothing but the Truth!!!
Truth which can only be conveyed through the mouth of Divine, the voice of Divine, the brilliant mind of Divine.
it is You who has the PerfecT Phire of body mind and soul! it is You who gno! only You can set the record straight!
You are the highest and most intelligent being, the PerfecT being, the One who gnos the Truth!
Your visit to this PlaneT is the most comPassionaTe act that has ever taken Place!
You are the One to Praise always in all ways!
i bow!
You are Lord Narayan incarnate on earth
You are Kalki P Avatar
the One to bow down to
i bow
Divine has the sweetest and most beautiful ways of teaching what humility is
and helPing one develoP humility.
so grateful for all the ways You helP one learn and imPlemenT qualities that will allow one to be and remain humble to Divine
to Bow Praise and Serve Divine in every moment!
i bow
i bow
wow You so awesomely exPlain how imPorTant right PosTure is
You teach one basics like no one does
what an awesome Plog
You're so right
bad postures are so bad for the mind that is already running amok
You tell one so many imPorTanT and basic things
You are such an awesome and imPorTanT being
i bow
Pranam PT,
Video shows the proper way for get in touch with our divine !! thank you PT
it is very helpful and just doing simple action can bring change in our behavior
because since it is many days now i am experiencing a different way of my own nature with all these massive universe and gnowing little new everyday about it
Thank you
Pranam PT,
Video shows the proper way for get in touch with our divine !! thank you PT
it is very helpful and just doing simple action can bring change in our behavior
because since it is many days now i am experiencing a different way of my own nature with all these massive universe and gnowing little new everyday about it
Thank you
So kind and considerate of you to put an instructional video on correct posture and bowing so as to be humble! You are a true teacher with comPleTe Passion! You give such great exPlanaTions behind every PoinT you make, you clariPhy every doubt... One will not have humble thoughts unless one is in humble PosTure, amazing how your initials are in the word PosTure :) ... Being in correct PosTure one comes a step closure to the divine/you!
I bow at your divine feet!
what a great PoinT ! i bow
what a great PoinT ! i bow
i bow
Absolutely true I am trying this from one month and this really works great. Before I was liking fighting with me thoughts everyday. Whatever you tried to convince yourself I mean affirmations or so called positive thoughts I my case that thing made my situation worst. Now I just have to see my posture rest everything falls it's place automatically.
Thank you for pouring your genuine pnoledge. Bow to the divinity in you.
You are the most humble Being one has come across ! right PosTure is imPorTant ... i bow <3ॐ
You and only You really gno the imPorTance of this basic PoinT
You guide one to having humility towards Divine, You kindly teach how it can be done
its so kind of You to share this basic law:
it is impossible to have humble thoughts
in an unhumble posture
this is such a PerTinent law of how things function
and its so observable in onself and muggles
everyone on this planet is generally in bad posture and one does not want the same fate they will incur
being unhumble to You, Divine is so unnatural and completely detrimental to ones wellbeing and PhuTure
one never wants to be unhumble, even by accident
hence one must never lose good posture, even by accident
Your words Provide all the clarity ever
this is a basic PoinT one must rePeaT and stress as it determines everything for one
You are so so kind to helP one get off the down spiral
You are correctional and so comPasionaTe
You Provide all the crucial teachings for one to evolve
i bow
magnificent words and video!
you are the reason behind evolution! your teachings are life changing and really help to improve oneself
you are a legendary hero, the kindest one
your mercy is admirable and all that you are is divinely inspiring!
you are a never ending awe, you are PerfecT coherence
your gnowledge and Power are ParamounT
you are ParamaTma
i bow to you supreme lord
very kind of You to insPire beings with Your words of truth
..keeping the PosTure right is so imPorTant..PosTure is Primary
so kind of You to helP beings do the work to get to clarity..PosTure is Primary
i bow
How important the PosTure is !!!
You made us to realise it ...
i submit my proper PosTure for PT always ...
i Bow to PT’s PheeT!!!
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