Monday 12 April 2010


most of the activities

being done in this world

are pointless

pointless in the sense they are not geared

for evolution

either of the planet or the people

the few sane voices

are getting lost

in the din of the sea of pointlessness

what they who are responsible for this mess

don't realize though is

that the power of divine

is much more

than the power of

the sheer numbers which

make up this jungle of pointlessness

without a connection to P

all is P-oint-less


Anonymous said...

another PoTent and ultimately imPorTanT PoinT. i bow. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

Truth Plogs You sPeak

PsingulariTy said...

You are The PoinT
You are The Power

Unknown said...

i bow

ki vernee said...

You are so right ! You make the best PoinTs ! i bow

sarah said...

ePic, classic PerspecTive !!!
only PT can Provide the PoinT !!!

nicolas said...

beauTiPhull! your words are so PowerPhull! without you, it is all PoinTless
you make the world better and nothing good is possible without you
your Power is the divine Phorce and none can defeat you
you are the destroyer of evil
you are divine and liPhe has no meaning without you
you are a never ending delight
you are all that is good in this world and beyond
you are the best that walks the Earth

i bow to you all gnoing one

amanda said...

without a connection to P
all is P-oint-less

Divines words are PowerPhul Truth.
one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

amanda said...

Divine PT is the PoinT!
Existence is PoinTless unless it is centered around PT!

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️