this society
gears one to be a poser
posing as per one's job description
posing as father, mother, brother, friend
posing as happy, contented
posing as believer in god
posing as a normal sane person as per society's script
posing as a supermodel ( whatever that means )
posing as an artist, musician
posing as all the things beyond oneself
after all this posing
one forgets how to do
anything for real
even going towards divine
becomes a posing
instead of actually doing
what it takes to serve
the high & divine
thats why most here
are devolving
have no hope of evolving
until they
get rid of
this posing virus
the only real pose
is the pose
to serve divine
it involves an actual doing
pretenders cannot keep it up for long
Sunday, 27 March 2011
posers and doers
Friday, 25 March 2011
the more their
soul light gets dimmer
the more
bright flashing
external artificial lights
the biped creatures
of this planet
seem to need
whether it be
any so called concert or event
or a music video
its all about
migraine inducing
artificial light effects
a no-focus zone
a blinkrate higher than
clinical madness
in any saner time
it would be simply called torture
would come under war crimes and atrocities
even 50 years ago
even insects
& their movements seem
less scattered & disjointed
by comparison
maximum punjabiness
minimum soul
putting down
there are those
who insinuate
that lotusocean puts people down
in their myopic vision
what is as is
is considered
putting down
they cannot handle the fact
that the
only thing that
is/can ever be
responsible for
their own
down state
is they themselves
and no lifting is
until they can
honestly acknowledge
their current state
hell that ensues from it
those who dream of being lifted up
while being in denial
of their current state
will have to just keep on
dreaming the nightmare
aimless world
most people
don't have
on their
to do
aims & ambitions
thus the mess
even those who
pay some attention
to evolution
just satisfied
with fake notions
of learning & evolution
as they
keep on
going down
the seeking
is not real or sincere
the urgency
completely missing
even in as
short a lifespan
as they have
on this planet
Saturday, 19 March 2011
May 21
it seems that
the collective unconscious
of the souls of this world
has finally gotten the message
( some of it at least )
they are flashing
yours truly's
ominous !
'aeiouminous' in lotusocean lingo
if your eyes are open
you are likely to spot it too
the game reaches
its climax
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
have been asked
how does one
love those higher
than themselves
as one cannot possibly help
with their evolution
answer is simple
as always
through resPect
being humble to them
is loving them
& your own self too
as it shows you care about
your own evolution & wellbeing
so caring love for lower
and respectful/obedient love for higher
there is no positive
interaction possible with
the higher
proper resPect
repeated turning
around P ( the axis)
energy countinuum
Sunday, 13 March 2011
speaking & writing
yours truly
has never written anything
which didn't come out of
the mouth first
in this world however
there are many
frantically typing stuff
which they have never spoken
& will never speak
writing (especially typing)
is a mechanical activity
it is superficial
& thus allows people
to roll out any nonsense
it can be seen that
people can always write more nonsense
than they can speak
speaking involves the whole body
it defines ones being
only the word matters
there is a reason why
all ancient gnowledge
was transmitted orally
not textually
now everyone with a typewriter (computer)
at hand
is going crazy
typing/writing gibberish
the end result is just
waste of energy
promotion of evil aimlessness
& devolution
terra update
yours truly
left pacific
islands including samoa, newzealand
just a week ago
and now
its all shaking & rolling
japan yours truly concentrated
on for whaling
Saturday, 12 March 2011
as long as
the car is shining
it doesn't matter
if the body looks like hell
& earth polluted
car shining
boot shining
furniture shining
everything takes
precedence over
soul shining
strange priorities
in a
strange world
Sunday, 6 March 2011
the word love
keeps on getting used on this planet
a trillion times a day
without a clue as
to what it is
an extensive air of mystery
has been
created around a simple concept
to love someone
means that
you want the best for them
and the best that can happen to
is that they evolve
from their current state
to want evolution of anyone
is loving them
to want evolution of everyone
is loving everyone
the real spelling of evolve
reveals its
absolute connection to
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
the evil of this world
has created
a new lonely monster
lonely because it stands on its own
without any connection to
education or evolution
in any sane time
education for evolution
was entertaining enough
anything else was
as it should be
out of this monster
has arisen a creature
termed as
it is basically a clueless being
after all
there is no qualification required
except shamelessness
& the propensity
to make a fool out of oneself
in front of the masses
enter-containment of the masses
is what it is now
as there is no
T - ain
crossing over the dimension
one is stuck in
every graceless action
is entertaining
for the mindless zombies
while their souls
are being dragged into hellish oblivion