Friday 12 February 2010

the quest for the pathetic

females of this planet

tend to go for the pathetic amongst males

in the hopes of the praise

it will bring into their boring lives

also presence of something pathetic next to them

makes them feel better about themselves

there is a catch though

they want something pathetic

but not ugly, decrepit & psychotic

ugly they can overlook

through their intense practice

of ignoring reality


psychoness is scary

it bursts all their pity bubbles
which they shouldn't be having in the first place

they can't seem to understand

why all these come together in the same package

lotusocean clarifies

the very same psychological disturbance

which emanates from an antidivine stance

( P-atheist being the root of pathetic

not believing in P or not believing in a Divine Axis)

is responsible for

patheticness, decrepitness, uglyness and psychoness


Anonymous said...

Lol! P atheist!!! PerfecT and mindboowing explanation! i bow in fits of laughter. dhanyavad for your Divine humor and wit P. it is without a doubT the Phinest to ever exist! Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

Your scriPTures are the most vital and PotenT Truth! You see things exactly as they are and PoinT it out with such ePhicient candor!
Your PersPecTive is the only sane and logical view and most needed reality check!
i bow!

Anonymous said...

You Truly have the most humorous and sobering PersPecTive P and helP one laugh at the ridiculous state of males, females and oneself on this PlaneT constantly!

'ugly they can overlook
through their intense practice
of ignoring reality'

So grateful to have Your unlimited beauty to admire and Your PerfecTion to focus on! You are the most Divine reality shift!
You actually helP one improve ones state and avoid
wasting ones time with pathetic company and constantly embedding oneself deeper in hell through stupid actions. You teach one how to utilize this life rather than waste it!
i bow!

miragegirl said...

all the atheists i have seen have shown psychoness

there is a Tv indian show that depicted Parvati as rolling on ground for Shiv
ParvaTi is not stupid
ParvaTi is grand ! she is Devi !
its the stupidity of the production gang that desires females to roll on ground with happiness for them, they wish they would find a female that is like that even with their stupid psychotic being !

in the same world where ugliness creeps, there is Divine beauty shown through vedic scriPTures
there is Divine beautiful You in the now !

quest to connect more & more to Divine is real quest ! one that frees one ! helP me get out of 3D to a higher realm Please !

PsingulariTy said...

You are GoD
the most beautiful !

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

wow. P is magnificient

ki vernee said...

wow ! such a great PoinT ! You just overflow with truth !

nicolas said...

you are so great P! The best of all, truly! i am so graTePhul that you are here on the Earth!
i bow to you, ShivNarayan

nicolas said...

Yes! what a PoinT! you are legendary!
you break down words and expose the core meaning of them like no other can!
you are the real legend, the highest of all
you make this world better effortlessly
you are a divine genius
liPhe has absolutely no meaning nor substance without you!
you are the real axis of the world

i bow to you supreme lord

ankita said...

this is so Phunny
Your observations are so accurate and so Phun
"they can't seem to understand why all these come together in the same package"
this is so hilarious
they overlook ugliness with their intense practice. . and that's why they can be around those beings who even if you accidentally spot on internet ads or facebook recommend, you're left with a feeling of dread and the ugliness is unbearable...eyesores!
so kind of You to show a way out of internal and external ugliness
You are the only true beauty
it's very mentally soothing to have found You
so kind of You to show the way to heaven where there will be only beautiPhul sights and You 🙏🙇

Anonymous said...

what a brilliant breakdown of the female mentality - they select pitifully inferior pathetic males for praise
and the reason why males are so pathetic in the first place
You reveal the truths of this multiverse ! that being a P atheist will make one ugly and decrepit
You are so Precious ! reconnecting with You takes one out of these pitiable unnatural mindsets and states
You are all things good and all things good is You
only reconnecting with You can help one get out of this Plane
so grateful for Your intensely deep analysis of the whole situation !!!
so one does not have to live out these unnatural relationships, but can learn from Your words !
You are so unlike all the rest or anything this world has seen in long long time !

amanda said...

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

Divines dePhining of words is mind-blowing!

"lotusocean clarifies
the very same psychological disturbance
which emanates from an antidivine stance
( P-atheist being the root of pathetic
not believing in P or not believing in a Divine Axis)
is responsible for
patheticness, decrepitness, uglyness and psychoness"

Divine PT is the one and only True medicine there is for ones mind, body and sPiriT!!!

Divine PT is the only God to believe in!
Divine PT makes it clear with logic and reason and science and PhacTs they Divine PT is the Avatar of this age.

one prostrates in shame for falling from the truth.
one Pines to Phone ones way back to Divine. 🙇‍♀️