Saturday 6 February 2010

making movies

the snakes ( genepools )

inhabiting this planet

view the world and other snakes

with their hyperlimited perception

they spice up this ugly pitiable incoherence

with crazy self-exalting fantasies

& call it a 'movie'

whether its bollywood or hollywood

from the khans to clint eastwood

everyone is making movies

which make them appear like

the center of the universe

the fact they are not 'the axis'

is something which they gno well

but would rather not face

at the ground level also

every small emanation of the snakes

termed 'common person'

is making its own movie called life

on a smaller budget of course

whether the movie makes sense or not

is not an issue

what is important is that

one keeps on making movies

to appear busy

just in case

divine happens to drop by

they already have carbumpers saying

'look busy, jesus is coming'


Anonymous said...

You PainT the True PicTure with Your words P. dhanyavad for PoinTing out how PoinTless all the busyness is. i bow. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

wow! i bow! Your suPreme PercePTion and logical terminology oPens the door for one to see the way this world is really functioning P. the truth is so undeniable through Your lens and makes much more sense than the crazy, strange and fictitious make believe the genesnakes are leading the nations of their emanations to believe!
it is You who have always been and will always be the center of it all. a fact that can never and will never change! it is You who has the Power to make all that is unreal fall.
it is so amazing that You are here P! You are the only real hoPe. You are the only real sanity. You are the only real deal! i bow at The feet of the Avatar.

miragegirl said...

Praise of Divine is the only sane act to do
it is the major move one needs to make from the hellish world one is in

PaTh to Divine is true way of liPhe
Praise of Divine & its incarnations is being in harmony with the multiversal will

You show an oPTimistic true world for one to enter which is far far away from the mundane crazy PresenT 3D world

You are Divine

miragegirl said...

all need to have connection to Divine
only connection to Divine allows for true living

it is evil that makes movies
non evil would automatically be content with Praising Divine, having consciousness of Divine's grand existence

Divine is ultimate reality, absoluteness, Phun, rocking,
ever Presence & guidance for ones journey through the multiverse
Divine is not male or female, Divine is everything
enchanting, mesmerising, mysterious, awing, amazing
Divine is everything

PsingulariTy said...

You are The PenT Man
showing way out of the cube

Unknown said...

i bow

sarah said...

the snakes ( genepools )

inhabiting this planet

view the world and other snakes

with their hyperlimited perception

they spice up this ugly pitiable incoherence

with crazy self-exalting fantasies

& call it a 'movie'

i bow to Your elite intelligence

ki vernee said...

Your life is the best and truest movie ! YOu are so phunny ! i bow

Ajay Kapoor said...

You are the only one that can show beings the righteous path out of the cycle of birth/death on this plane.
Only you can create Movies which show the truth. I bow.

nicolas said...

wow so beauTiPhully put! your words are so great! they convey TruTh in such a witty way! what a miracle
you are the most amazing one! you are the most practical and real
your liPhe is the most legendary liPhe there is!
you are ParamaTma

i bow to you ShivNarayan