Tuesday, 16 February 2010


many ask if there is a god

why is there so much suffering

suffering arises as a direct result

of disconnection from divine

& is necessary in the sense that

it is the only thing which prompts beings

to reconnect with divine

indulging in one's suffering

is what comes in the way of the


this indulgence

is what is put on a pedestal in society

& promoted through music, movies & all media

still at the end of the day

there is only so much beings can take

before they turn back to the divine


Stardolphin said...


Everywhere one looks (something i never realised till you pointed it out) - be it films, media, news, celebrity, sport, etc, all emphasis is on suffering. It seems suffering sells (the gratification/schadenfreude felt from seeing someone suffering more than we are - we so want people to be brought down lower than we are), whereas real happiness, wellbeing, peace and contentment are ignored or disbelieved.

Every success in these areas has to be followed by a downfall in the mindset of many, never a rise to higher enlightenment or evolvement.

How long till humanity eventually tires of this pointless suffering, and accepts the divine?

sarah anne said...

This is so brilliant, on so many levels. People are so programmed to listen to/ comfort each other, instead of figuring out why it happened and making a change.

Anonymous said...

i bow at Your Divinely PerfecT feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

i bow. Your Plogs contain the most truly valuable and vital information.
You so generously give the cause of suffering and clearly explain why it necessary.
You PoinT out what indulging in ones suffering is and how it inhibits one from reconnecting with Divine! so many lies and misbeliefs that this indulgence brings one closer to Divine! You so eloquently exPose the industries that promote this disconnection which society emulates and worships!
the cycle is ceaseless and sick! to choose suffering over serving You is complete insanity P!

Your Plogs, music and films show what True Divinely insPired creative expression is! such a stark contrast to the programming produced to keep the hive minds confused and entangled in their misery.
God is the suPreme musician and there is no musician on this PlaneT that even comPares to You P! You are the only real musician there is!
i bow at Your Divine feet!

miragegirl said...

Divine is all charming !
there is only haPPiness in Praise of Divine

what You state is so True
there is suffering as a result of disconnection from Divine
disconnection causes vice in one, disconnection is vice itself

Divine is everything ! beautiful charming PerfecTion
comPlete full coherence & PhracTality, so exuberant
wow ! liPhe, be-ing is magical
Divine is absolute benevolence !

PsingulariTy said...

You are AnantNarayan

asha Pi arTi said...

wow... i bow ! this is so humbling and so exactly one what one needed to read out loud today like everyday !

You bring out the Truth in everything ! so gratefull to be able to learn from Your Plogs !

You giPhT one the PresenT to make a better PhuTure !!

i bow !

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome, brilliant and wonderful being.
Your observations are absolutely awesome
You are a great, great being

Astro said...

I bow.

'suffering arises as a direct result

of disconnection from divine

& is necessary in the sense that

it is the only thing which prompts beings

to reconnect with divine'

sarah said...

wow !!! can only bow to Your logic of how suffering should promPT action to connect with divine.

ki vernee said...

wow ! such a beautiful perspective ! only You gnow the true meaning of beings suffering and what the solution is ! i bow

sarah said...

such an excellent PoinT, beings can only take so much.
only divine can alleviate suffering.

Anonymous said...

such absolutely great observations!

suffering arises as a direct result of disconnection from Divine ..

You have all the answers
and one should not indulge in the suffering..that's what comes in the way of reconnection..
such great clarification
Your words are really so true and clarifying
such absolutely great observations!
they just put indulging in suffering on the pedestal!
that's such a great and true observation
what a great PoinT
truly Your writings are Phenomenal
really Your observations are truly great and accurate
i bow

ankita said...

so kind of You to be here and give all beings a chance to turn towards You
Your words are suPremely soothing beautiPhul and clariPhying
You sum it all up so beautiPhully
so kind of You to help beings see that indulgence in suffering keeps one from reconnecting to Divine
You are so kind to reveal that there is a way out of wrong ways of being and suffering
You are suPremely comPassionaTe
You are the most amazing and beautiPhul One
i bow to Your comPleTe and magical beauty

nicolas said...

beauTiPhul P log!
one realises one's plight when one realises that one is not Phully connected to you!
you are all that is good! you are compassion
this is so kind of you to incarnate on the Earth plane to give us a chance to reconnect with you
you are the most gracePhull
you make all better effortlessly around you
you are PerfecT
one suffers when one is not connected to you
you are real bliss!
the remembrance of each second in the bitterness of this world makes one go to you without hesitation
you are the solution to all problems
you are the real hero
you are Purity
you are inPhinite happiness and bliss
listening to you music makes one realises what is bliss and also that one is far from uninterrupted bliss
all these people who claim to be happy are pretenders as there is no happiness without you
you are worthy of all time and energy

i bow and surrender at your Pheet