Monday 12 July 2010

a matter of taste

one cannot go higher

without having a taste for the higher

and one cannot get a real taste for the higher

without praising the higher


sarah anne said...

It is so cool how every artistic expression of the higher becomes more beautiful after every exposure, instead of more dreary as is the case with the artistic expression of everything equal/lower.

Anonymous said...

:) Mmmm. i bow. dhanayavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

taste of bliss is most desirable
Praise of Divine is the way to go

You are Divine !
what ever You do, however You are is all for the senses to take
its all good, really really good, everything related to You

miragegirl said...

taste of bliss is most desirable
Praise of Divine is the way to go

You are Divine !
what ever You do, however You are is all for the senses to take
its all good, really really good, everything related to You

PsingulariTy said...

You are The PerfecT Connoisseur
You are The Enlightened One

Unknown said...

i bow

sarah said...

infinite reasons to do the right thing
Praising You is the tasteful choice