Thursday, 13 May 2010


the more something someone is

outside their scope

more opinions people have

to prove that it is not


sarah anne said...

That is the complete truth. One can observe that the stupider a muggle is, the more confident they are about their opinions. Every muggle I have encountered, that can be considered to have brain cells, is considerate of nuance and conflicting factors.

Anonymous said...

:D! i bow.

miragegirl said...

the dishonesty, the audacity is aPParenT
You are so high that one does not, can not Percieve Your way of being too much extent
even with limited PercePTion, it is understandable though that You are a very benevolent being
You are very beautiful !

PsingulariTy said...

PeoPle are Phunny
the only scoPe of humanity is You
acknowleging You would do them great good

You are the PeriscoPe into the reality of this world
You are the PeriscoPe into what lies beyond 3D

You are The Scientific Man
showing us all we need to see

You are everything, the Real Psychologist, The PandiT, the Astronomer, The Jyotishi, The Real Star Trek Hero... the Truth, the Real Aeioummm
beautiful You are !

Unknown said...

i bow

ki vernee said...

You are so right and so observant ! i bow

nicolas said...

wow what a PoinT! this is so true! your words are so simple and so clear
it is so magnificent to be able to read your words! i feel very graTePhull for all that you are and for all that you share! what a magnificent miracle your Presence is!
you are so amazing

i bow to you all gnoing one