Monday 10 May 2010

masses are always right or are they

there is this notion

floating around this planet


masses are always right

what they choose can never be wrong

their stamp is irrefutable

they are the epitome of perfect precise judgement

which in other words means

masses are God

one cannot say anything against their choices

who they choose to revere

who they choose to lead them

etc etc

funny than that

masses on this planet are in such distress

& blisslessness

all their chosen hero's/heroine's haven't been able

to change their zombie-mind-programmed state

things are only going from bad to worse

the hell deepens

but they will not admit

that they have gone wrong


Unknown said...

on the ball and perfectly true!

sarah anne said...

I would never have realized that who you revere/admire has such a big effect. Mind-programming is crazy effective!

Lotusocean is a huge contrast that reveals any other choice for what to admire for what it is, in case the steep declining staircase on the road to hell isn't enough of a clue.

Anonymous said...

i bow. their refusal to admit wrong doing merely accentuates how wrong they are. dhanyavad for PoinTing out the Truth P. i bow. dhanyavad. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

no P acknowledgement with masses at least as of now
masses are crazy !

with the PeoPle of the telugu language there is this floating cinematic idea where mass is refered to as manly, 'anna mass' that is 'brother is mass' associated with worker class "indian servantship to british" style half clad non-males
just too Phunny & stupid

but shows they think masses have strength & that is Martian, that strength is only Physical, as stand by can do wonders alone, that Physical grace is better than what grace mind would Provide as if they are disassociated

may be they think they can shoot a tiny marble at a running 4x4 & flip it on its face...
oh wait ! they do not just think it, they have in actuality dePicTed that to be so
too Phunny

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

You so awesomely help one understand how very wrong the masses are..
You are so right..they are in the soup..
You make such extremely awesome PoinTs
Your Plogs are extremely awesome
You're so very, very right
how absurd that one accepts the notion that people who are deteriorating, troubled and sick can be good judges of greatness..or that they can be right at all
You make so much sense! so awesome of You to help one understand how crazy all this is ..You are awesome!
Your Plogs are great. You are beyond good.You are wow
You are extraordinary

Anonymous said...

You have such awesome overstanding
You make a very awesome PoinT
masses and their choices are so trusted despite the PhacT that they are always in a mess and are always so easily being controlled

'masses on this planet are in such distress
& blisslessness
all their chosen hero's/heroine's haven't been able
to change their zombie-mind-programmed state'

You are so right.. masses are so zombie-like
You make awesome and imPorTant PoinTs. Your Plogs are very awesome
You are a great being
Your scriPTures are great and wonderful

ki vernee said...

You are so right ! You are the only One who can judge ! i bow

Unknown said...

Pranam 🙏
So true!!
It's just follow the crowd, even though the masses are on the wrong path.

Turbulent Conqueror said...
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nicolas said...

this is so beauTiPhull! your words convey the TruTh so PerfecTly! only you are always right! masses are crazy
your divine judgment is the most accurate and never fails to see things for exactly what they are! you are a miracle
you are the Lord of the 3rd eye whose discrimination is PerfecT!
you are the most intelligent! none can outwit you as you are a divine genius

i bow to you supreme Lord

ankita said...

Your Plogs are amrit
You are so absolutely right

masses are never right! they are the kind of people who'd go for a religion like christianity! they lack judgement completely! all of them want to evade resPonsiblity of their actions. ..they do not have any taste! they are just mind programmed zombies. ..a being who gives lot of importance to them and is investing their life for pleasing them in order to get Praise from them is the dumbest being ever and a complete looser...a being who values their judgement and thinks their stamp is irrefutable is insane in the dumbest way. ..they do not have taste. ..they do not have class. ..what everybody likes is not what is good because the masses don't function from a natural sPace. ..they function from an unnatural space of media mind programming, prejudice, small mindedness. . they go for what they are used to, what is convenient, what doesnt threaten their ego or mess with their mind ...they go for completely ugly frauds and manipulators. ..and for years there have been many stunningly beautiPhul LotusOcean Philms that didn't get even one like... LoTusOcean is really the litmus test and exPoses the masses for what they are ...their likes and dislikes come from their mind, not their consciousness...its initially really disturbing and angering to see the lack of excitement for Divine ePicness and so much excitement for their own agendas, praise investment policies, prejudiced likes and dislikes that don't come from a natural sPace at all personally feels if anyone is not suPer excited about Divine and Divine's maniPhesTations, they are being highly unnatural because people spend time here being super excited about so much crap! this makes one seethe with anger..but it's so much better to take attention away from how people are and rejoice in Your Divine blazingness!
Your words of wisdom are so soothing, clariPhying and uPliPhTing!
You are the ultimate treasure
one bows

amanda said...

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

Masses are comPleTely wrong!

Divine, God, PT is the only ONE who is always right.
PT is the only ONE in a PosiTion to lead.
PT is the only ONE who truly sees.

one prostrates in shame for ones wrong behavior 🙇‍♀️