the maths of peoples lives
on this planet
just doesn't add up
marijuana + yoga classes + stressful relationship with a retarded boyfriend
+ hive functions + 9-5 grind + self-loathing sobbing + mantra chanting
= ?
tv dinners + sodas + jogging + meditation + corporate job
+ cigarettes + gym + achohol + love dogs + eat meat of other animals
= ?
nothing coherent
is the only answer
one can give for sure
maybe it makes sense to them
maybe they can add it up
to put 'positive numbers' in front of soul evolution
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
the maths
the last ditch attempt at equality
beings left with no avenue
to turn to
turn to soul
for extracting the notion of equality
necessary to give the ego momentary satisfaction
they are very sure
that the very same soul resides in them
which resides in lotusocean creator
making them ... equal
yet for some unforeseen reason
they cannot see the world for what it is
their actions are also always far from perfect
belying their very own perception of soul as perfection
if something is perfect within
that perfection would automatically
reflect in their lives, timelines etc etc
the truth is clarified by 2 sanskrit terms
which english has improperly reduced to one word 'soul'
आत्मा - *atma* or soul is a name for partial coherence
परमात्मा - *paramatma* or supremesoul is a name for complete coherence
amongst souls
by proper definition
there are varying evolutionary degrees
depending on the level of fractal coherence
goes without saying
paramatman does not reside inside every being
Monday, 28 December 2009
there is no seperation between
foolishness & ugliness
intelligence & grace
beauty & truth
schism creation amongst these
is not a matter of chance
but a deliberate act
the motive ... smile
mirror mirror on the screen
only in the mirror of beauty
does uglyness see itself revealed
only in the mirror of truth
does falsehood become aware of its existence
a name for the perfect mirror
only the fools after seeing their self revealed
for what it is
in the divine mirror
get angry with the mirror &
ascribe all those faults to the mirror
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
am-uni-tion, not ambition
most here don't have enough am-uni-tion
(nowadays a bad word used only in relation to weapons )
to rise above
petty ambition
and all other ambi's
is the correct word for am-bi-tion
a goal can be reached only by uni - single mindedness
not bi-furcation
breaking out of the matrix
is seen as
too big an am-uni-tion to have
for most
when even setting sights on
being the best in any field is seen
as too much am-uni-tion
they would rather fall prey to
laziness or madness or both
than have proper am-uni-tion
am-uni-tion to have permanent happiness/bliss
which is basically
having uni-ty with divine as one's am-uni-tion
is a complete no-no
conservation experts
after ravaging and plundering
most of the places on earth they set foot on
the transluscents have now set themselves up
as conservation experts
in the very same landmasses they desecrated
america, australia, africa, pacific islands etc.
they have taken it upon themselves
the task of keeping forests healthy
forests of course couldn't take care of themselves
in the millions of years
uptil' their saviours came along
more surprising in the light of the fact that
they are gnown to be not able to
take care of their own health
they are the brand new caretakers of the land
they have given themselves the authority
to decide who enters their?! land and who doesn't
they take their caretaker status very seriously
as they painstakingly check each visitor's boots for foreign soil
which might contaminate their?! ultra-well-preserved land
the older caretakers like aborigines, indian tribes, maori's etc
were surely not doing a good job
too many plants, trees and animals were thriving
they have come up with innovative techniques to save wildlife
like starting forest fires
introducing new snakes, frogs, flies etc etc from other lands
it has all backfired badly
but they are sure they can solve it by introducing another specie
or raining a certain pesticide over the whole area
no its not madness at all
its all completely sane
as they will tell you right in your face
'we are good people, we are'
(refer to eliza dolittle ' i am a good girl, i am' in the film 'my fair lady')
Sunday, 20 December 2009
'ignore' at your own risk
continuing with the theme of the last blog
'the art of deliberate ignoring'
its good to see
an earthling realize
the most real of reality
majority of this world's beings
can be in trouble for
ignoring the ONE who walks amongst them
'the One' not properly depicted but than its only a muggle attempt
the ONE who holds the TIME WHEEL ( सुदर्शन चक्र -Sudarshan Chakr)
Friday, 18 December 2009
the art of deliberate ignoring
the genesnakes
haven't learnt much in their
long crawl out here
they all seem to have learnt
the noble art of deliberate ignoring
some are more expert at it than others
it goes like this -
whenever they see some being
more interesting & attractive than themselves &
thus naturally feel drawn towards it
they immediately retract
& feign that they are not interested at all
instead they try to attract the other being
in their limited ways
males usually jump around crazily
showing off their physical prowess
females jot out their mammary glands and
change their gait
couples start snogging each other
after making sure they are in line of sight
some try & show off their
skills/gnowledge in loud conversations
some just pretend to be overtly happy & satisfied
some start staring into their mobile
with unflinching penance-like concentration
some go to crazy lengths to appear busy
nothing subtle about this art
what they hope to gain
from this strategy
besides giving the higher being some laughs
is hard to conceive
after all
who needs who
as the word
clearly suggests
stems from
the simple matter of
' deliberate ignoring '
Thursday, 17 December 2009
myth no. 314159265358...
silly pretenders of saintlihood like gandhi
have helped in establishment of the myth -
'best way to lose one's self
is in the service of others'
lotusocean states
that such service is the best way
of increasing the ego
its only in service to the divine
can one lose one's self
service to divine
is automatically a service to whole creation
in a world where
rambling incoherently
for hours upon hours
blogs upon blogs
is seen as a talent
of anything except the accepted cliche's
is seen as
the domain of the
the *not* hip and with it
the reality however is that
of a simple genuine praise of divine
is way more rewarding for the soul
all the hip talk
the desperado's can come up with
to mask their meagre intelligence
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
all the good people
most people here
are pretty sure
that they are good people
its the rest of the world that is mad & bad
it doesn't add up
a world consisting mainly of good people
cannot be mad & bad
which it clearly is
the only logical conclusion therefore is
that the majority of people are not as good as they think
nothing is more traumatizing to
people than the revelation
that their self is not good
in fact for many it is a ball of negative qualities
they defend and they cry and they scream
some say they are just pawns in an evil system
thats true but why would good
willingly become pawn in an evil system
if only they could
admit gracefully
to the inherent evil within
their road to redemption won't be so tough
Monday, 14 December 2009
2 kinds of 'i'
just like there are 2 kinds of eye's
normal and third eye
there are 2 kinds of 'i's'
the dissolution of
the imperfect 'i'
only happens through
surrender to a perfect 'i'
no 'i' in d'i'v'i'ne needs dissolution
dedicated to those questioning
the bold 'i'ness of
the 'i' transmitting this blog
Sunday, 13 December 2009
it goes without saying
that one's efforts are always towards one's goal
lets look at the kind of goals beings here are setting themselves
as kids it is all about plastic toys
as teenagers its all about parties
as adults its all about gaining as high a position in
society as they can
very few beings here are even contemplating
goals like
breaking out of mrityulok (3-D matrix)
not having to be born here again
in the temporary realm of pain & disease
this is the case
even when they are living in times where
all the pain & suffering of their own and others
is all very clear and out in the open
almost everyone from a sportsperson to a housecleaner gno's
that a goal has to be set first
before any effort can be made to reach it
most are hyperbusy setting & achieving meaningless temporary goals
as soap-bubble-superfluous as
the zillions of silly new year resolutions
surprisingly there is also no real change in goals
despite all the bubble bursting
which always happens in time
the happiness they expect at the moment of reaching their goal
never materializes
whether it be the top of mount everest
or holding the trophy they wanted most
thousands of goals have already been scored in football
but the heavens haven't opened up as yet
at the end of the day
the only difference between all beings
is what goals they set for themselves
Saturday, 12 December 2009
discipline is loosing the battle
in a world where all the media
is screaming/preaching loudly - 'be undisciplined'
its cool & great to have that coffee or toffee
you are indestructible & no harm can come to you
most people have a fear of discipline
from the trauma they carry from the silly school discipline
which is designed to artificially fit one into society
no matter how they all try and run away from
any kind of discipline
they find they run straight into it
the school is followed by 9-5 jobs
the same society
which blatantly propagates undiscipline
puts people in cages for 8-12 hrs a day
to toil for an undisclosed goal
even basic disciplines like eating home-self-cooked-proper food
are disappearing fast
along with them will disappear
respect for the higher
the more undisciplined one is
the more unable one is to respond properly to the higher
such beings end up becoming vampiric apathetics
for them the energy of the higher is too much to handle
so they end up
criticizing, swearing, pointing fingers and shunning
it instead
no discipleship without discipline
their is a reason why these 2 words are the same
diverse branching/cutting of P(the axis) line
in simpler terms
one has to have discipline at every turn
to navigate properly
through the phenomenon called life
caPTain PT
you walk like
you gno where
you are going
you talk like
you gno what
you are doing
but the truth is
you've got no clue
you are lost
in this world &
the other ones
don't even
enter your consciousness
you are trapped and incubated
you need a navigator
captain P is a navigator
for this world
and the big beyond
he is here
to steer
the soulship home
captain P
captian P
captain PT
the one and only navigator
Friday, 11 December 2009
beauty and the beast
the tale 'beauty and the beast'
was conceived in europe
for a reason
the all pervading beastliness
& inside-out lack of beauty
had become all too apparent to them
all they could hope for now
was a beauty to come along
and redeem them
but being the twisted beasts they are
they turned the tale upside down
to placate their ego
'beauty falls in love with the beast'
when the opposite will always naturally be the case
there are a lot of beasts
inhabiting the now
who are suffering from notions of beauty
lavished upon them by the lying media
and brainwashed masses
however within their beings they gno the truth
as everyone happens to look at a mirror sometimes
if they really acknowledge this fact
than they have a chance at humility
which opens up possibilties of
an eventual surrender to the divine
otherwise its just a continuous hollow souldestroying run
to plastic surgeons &
beauty parlours
which should be renamed
beasty parlours or
'beasts - wanting to artficially generate beauty - parlours'
Thursday, 10 December 2009
the absolute root of
all of this world's problems
the one single delusion
people carry
that they can generate bliss and happiness
using their own self's
ideas, tools & calculations
without bowing down to the divine
the fact that they can't
stares back at them all the time
from the time when they were kids and came off
a themepark ride feeling empty
to when they are teenagers
and come back home feeling sick
after a nightout with socalled friends
people are usually old & bitter & twisted
before they even mildly confront this fact
even than they still
just clench their teeth
which is supposed to be seen as a smile
and carry on pretending
till they can pretend no more (death)
if one is really asleep & dumb
one may ask how is pollution
& millions of other problems related to this
it is easy to trace
the root of each of these problems in
negative qualities like greed etc.
which in turn
emanate from the self's absolute belief in itself
the clear gnoing of what will make it happy
and how to get it
in those whom this self-belief is dwindling
& rightly so
evil's minions are there to
reinforce it
disguised as friends, counsellors & preachers
in this time called kaliyuga
one is surrounded by this
reinforcement setup called society
& thus
needs to have a strong sense of honesty
about one's own state
to not listen to the evil's sermons
who is just looking for recruits
in its battle with the divine
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
the small matter of PT's Pics
some have taken exception
to yours truly's pictures being here on this blog
insinuating it to be an exercise in vanity
so it makes sense
to reveal their purpose
they are here
to depict beauty & grace
if anyone has problems handling beauty and grace
than they are sure to have
problems handling the contents of this blog as well
divinity always has the right to express itself
in every possible way
in a time
when evil has overflooded all the mediums
with its ugliness
it must also be stated that
all these pictures have been
taken at home or in nature (real home)
no studio light magic
99% of them are untouched by photoshop etc
most are captured by the still picture function
on low resolution camcorders
not ultra-expensive high res. still picture camera's
used for capturing the ugliness in all its detail for
newspapers, magazines, bollywood, hollywood etc
they all wanna party
especially the girls
what that exactly entails
is not clearly known
there are a few general guidelines
lots of paint on the face
followed by alchohol
followed by a pill or 2
followed by some strange moves
followed by grunts & shouts & spills & vomits
followed by a very hard walk/drive back home
to meet mr. hangover & mr. leftover in the morning
almost all the effort in this world
goes into achieving this holy end
girls partying amidst big concrete structures
its the top of the pyramid
in muggle scheme of things
real party
P being Arty
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
understanding requires standing under
(most just want to stand equal or over)
you have forgotten how to listen
the g of listening
the gravity of listening
compassion or humility ?
there are many out there
trying to develop compassion
what they fail to understand
is that
compassion (complete passion)
is the domain of the divine
even by the common definition
it is the onus of the higher being
to show mercy & forgiveness
what most beings urgently require is to
develop humility towards higher and divine
compassion for the lower will
automatically be taken care of
keyboard terrorism
the number of those
engaging in
unnecessary & arbitrary & illogical
battles hiding
behind their keyboards
is increasing with each passing day
every lowlife
types like a king, saint & a prophet
all rolled into one
sitting behind their little keyboard trenches
they have no fear of misrepresentation
or repercussions
'all is fair in keyboard button pressing'
is their mantra
only in pics, videos or in person
are these beings revealed
for what they are
average boring identityless cowards
jumpin' & yellin'
lots of
beastly and bratty
jumping and yelling
going on by the various genesnakes
to get attention
some more than others
they call it music, sports etc etc
what they would actually
do with each other's attention
remains a mystery
Monday, 7 December 2009
what are called humans in mugglespeak
are 'genesnakes' in lotusoceanspeak
even though the diversity seems mindboggling
there are not many of them here
a gathering
comprising of a single representative
from each one
would barely fill up a school hall
two major realizations which turn
people towards
suicide (a term for childish escape attempt) -
awareness of being trapped in a hell
awareness of self's imperfections & disabilities
nothing wrong with these conclusions
( parents, psychiatrists and society will tell you otherwise! )
in fact they are necessary for any kind of evolution
its just that
people are not taught simple facts like -
'suicide will not solve the problem
just increase it '
the body can be killed easily
but the 'stupid self' they are running from
will always survive
to face the music
under even more trying circumstances
don't stop us now ...
they are not stopping ...
to quell the boredom
they are now holding candlelight meditations
asphyxiating (suffocating) to death in sweat lodges
zillions of workshops/seminars
held everyday in the name of enlightenment
with no signs of it
at the end of the day
can't seem to give up turning everything
into a mock circus
a meaningless exercise in pretentious doing
for the sake of doing
the 'self' making hilarious efforts
bowing down to anything higher
remains a closed option
Sunday, 6 December 2009
what respect is
real respect is
is simply
giving more credence to
what a higher being has said
self's analysis
of that statement
its best to
not analyze at all
& listen
so that the words
permeate the whole being
which can only happen
by ignoring
self's incessant chattering noise
Thursday, 3 December 2009
whenever confronted with something higher
than oneself
it is easy to realize the patheticness of one's own being
that is not a bad thing in itself
as it creates room for humility
but the really pathetic part is the
majority's response to this feeling
they immediately look for something
more pathetic than themselves
and keep company with it
to feel good about themselves
the door firmly shut
on evolution
devolution here we come
its all worth it
as long as
the ego is safe
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
the male delusion
there are no males here
they are all just females with different anatomy
despite a nagging inkling of this fact
the illusion of misplaced masculanity
keeps on pushing them to conquer
making it very difficult for them
to surrender
no recieving =
no evolution
all the meaningless in and outs
only increase the frustration &
notions of inadequacy
as they find themselves incapable
of achieving their objective
of establishing supremacy over the being
they are desperately trying to penetrate
a real male is like shiv
one who can really penetrate
one who really gno's
thus qualified for imparting
from sperm to gnowledge