Friday 4 February 2011


its a much more

convinient world now

as compared to 100 years ago

they say

its hard to see this


shine through

in people's

tired stressed lives though

how convinient is it

to do a 9 to 5

which one hates

pay taxes , bills

not to mention all

the paper filling


the unending fine print of

bank accounts

insurance policies

Convenience by their own definition

is anything that is intended

to save resources (time, energy) or frustration

than traffic jams which every city dweller

faces these days

must be one of the prime examples

of Con-vinience

Someone is definitely getting Con-ned here

you have to get a job

pay taxes

get a car

pay roadtax

pay insurance

fill petrol

drive through red lights & traffic

all this to just get to

a place to buy food

is buying food in supermarket

convinient compared to a

small village shop of old ?

when you are

going around for an hour

in bright blinding lights

in arctic temperatures

( same refrigerator like temp

in all supermarkets all over the world )

to find your one little item

you definitely remember little shops

finally you get to the

crazily plastic-packed item

which will take half an hour to open

it would be

not fresh, full of unwanted chemicals

called preservatives

its as if all life has been

sucked out of it already

pasteurized decreamated ostricized

decalcisized ...

what one gets for all one's effort

these days

is just plain simple trash

100 years ago

one got fresh milk

from a trusted source in the village

without much hassle

all basics like air, water & food

were much easily accessible

not polluted

& much more full of life

earlier if one felt hot

one just went and sat under a tree

now you buy a fan

get the wiring done

pay electricity bill

get repairs done

all to get a blizzard in your face

nothing gentle about fans air

the amount of free time

for actually living

in todays world is close to zero

how convinient


Kilili said...

Very true. There is nothing convenient about convenience - but the idea of it fosters a mindset where people expect things to be pre packaged and "easy." You wrote about this a while back, where you said people believed they had a right to whatever they wanted, and this was the cause of many of our current problems. It is so true - and that level of expectation that it will all be "easy" has untold consequences in pollution and exploitation. Somehow in this insane system the "convenience" of the plastic packaging, etc, outweighs considerations of dying animal populations, deforestation, oil spills, oceans of plastic debris and all the rest. I cannot speak for any other culture or people, but the white western culture I know is so carried away with their "convenience" I believe it will destroy them.

Shahid said...

"is buying food in supermarket
convinient compared to a
small village shop of old ?
when you are going around for an hour
in bright blinding lights
in arctic temperatures
( same refrigerator like temp
in all supermarkets all over the world )
to find your one little item
you definitely remember little shops
finally you get to the
crazily plastic-packed item
which will take half an hour to open
it would be not fresh, full of unwanted chemicals called preservatives
its as if all life has been
sucked out of it already
pasteurized decreamated ostricized
decalcisized ..."

Fantastic....Your writings are a treat for the soul O Lord Narayan

miragegirl said...

wow !

you writing is full of wonderful wit

you show the reality in such an interesting Phun filled wonderful way

its always so much Phun to say the Plogs out loud

your depth of PercepTion and your PerspecTive on anything and everything is so intense and so complete that one is always left in awe

you are simply the best

you are Kalki

you are Divine

you are worthy of all P~raises

aap ko mera Pranam

sarah anne said...

"convinience" is actually a con! that is so brilliant/funny!!!

it is so rocking to have the practicality, sensitivity, and honesty to see it for what it is and the generosity to share the insight.

Anonymous said...

i bow!

Anonymous said...

i bow! You are so brilliant P! the way You write ignites ones entire being! all one can do after reading Your words is cry out Yes and exclaim how amazing You are!
There is nothing convenient or right about the way people live today. You are the one to see all for what it is and sPeak of it with such candor and wit. Your suPreme intelligence and all gnoing eye sees through all the lies and all the cons.
i bow to the One who lives above of it all!

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

you're so very right
one has to do so much running around even for basic chores along with facing people who have a knack for wasting the time of others
this whole set up of society and its people is so inconvenient and time consuming
takes away so much of the time available for doing right actions
You write awesomely

ki vernee said...

wow ! You beautifully break down how inconvenient things actually are in muggle world ! i bow

Unknown said...

i bow.

Anonymous said...

so true and so sad. i bow.

Naina said...

Nature has given us all. But people want to produce their own, they want to become the source. How stupid is that. I imagine how phun and simple and easy life would have been in those days when people used all natural and had all the senses awakened. I bow to PT. 🙏💛

Shruthi said...

Appalling how we've been conned by 'convinience'! It's crazy the amount of time/ energy/ effort that goes into a simple activity such eating. Adding to that is the headache of dealing with all the people that are cogs in keeping this convinience going! You uncomPlicaTe everything and show things for what they are! The system really needs a reset top down. You're so kind to be here and lead the way to better times. one bows to you shiv narayan