Tuesday, 30 March 2010


a ceremony

which doesn't have

divine as its



will not lead to any

bliss or happiness

daksha already tried it


this world as of now

is following suit


sarah anne said...

You are such a threat to the established mediocrity of this sad sad world. It is so compassionate to find a historical precedent with which to educate.

Anonymous said...

i bow and Praise Your ability to topple that which is not rooted in divine with a few words. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

wow wow !

what grand scriPTures vedic scriPTures are ! they are not understood in their real light, beings in the now having too limited a PercePTion, they are even disregarded as not being worth much excePT as stories !

but they are evergreen, the ones that always hold true, so grand ! so great the ancient rishis are !

& what more to say of who You are when ONLY You in the now are able to see & understand them comPleTely !

ceremony is the croP formations season, the celebration of P's Presence & P's Wictories all over the world
grandly accomPlished by the trandimensional entities in their talk with You,
by nature in its resPonses to You

lightining thunders & claPs to sing in joy about Your glory, charge dances & flows willingly & effortlessly to You
nature's soft stunnigly beautiful & soothing colours are garlands offered to the Wictorious King P
how every elemental resPonds to You ! its stunningly amazing ! awing events all the time with You !

'Paranormal is the new normal' as You are here

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Wictory King

whom the masters of all ceremonies have to Praise

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i bow in shame for mistyping here!
for being so unconscious.
Divine is so kind to not say anything and allow one to see ones serious mistake.
one hoPes to never mistyPe or missPeak Praises.
to attain a state where one is able to behave consciously around Divine at all times.
It is the greatest kindness and comPassionaTe act when Divine does PoinT out ones errors for one to change.
only You can helP one get straight! be ProPer and Truthful!
so grateful Divine is here to guide the way.

i bow
it's so beautiful the ways You state the facts P.
so PhascinaTing to learn more about why the world is in the miserable state it is in.
You are the only ONE to follow!
You are the only ONE to celebrate!
You are the only ONE it revolves around!
there can be no Truth without You!
there can be no beauty without You!
You are Truth! You are beauty!
You are the only ONE who can lead one to real bliss and happiness.
so grateful for all the ways You helP one come to understand the Truth P!
so grateful for all the ways You helP one see that the only choice is You!
to choose to fully serve Divine is the only choice to make.
so grateful You are here guiding the way to Your feet P.
i bow

Unknown said...

i bow

Unknown said...

i bow

ki vernee said...

what a powerful PoinT ! You are the Axis ! i bow

sarah said...

You have the most uPlifTing effect.
You elevate everything and make it Phun and cool even if it seems imPossible to do.
You are a suPernaTurally PosiTive Phorce.
i bow.

nicolas said...

what a great PoinT! any so called Phun without you is not Phun! you are the real hero, the real avatar
your Presence on this plane is a divine happening
you make all better effortlessly through all that you are
you are Beauty, you are TruTh
all that you are is magnificently and inPhinitely wonderPhull
your words are the best words as they always convey TruTh so beauTIPhully and clearly
your intelligence is a gracePhull miracle
your hearT is of gold! you are bliss, you are divine
the liPhe of all beings should be organised around you as you are the axis of the world
you are the Pole we spin around, you are inPhinite compassion
you are God in a human body
what a priceless miracle your existence is
deeply graTePhull for all that you are and all that you do

i bow and surrender at your Pheet for liPhe has no meaning without you

Naina said...

So true, I bow. 🙏🙂

Ankeeta said...

Wow Jagatguru ParamPiTah Parameshwar ParamaTma…You are the suPreme authority….so true Your words really are…