Friday 6 March 2009

a turn on

some people sometimes ask - what turns you on?

i say -

what has never been turned off

has no need to be turned on


amruta patil said...

this is priceless.

Dancing Deer said...

this has got to be the smartest thing i ever heard anyone say...


miragegirl said...

aap Purushotam hai

aap Kalki hai

aap ko mera Pranam

Anonymous said...

:) i bow. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

this leaves on sPeachless every time one reads it.
You are Phull blasT.
i bow!

miragegirl said...

That's very smart
a joy to hear of a being who is divinely intune always
One with Divine, is Divine
You are Divine

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Real Hot
in this uncooel no hot world

Chandra Arumugam said...

This is the best!

Unknown said...

i bow to the Time.
i bow to PT the Axis.
i bow to the Charge.

ki vernee said...

beautiful ! You make the best points ! You are always switched on ! i bow !

Gita said...


Gita said...

The question should have been "what keeps us turned off unlike you"

Ajay Kapoor said...

Beautifully said. Your choice of words is always great! Such a great impacting post within a sentence. I bow.

sarah said...

i bow to Your divine wit !!!

veena iyengar said...


Kṛtti kā said...

This makes one smile like anything!
You are The Ultimate !
bows and bows and bows and bows and bows and bows and bows and...... /\

nicolas said...

you are so intelligent and witty! your words are the best words
i bow to you all gnoing one

Paramtrishna said...

These words are such a turn on... Praise to your intelligence!

nicolas said...

wow simPle & yet so deep! your greatness is so steady & everlasting!
your higherness is the most amazing miracle! you shine like nothing else can!
you are the best of all beings!
i bow to you suPreme one