after 1000's of years of crawling
around on this matter-plane
the snakes/genepools have gotten smart
firstly they select their representative
than they want this representative to be
adored & worshipped
by other genepools
doesn't matter if it is not worthy and the
praise doesn't flow naturally
coz everything is for sale
in this unreal mock play world
tighten your laughter belts
an example showing the telugu genepool's wantings
actress (coz prostitute is a bad word) is punjabi
male is a telugu hero archetype
pressing the mute button advised
so if you have ever wondered what keeps
all the farmers & labourers at the ground level going
this is it.
they work very hard collectively
to generate enough resources
to achieve this final product
same is the case with james bond,
dalai lama, bollywood etc etc
not necessarily :)
just means they have
taken the first step - realized
the futility of the above exercise
anyways where are these quiet genepools you refer to?
i bow. this video is no longer available but Im certain it mereley served to accentuate Your valid PoinT. i bow. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
Lmao! :D this is one of the most ridiculous things ive ever seen! dhanyavad for Providing nearly 5 straight minutes of nonstop laughter P. the bananas were a ParTicularly nice touch. i bow in fits of laughter. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
what a PresPecTive You have ! Yours is indeed the All Seeing Eye, You indeed are the All Gnoing One
Tri gyan You have, You are the Tri~lord
crawling snakes are no Phun, Garud is what one has to bow down to
one hoPes to better oneself through disciPline
reading Your Plogs out loud, Praising them helPs
all wantings seize in Praise of Divine
Divine's beauty Provides more than one asks for, bliss is sweet
You are so grandly exPansively lovely
so totally rocking, awing, insPiring, benevolent, grand
You are Divine
all one should want is to Praise Divine continuously & not let evil touch one
You insPire one by being the grandest examPle there can be
You are Absolute Truth, so it is that You can Provide the Absolute Truth
You are Divine !
You are Truth
You are The Blissful One
the One who has never gnown sin
the One who always gnows the truth
i bow to PT the Axis.
i bow to the Divine.
You make the best points and You are so phunny ! i bow ! phunny that beings put so much 'work' into things that lead them no where !
Very good point made, beings wasting so much time of these videos which leads them to nowhere. I bow..
I bow. I am no where near perfection as you. You have shown me my ignorant ways and I want to follow a divine, dharmic path. You are the only light out of this confusion. aeioum
P You throw light on what is necessary & what is not...yes indian movies are all jokers worthy of nothing...
🅿 You truly are the worthy One amongst all of us!!!
your words are so Phull of sense! your greatness is a never ending awe!
you are the greatest one! there is no one like you!
you are god in a human body!
i bow to your divine greatness
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