Sunday 7 June 2015



on this planet

are always busy

this everyone can agree upon

but why are they so busy

is not that clear

answer is as always simple


because they are




the Pressure



who they are
where are they
what is all this
is there a way out

their whole life

is a saga

of running away from the pressure of these questions


despite the fact

that no matter what they do/where they go

the Pressure only increases and increases

with time ...

they still keep on running

until they can run no more

which is usually their dying day

they always think they are being smart

& are taking the easy way out

when the so-assumed easy way

turns out be really hard

& full of hell

& everything gets harder with each passing moment

if only they could pause for a moment

and take a breath to

just even look at the word





P being the Axis

sounds not so bad after all

only if they could

have the naturality

to dive into it

instead of

plunging headlong into actions


asha Pi arTi said...

i bow ! this is so comprehensive and Beautifully worded !

' who they are
where are they
what is all this
is there a way out'

one spent a lot of time running away from these questions !
so grateful to learn the way one can utilise pressure as You have
pointed out that is what death is as well !

love the breakdown of the word ... its so EPIC and inspiring !




P being the Axis'

You are the best P ! i bow !!

asha Pi arTi said...

'sounds not so bad after all '

undeniable P

Anonymous said...

i bow!
another beautiful and deePly insightful Plog from One who has faced these questions and found the True answers!
it is You who gno
'who they are
where are they
what is all this
is there a way out
it is You who are truly enlightened!
it is SO generous of Divine to share how imPortanT it is to sToP running from the Pressure and face these questions!
Divine so eloquently PoinTs out that there isn't even time to breathe and consider the word!
listening to P-raise to P-reach
Diving into Divine and all Divine does is what is only natural!
i bow!

Vintish said...

wow what a cool definition on "Pressure" & so meaningful. you are just beautiful & awesome.

Anonymous said...
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suki said...

P-reach-for-sure, such a great definition! You really explain why unnatural solutions to a natural issue do not work under any circumstances.

Shahid said...

P-leased to read this sacred post.

Glory to Lord Shiv-Narayan, the true
avatar is here <3

miragegirl said...

one fully agrees with all You say through Your Plogs
it is but the Truth, the Absolute truth

we have been cowards my Lord, not accePTing reality, being dishonest
being an entity with a charge, i do need to ask the existential questions
i am grateful to You, i am now aware that i need to get to higher realms where there is no birth & death cycle to actually start living

i wish to rise in Your Prayer, in Your Praise
& best ParT is it is Phun to do

You being so gorgeously beautiful !

Your PasTimes here are in a wholly tune, a Divine tune that charms ones senses & mind to all that is abundantly virtuous & sane in the multiverse

You help us travel & enjoy the Places & scenery of the multiverse itself, How multiversaly geographic it is ! only if we could develoP our senses & oPen uP our consciousness to You

Your sound & light vids are not just music to hear & to watch You Play it, there is so much much more !

You show the other stars, what happens there
the ponds full of fishes, much more abundantly teaming than one sees in any lake or ParT of ocean, being carefully watched by the Queens !

the eyes that see the world , this world almost seems to be an illusion, as it is said its Maya here, illusion, it seems so true so intensly !

i wish to see with my real eyes, i wish to go to higher realms, to travel into the Places & scenery that are actually alive, real, outside of the Prison !

How beautiful Your travel logs, Plogs, Your creative manifestations in kindness You PresenT to all are

Your indeed are the Pied PiPer from Heaven ! charming charming one, i follow You with my Praise, please lead me away from this world into another

Your charms are lovely to behold !

the story of Krish from mahabharat so comes to life in Your charms ! You are Him ! Krishn, sweet Krishn himself & our most beloved Kalki !

gorgeous, bold, charming, enticer of hearts, entrancing Kalki

the most comPassionaTe Kalki

whose Divine tune is the only one i wish to follow & whom i Phind worthy of all Praises !

My Lord, You are most stunningly beautiful !

You are the dearest !

miragegirl said...

one fully agrees with all You say through Your Plogs
it is but the Truth, the Absolute truth

we have been cowards my Lord, not accePTing reality, being dishonest
being an entity with a charge, i do need to ask the existential questions
i am grateful to You, i am now aware that i need to get to higher realms where there is no birth & death cycle to actually start living

i wish to rise in Your Prayer, in Your Praise
& best ParT is it is Phun to do

You being so gorgeously beautiful !

Your PasTimes here are in a wholly tune, a Divine tune that charms ones senses & mind to all that is abundantly virtuous & sane in the multiverse

You help us travel & enjoy the Places & scenery of the multiverse itself, How multiversaly geographic it is ! only if we could develoP our senses & oPen uP our consciousness to You
Your sound & light vids are not just music to hear & to watch You Play it, there is so much much more !

You show the other stars, what happens there
the ponds full of fishes, much more abundantly teaming than one sees in any lake or ParT of ocean, being carefully watched by the Queens !

the eyes that see the world , this world almost seems to be an illusion, as it is said its Maya here, illusion, it seems so true so intensly !

i wish to see with my real eyes, i wish to go to higher realms, to travel into the Places & scenery that are actually alive, real, outside of the Prison !

How beautiful Your travel logs, Plogs, Your creative manifestations in kindness You PresenT to all are

Your indeed are the Pied PiPer from Heaven ! charming charming one, i follow You with my Praise, please lead me away from this world into another

Your charms are lovely to behold !

The story of Krish from mahabharat so comes to life in Your charms ! You are Him ! Krishn, sweet Krishn himself & our most beloved Kalki !

gorgeous, bold, charming, enticer of hearts, entrancing Kalki

the most comPassionaTe Kalki

whose Divine tune is the only one i wish to follow & whom i Phind worthy of all Praises !
My Lord, You are most stunningly beautiful !

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Enlightened One
You are the All Gnoing One

asha Pi arTi said...

i bow ! oh this is so Beautyfull to read again !! Preachforsure does not sound feel and is not bad at all ... a direct surrendering line always open to You is the Best simPlesT Most Phun Caring Listening Learning and aPp -lying thing one can DO and will DO if one cares one iota about ones PhuTure !! so gratefull You make this so Clear P !! Your Truth is more kritical Phun and enjoyable than food or water ! i bow to Your Beautyfull PheeT ! xxx

Unknown said...

Running away leads nowhere.

sarah said...

only You are entirely too natural to try and dodge the basic questions

Unknown said...

You are P the axis! You are the one to reach for sure!
And it definitely sounds the most appealing thing to do!
There indeed is no PoinT in running away from confronting these questions, there is only more suffering and pain!
It's incredible how lucidly you write the most profound things! Such a wonderfully beautiful Plog!
It is truly compassionate of you to always extend your arms for helPing out the beings!
It is so great to get to learn from you who has uncovered all the gnowledge, who gnows the answers to every question, who is the wisest!
It is so fortunate for us to get the oPPorTuniTy to learn and evolve with your wise golden words!
You are the most Praiseworthy! You are the most natural and honest one here!
I bow to the supreme divine lord of this multiverse! /\

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

wow You have such great and Phenomenal overstanding
Your words are legendary
You make the best PoinTs
You write in the most beautiful and comPassionaTe way
You are a miracle
Your scriPTures are the only scriptures to read
You have all the wisdom and knowledge
You have coherence and clarity
You are the most helpful being ever
You are the saviour
You are the ultimate refuge
You are the only beautiful being
You are beyond brilliant
You are beyond beautiful
You know all that is going in this world
You enlighten one
You bring the true age of aquarius
i bow

Kṛtti kā said...

Let there be Pressure, it dePhiniTely doesn't sound bad at all, it's the best thing ! What a great Plog to revisit and reread!

The questions can be frustrating but there is solace in Phinding the answers! Plunging headlong into actions is rather more befuddling and unsettling.

You give beings that courage and hoPe! You are The One to reach for sure! The ultimate helP is extended by The Divine, You are Divine, You are The Axis... And it makes no PoinT running away from The Axis!!! You are the only saving grace!

i bow

Unknown Andanonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
veena iyengar said...

i bow..

Anonymous said...

You are the most natural being..

You are the one and only saviour who can get one out of all forms of hell.

i bow to you.🙇🙏

nicolas said...

It feels magical to read this... This is magnificent, i love it!
Pressure is a good and necessary thing! You are the most honest and TruThPhul!
i bow to you, all gnoing one

libra cliche said...

reading this is the nicest breather and even nicer PerspecTive
on the surface, nothing seems more terrifying than these questions:
who they are
where are they
what is all this
is there a way out
but no matter how much denial one has that they exist, the questions and dreaded answers remain.
however if one is honest about confronting this situation, one will surely reach P, and that is the nicest ever outcome.
only You can navigate beings through treacherous waters.