want to be
in some way
and since most
cant be that with money
they act it out
with time
everyone is a
when it comes to time
when the actual
account balance is
usually max
100 years
thats why
they act very surprised
when time is about to be up
oh wait
i thought i had billions left still
they say
I bow
lol O.o
divine is real wealth *_*
Billionaires !!! LOL ! Brilliant !
what a great analogy !
You are the most brilliant and wittiest One ! always PresenTing ePics truths to us in the most entertainingly Phun way !
nobody says it like You can !
nobody can draw such Profound conclusions as You can !
You are the Best !
I Bow !
Your words are so relevant and so aPT always !
nowhere else can one find writings such as these !
i Bow !
Sweet PersPecTive :) The sweetest ever ! I am a TRIlionaire every time i breathe in Lotus OCean.Time is no more a barrier when one can focus on the good fortune bestowed upon by reading every word written by your Grace.Pranam.
such a PotenT reality check. i bow. dhanyavad for guiding one in how best to invest ones time. Narayan! Narayan!
i bow. You are most kind to remind one of how short time really is here and how Huge and imPending the Phuture Truly is. i bow. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
suPerb Plog P
one has to definitely keeP on reading Plogs again & again, it increases consciousness, walks one toward the Path of evolution, one understands Your Plogs better as time Passes by
one definitely has to increase ones consciousness to be able to grasP the imPorT of Your words & helP oneself in doing so
grateful for all the Plogs that You have in comPassion given to the PeoPle here
a great scriPTure, The Vedic scriPTure is being written now & PeoPle do not care, even if they have ready access to it
hoPe many more would read Your Plogs soon & give themselves a real chance at something that is sliPPing away from their hand & that which they are blind to right now ...
Time is running out definitely
every second is imPorTant for oneself to rise uP
one definitely needs to be more disciPlined
You are PerfecTly disciPlined
You are LuxmeNarayan
the One with a golden PhracTal heart !
Rainbows sing the legend of a warrior
Blue-hued, wearing Sun Yellow
who kills all wicked and low
i bow
You use Your time so wisely ! You Provide such eye oPening PerspecTives ! i bow respectfully !
so True. i bow.🙇🙏
You stress on the imPorTance of time in the most imPacTPhull way!
You are such a boon to the entire existence, it is so great to have You right now, it's so comPassionaTe and so merciPhul of You to have come here!
time which doesn't has You in it, is another beat wasted !
You give meaning to liPhe, You show us our real destination and You steer us to the it throughout!
Your comPassion is unfailing and untiring! Your beauty is felt each time one reads Your words, hears You sPeak, watch You Play, just exPeriencing You is evol-loving, it's always joying and awing!
You have the most beautyPhull Purest heart of gold /\
i bow /\
yes so true! your observations are so sharp and accurate! you are a real genius! you are perfect in every ways!
i bow to you supreme lord
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