people are calling
yours truly
a showoff
the reality however
is simple as always
they simply dont have anything to show
the same old bad attitude
which has kept them
crawling on earth plane
& hells
comes up again -

instead of getting happy about
someone on this plane who can
walk the walk
follow them
squirm in jealousy
benefit ?
but goal-less beings
do not care
they are ready for deeper hells ...
Pure - wisdom !!! I bow ;)
I bow !!!
Beautiful wording / sizzling ~ very factal ~ I bow !!!
You are the most humble person on the planet, your qualities can never be praised enough, they are outstanding.. There should be documentaries of you, major motion film pictures of you.. You are the only person who deserves to show off. Many others however should stay hidden away behind closed doors.
showoff nahi, show of One hai
Aap sache Highlander hai
Aap ko mera Pranam
Profound & Powerful words !
You expose the lowly attitudes of the goaless in all their absurdity. what an age in which we live where Divine incarnate is accused of being a show off !!!
Your retort is brilliant and highly educational ! You understand the functionings of beings so well, so great how You pinpoint the exact origins of these types of negative attitudes -how it lies in jealousy and goalessness !
am very pleased to be part of the prestigious club that actually gets happy to behold all the wonderous & amazing & magical sights that are what encompass PT's world !
You are great P ! and the only One with anything to "show" ! with You the show is truly 'on' not 'off' !
I Bow !
sundar chitr hai
Aap ko mera Pranam
if You show Your life as it is ... without any falsehood ... which is exactly what LotusOcean does, that's not showing off :) that's sharing, and only scrooges are not happy about Beautifulness and real joy and purity and all other good things !!
why would we not show what You are about ?!? its real and its happening and ppl who deal with that and wish to applaud You instead of hiding behind negativity ... that's honest, besides its a superphun fact to face !!!
i bow !
which 'show off' turns down million dollar offers from the music industry bc You don't compromise the way You do things and what You have to say !?!?!
its infuriating what ppl say bc they have no idea about You !! they just make fools of themselves.
You are not doing things for the limelight, but to show what is actually going on this PlaneT ... what it is for & why we are here... what all is possible thru the right actions !!
so glad You are here P ! Your like the real news medium, no beating around the bush just proper facts truth and pure principles !
i bow !
You show what real wisdom is and how Profound it can be
You are the Point of no return
i bow
i bow
so awesome of You to share Your beauty and knowledge with the people of this world..You do everything with so much style..You are so beautifully PraiseworThy and so very interesting and PhascinaTing..You are so unique and amazingly knowledgeable..You are One who has real beauty and knowledge to share..people are so dumb and used to low vibration crap that You have to help them to Praise You by revealing who You are..You are so considerate..You are such a beautiful soul..You are such a blossoming of a being..You are like the blossoming of a lotus awesome and wonderful of You to share Your beautiful wholistic life with the world..You are so unique and wonderful..i bow
You have so much to show off ! phunny that muggles say You are showing off but You are just being Yourself ! finally someone who walks the walk ! You are really a Savior! i bow
You are so Pure and righteous ! that makes so much sense ... beings have nothing to show off ! i bow 🙏💛🕉
So True. i bow to the divine.🙏🙇
wow so beautiphull! you are the coolest of all! no one is more real than you are! you are purity
i bow to you supreme lord
wow !! you give so much clarity to everything ! they dont have anything to show rather than the bad attitude which keePs them trapped ! that is an awesome PoinT ! you have an ability to deciPher everything! i bow (/\) (/\) (/\)
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