another term thrown around
a lot on this planet
so lets set
the record straight
it is
ka - charge
R - always for rotation
ma - matter
charge rotation into matter
there we have it
thats all
a freewill-freewheeling thing
not a rigid destiny concept many have turned it into ...
I bow
Ka is the axis
this definition is so educational and helpful !!! You truly gno everything !
truely liberating defining P ... You are always so compassionate and give one everything one needs !! You make real evolution possible with scientific logical PracTical gnowledge !! i bow !!
You have made such a heavy concept into such a simple thing. It takes so much weight off the shoulders.Phew...Glory to you Beloved Lord.
Jai Sri Narayan <3
Perfect! Shea now know! I love you man! Brother in arms!
i bow!
You are the source of Real gnowledge! The only True authority on subjects so many talk about and
'throw around' as you so PerfecTly PuT it
without actual, PracTical, logical gnowing!
It is unbelievable that Divine is here, incarnate, setting the record straight. That anyone can access Your words and have the chance to read the actual Truth directly from Divine.
i bow!
How extensive Your connectivity, Your energy
one can actually feel Your voice, Ka , R , ma
Your voice is entrancing
when we write comments, You must be able to tell the feeling with which it is written, the honesty or dishonesty that one is exhibiting !
You are so intensly Pure, comPleTely connected, benevolent my Lord !
You gnow the exact moments of what is haPPening with one, as it haPPens, You can feel it truly !
You are the grand consciousness
How more Grand that you can acutally hear the PlaneTs & the Stars, Multiverse is a Playground for You
You say Divine is ' ...like everybody else when its here', How, ever so charmingly !
it is the PerfecT Person, Divine You are enligtened, i feel like saying It is The Enlightened, because You are infact not just a Person, You are so much much more, 'beyond the realm of words'
the freewill i have & use of it is to lose myself in Your Praise & how so very easy You have made it for me
giving such abundant of Playtime, PasTime to see & enjoy & Praise
You are the light of the Sun
You have the Sun, Moon & Stars embodied in You
to say at a basic level in that You are comPleTely intune with Multiversal functioning while You have taken the form of Avatar, doing activities as Per Your chosen Time here
You keep Sun, Moon, Stars in Proper motion
How very connected & Grand You are !
How very imPorTant & Grand You are !
i long to be with You, Please, want to be only with You !!
You are The Enlightened One
the All Gnoing One
You are grand !
i bow ! this is exactly what one needs to read and speak outloud right now and anytime !!! Your True Gnowledge about everything removes the edginess from living life !! You Provide with a suPerior way to rotate charge into matter = Bowing Serving Bowing Praising Bowing Learning Bowing !!! i bow
God You simPlyfy everything so Beautyfully !!!! i bow
Actions are guided by free will.
This is such a refreshing message.
You are such an examPle of Precise control.
Your PerspecTives are always so uPlifting insPiring and PleasanT
You have seized control of Your life, the world, and more
only You can show how its done
the mainstream definition of karma is really fatalistic ! the world is fortunate to have You here to Properly define this word ! i bow !
BeauTiPhull Truth.
It is so comPassionaTe of you to free one from all kinds of prisons.
i bow.
i bow..
That is so true! very clear and simple way to explain, this is gorgeous! your logic is perfect just like you!
i bow to you, all gnoing one
turning charge into matter !!!
the charge one creates dictates the matter !!!
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