this whole planet
used to be
at one point
( pre 3000 BC )
the one-book sects
posing as religions
have modified history
in order to
keep the people
under their fold
the word 'vatican' comes
from sanskrit 'vatika' ( meaning 'abode' )
vatican sits on top of what
was once a shiv temple
so does mecca
with its black stone
all magical symbols
used in this world
find their source
in vedic gnowledge
so do all the sciences
the land now called 'india'
was/is the last stronghold
of vedic gnowledge
they have tried their best to
uproot it from its very roots
but it is impossible to
take out something
which is so pervasive
real unity amongst
all the varied people
on this planet
can only come from
a coming back to
the vedic way
( सनातन धर्म
- everlasting decrees )
which by virtue of being complete
in its understanding
of this multiverse
is alone deserving of the term
in uni i tie
in one i tie
Thursday, 25 August 2011
the vedic unity
Saturday, 20 August 2011
doing the do
people always seem
to be able to
do the do
when it comes to
brushing their teeth etc
but when it comes to
taking care of their soul & evolution
most cannot
do the simple do
using their mouths
to praise higher/divine
using their bodies
to serve higher/divine
it is the only way one evolves
not by thinking or internalizing
moving the mouth to praise the higher/divine
is the 'do'
only those who
do this do
with continuity
get out of the mess
Monday, 15 August 2011
think think (wink wink)
there are so many
in this world
who love to think
using their faulty little brains
powered by their unfractal genes
many have pushed thought to the limit
have encountered
confusion, frustration, insanity & suicidalness
the net result has been
a big zero
all the past wisdom and tales
make it very clear that
any evolution or rise in this multiverse
depends on praising/serving the higher/divine
not thinking
Valmiki wrote the immortal epic 'Ramayan'
by praising Raam - an incarnation of divine
not by thinking
even asuras like ravan gained power & influence
by praising/serving Shiv - a divine being
still they believe
that they will figure it all out
if they just keep reading & thinking
kundalini doesn't rise
by reading/thinking
nor does 3rd eye open by reading/thinking
all evolution happens
through actual practise
of praising/serving higher/divine
this simple fact remains
elusive despite all of their thinking
all of the evidence pointing towards it
want to gno ... really !
there are many
who come to lotusocean
saying they want to gno
some even say that they want to
gno it all
yes most of them
are not even willing to
leave their
useless little lives behind
guess they don't want to
badly enough
maybe not gno at all
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
random word generators
there are millions of blogs
propping up everyday
and most of their output
output of a
they don't mean/say anything
just lots of words
for no rhyme or reason
whenever people write anything
these days
it is all so incoherent
even a random word generator would
do better
there are many
who feel not worthy
of going towards divine
the fact that one wants to
turn towards divine
makes one worthy enough
enough worth lies in
just taking that step
there is no special qualification/worthiness
required to go towards divine
a wanting to get out of
the hell created by evil
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
there are many who
say/think they are not brave enough
to move towards divine
out of the current structures of evil
lotusocean says that
it requires more bravery
to continue in hell
only brave can handle
unending confusion, pain, torture, boredom
people who think they are safe & secure
within hell's structures
are brave indeed
as all the evidence points otherwise
no special bravery is required to
move towards divine
those going towards divine
are not-so-brave
as it is just going towards
real safety, nourishment & pleasantness
Monday, 8 August 2011
no room for divine ...
to create a world
which has no room for divine
divine has no entry point
divine will never reduce itself
to being an actor in the various silly-woods
( divine be's not act like what it is not -
job of actors is
to promote unrealism, fantasy & devoluting attitudes)
or a circus-like entertainer like pop/rock idols
( to reduce vibrations & dumb people down further )
or a gladitorial sports idol
( to suffer pain & glorify torture for some money/fame )
or a religious head
( to promote falsehoods & practise hypocrisy )
or a fake guru
( to fool oneself & masses alike )
or a corporate ceo
( to sell people/nature/earth for a chair & some money )
or a puppet government head
( to be a rubberstamp of the evil overlords )
so masses have no
access to divine
except for one loophole
Sunday, 7 August 2011
the reason why
the reason why
majority of people on this planet
live their life like they do
because they assume/presume
that it will all last forever
their parents, friends, pets
and of course them
in this foreverness
one can while away time
one silly frivolosity/triviality
after another
whats the harm they say
we have all the time in the world
an eternity for nonsense
looking at them
one gets the feeling
they have infinite lifespans
beings here show no
of their lifespan
reality of death
does not ever really
enter their
when it actually happens
in their forever-little-world
it is seen as a trauma
which they usually cannot recover from
death opens up too many questions
like what after etc
so best to just behave
as if it doesn't exist
& carry on with mindless
nonsense in
a being who gno's
that they have limited time here
is bound to behave differently
especially if they also gno
what is at stake
if they don't
Saturday, 6 August 2011
असतोमासदगमय् तमसोमाज्योतिर्गमय् मृत्योर्माअमृतमगमय्
Lets move towards
Truth from untruth
Light from darkness
Immortality from death
असत has been pronounced अस्त
as अस्त means 'setting' &
this was done when sun was 'setting' ...
असत & अस्त are phonetically connected
as 'untruth' and 'sun-setting' are
metaphorically connected