the word
is not a very liked word
in these times
people are
doing everything
they can to run
as far from
they can be moronic, confused,
retarded, schizophrenic etc etc
but not simple
simplicity arises out of honesty
a quality they struggle with
like its the black plague
lotusocean only
many doubt it
using their complicated brains
how could
the truth and the answer be so simple
they say
lotusocean says
it won't be the truth
if it wasn't simple
Thursday, 30 June 2011
at their own pace ... surely
there are those
who say
that they are learning
at their own pace
& everyone doesn't have to be
at lotusocean's pace
wonder what they think
their lifespan is ?
a minimum of
100,000 solar years ?!
people do live like
thats how much time
they have in their hands
10,000 years for playstation
another 10,000 for procastination
make mistakes and learn from those
trial & error
all kinds of funny methods
can be tried out
whats the hurry
there are ages left
childhood is for making no sense
youth is for making mistakes
old age is for struggling with the body
they also seem to
equate time with evolution
things will only improve with time they say
as if devolution is not a possibility at all
a snakes and ladders game without snakes
either they don't want to face
the reality called death
they have a really bad
reading books ?
for the last
100 odd years
people have been made
to believe that
they can gain gnowledge and evolution
just by reading
so no contact with
the author/guru
is required
just pay the money for the book
& you're done
lotusocean declares
that no one can really learn anything
worth learning
without first hand
under a guru
the whole world is reading books
at the price of millions of cut trees
& no evolution is happening
more books they read
more confused they get
learning & evolution
is a more
hands on practical thing
than people are willing to accept
it is not just some
foofoo mental concept
evolution happens through
right speech
right diet
right postures
& most importantly
right behaviour towards higher & divine
no book can teach one this
the practise of it
can only be
done under a guru
they will call an animal
which tries to defend itself
from being killed by their bullets
by charging at them
as aggressive
they will label
a tree which tries to defend itself
from being cut
by dropping big fruits on the cutter
as aggressive
they will call nature
which retaliates
for all the abuse that has been done
through earthquakes, floods ...
as aggressive
but who is the real aggressor here ?
they think they can do harm
but not have any repercussions
thats why they hate higher & divine
as they are powerless in front of it
the loss of control
makes them scream that
'divine is the aggressor '
but who is what
is very clear
to see
people talk
about all viewpoints being relevant
all the time
why should only lotusocean's
viewpoint matter ?
well for starters
there is
no point
having a
which leads one to
pain, torture & hell
that is not a viewpoint
it is a blind-no-point
a view
requires a high point
for viewing
a high evolutionary status
promises a proper real view
for those
there is hardly any
to have a
negative ?
its strange
beings who are pointing out
the actual negative
happenings in this world
which are creating a hell here
it is the most positive thing
to point out the negative
and not take part in it
how else would one
distance oneself from
the real negative called evil ?
seems like
evil has banned
anything from being called evil
under its rulership
a perfect recipe
for devolution
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
the challengers
there are those
who come challenging lotusocean
but they don't even
reveal their real/full identity
its also funny to see
how these folks
don't challenge the
evil beings
who control their lives
have reduced them to a
zombie mineral borg barely-conscious
dumbed-down schizo
pathetic blissless hellbound state
they instead challenge
something which is giving
them a way out
a chance to raise their soul
out of hell
into bliss
as these words
are written
there is huge thunder & lightning
where they are being written
in bharatania
(now called UK)
even all the sold-out folk on TV
are saying
that 'Gods must be angry'
as this doesn't happen in england
at any time of year
let alone this time
challenge ... hmmm
there are those who say
that lotusocean is
not really do-ing anything to change things
they seem to be completely unaware
of the fact that
there is no greater do-ing
than telling in plain words
what is
right & wrong
good & bad
divine & evil
only education from the core
which hits out at the core
can bring about any real change
lotusocean is not
stupid or impractical
enough to
start going out there &
pulling plugs from all the polluting factories
as they suggest
& if they feel thats the way
they should go out and do it themselves
instead of asking lotusocean to do it
lotusocean fortunately doesn't work
from their limited consciousness spectrum
once people hear the truth
its up to them to change
if they change
than all nonsense stops automatically
if they still don't change
there are other much more practical
& simple ways
to end it all
nature, earth & lotusocean films
lotusocean films
earth's nature
in all of its beautiful forms
they are an amalgamation of divine & nature
there is a purpose to them
unless people appreciate
nature & its beauty
why would they stop
destroying it
so those who say
these films are just about some
flimsy rainbows etc.
& thus not practical
are in their ignorance & bad attitude
completely missing
the P-oint
people of this planet
only believe in power
in following forms -
physical power, economic power, political power
they say
has none of these powers
& thus cannot
issue any notices
they don't seem to be aware
of a power called
Divine Will Power
which streams directly from highest divine
this power
is beyond all the powers
which they worship
even regarding what they hold important
their perceptions are hollow
they talk about physical when their
bodies are electrically dead
they talk about economic when
they are part of a fraud money system
they talk about pole-i-tics
when the whole crumbling dysfunctional system is cut off from
the Pole, the Axis
the P
the P is the P-ower
Monday, 27 June 2011
a notice
beings cannot be
stopped from
ruining themselves
thats their use of freewill
can't be
won't be
allowed to
ruin the earth
the hellbound rulers
who control the
other beings called masses
on this planet
are not fit to rule
they can't direct
their own lives positively
let alone anyone elses
yet they have given themselves
this position by hook & crook
for the last 5000 years
no wonder the
world is in the state
it is
they make the masses believe that
its the masses who are ruling
through demo-n-cracy
so its the fault of the masses (humanity)
if thing are going wrong
but masses everywhere in this world
are only given options
( democrat or republican, capitalism & communism etc )
all of which are created and control by them
it is all still an aristocracy
with demons being the aristocrats
things can only change
if masses install
devic evolved souls
who care about humanity
in all decisionmaking positions
otherwise its hellboundness
for all of them
of course they won't be
allowed to continue ruining this planet
by powers higher than these
the translucent existence
on this planet
can be summed
up in a useless activity
all of their so-called
has just led to a device
called lawnmower
which creates a continuos horrible noise
doesn't allow flowers to grow
kills all organicness in a mechanical borg fashion
Saturday, 25 June 2011
different or clones ?
most people
have at least
another 100,000
exactly like them
prototype no. 1, 2, 3 and so forth
still they all believe
that they are different
or have
thoughts and emotions which
are somehow their own
and no one else's
most of their
thoughts and emotions
come from social conditioning
which is in turn controlled
by beings/forces which control society
everything about most people (muggles)
is from the same limited box
to become an individual
requires a seperation
from the hive
which most are unwilling to do
to become
one of a kind
sadhana ( penance )
which most find daunting
does require
doing really different
and evolving
even if one is born
as one of the clones
Thursday, 23 June 2011
victim mentality
there is a lot of
victim mentality
going around
in this world
people are always
blaming other people
& the system
for their state
yes the system is evil
but one's own destiny
lies in one's own hands
noone can stop anyone from
praising and serving higher & divine
and raising one's soul & state
the truth is that
most people
who continuously complain about their lot in life
are not willing to take
an opportunity to change their state
even if it is presented freely
so the evil which keeps them in hell
lies as much in them
as it does in the system
revolution ='s re-evolution
so much pseudomyth has
created around
the term revolution
in the last 400 years
american, french, communist revolution etc etc
people are going around wearing che guevera t-shirts
but nothing actually ever really happens
it all ends up in a big mess
with no one any happier
just some superficial change in government
which is all futile in the end anyways
is no revolution
revolution is only about evolution
it happens within each being
through personal effort
not staging demonstrations
or buying/using weapons
or wearing t-shirts with photos of confused beings
who neither care for
nor gno about
is one's own personal responsibility
doing the right things oneself
and connecting with divine
is real r-evolution
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
evolution is the only revolution
some ask
what is the point of evolution ?
why be so concerned about it ?
if one is fine
doing what one does not want to do
if one is fine
being a slave to an evil system
if one is fine
being helpless
if one is fine
with things not going their way
if one is fine
being blissless in hell
than there
actually no need to worry
about evolution
but once you have made the decision
do not complain about
your job, your boss,
your boring life
your pathetic existence
if you however
Do want to
break free of the matrix prison
you would need to evolve
there is no other r-evolution
which can save you
revolution is just real evolution
& for evolving
you will have to
be respectful to higher/divine
another basic difference between divine & evil
evil tries to make simple complex
divine makes even the complex simple
even survival ...
even bare minimum
physical survival
requires certain
practical physical functions
people somehow feel
evolution, bliss, ascension
do not require
practical physical effort
they are only ready to make it
a mental or emotional game
no wonder
there is mostly devolution happening
wherever one looks
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Monday, 20 June 2011
hallowed ground ?
the english (anglo-saxons)
after having concocted funny rituals
called tennis, cricket etc
like to refer to the places
where these are practised
( pitches, courts,
lords, wimbledon etc )
as hallowed ground
strange since
no holy being
has walked
on them
a hollow
unless they mean
Sunday, 19 June 2011
there is lot of
going around in this world
people are continuously creating
unnecessary drama in their lives
just to feel alive
not gnoing what to do with their time
people are
entangling themselves & each other
in dramatics
without any purpose
they are living a drama
not a life
their reasoning is
if they cannot raise their soul
than why not just do drama instead
the answer to why-not is simple
to not sink into hell
drama has become a thing of art
a profession
it is respected
as can be seen by
popularity of soap stars
who are paid to create drama out of thin air
media is promoting
drama in all forms
number of soaps is increasing exponentially
all over the world
one will find that
the beings who
actually pursue evolution
higher states of consciousness
are those who are
more focus = less drama
more drama = less focus
less focus = loss of soul
of praising higher & divine
without any drama or fuss
is the only way UP
Monday, 13 June 2011
who needs who
lot of messages are thrown
at lotusocean
stating stuff like
' i won't be back here again '
etc etc
it seems like
they think
lotusocean needs them
instead of
them needing lotusocean
maybe these infantile tactics
work for silly meaningless games
like elections
where one can say
' you won't get my vote '
and get some response
is not here
for acceptance
from anyone
let alone confused beings
who are already in a hell
and heading into deeper ones
those who think they are
doing a favour
by coming here
don't need to come here at all
no point in
meaningless exercises
Saturday, 4 June 2011
people of this planet
love to keep animals
behind bars
in place they call a
thats why there are
so many of them
let lotusocean
break the news to them
that they themselves
are in a
which is managed by
their evil overlords
and they
are as trapped
as caged animals
in their corporate offices
what makes them worse than the animals
is that animals
at least want to
break free from their cage
machines or beings
most beings here
are functioning like machines now
working at supermarket checkout counters
doing robotic motions all day
others are answering phone calls
like machines from call centers
most people's response
to any outside
circumstance or stimuli
is becoming
more & more
narrow & limited
a computer program can
all their responses/activities
from their dayjob to
cheering at games/concerts
people are becoming
no better than droids
a computer could run this planet
and all these
people will comply easily
they have no idea
what life is for
so they are ready
to do whatever their
evil masters
lay out for them
even if the price is their soul