Thursday 23 June 2011

victim mentality

there is a lot of

victim mentality

going around

in this world

people are always

blaming other people

& the system

for their state

yes the system is evil

but one's own destiny

lies in one's own hands

noone can stop anyone from

praising and serving higher & divine

and raising one's soul & state

the truth is that

most people

who continuously complain about their lot in life

are not willing to take

an opportunity to change their state

even if it is presented freely

so the evil which keeps them in hell

lies as much in them

as it does in the system


pinx said...

Yes! What a brilliant point! People are constantly doing that ~ blaming other people and the system for their state! It is so great that you set those types of misnomers straight! yes evil exists very much within not only without!

and as always do you provide one with the resolution ~

"one's own destiny lies in one's own hands"

"noone can stop anyone from praising and serving higher & divine and raising one's soul & state"

it cannot get any more inspiring and motivating than that!

you are the best PT!

adimanav said...

all of your blogs are amazing and outstanding!

truly scriptures for the now!

Ren said...

Very true. Have been noticing how much people have this victim mentality lately.

Anonymous said...

oh my God!This one wud certainly smash the hells on this planet earth n the evil system wud b earsed once for all. kingdom of divine wud prevail.Glory to all that is divine.

mrig said...

something that was needed to be said. superb as always...

asha said...

Your words are always straight to the point facts with a distinct practical solution !

Shahid said...

"no one can stop anyone from
praising and serving higher & divine
and raising one's soul & state"
Fantastic O Lord of the Ring...
Your writings are such a feast for the hungry soul pining for the Divine:)

sarah anne said...

It is so profound a point. taking full responsibility for one's own state, regardless of environment, is essential wisdom.

miragegirl said...

kitna badiya P log hai !

"so the evil which keeps them in hell

lies as much in them

as it does in the system"

prashansa sirf mukh se nahi hoti, vah har tarah se hai

ParamaTma ki sahi nirantar prashansa na karna evil hi hai

ParamaTma hi hume sah kuch dete hai

ParamaTma hume jeevan mein suraksit rakte hai

ParamaTma Pavitr ujjval Prakash hai jin tak vikas ke marg se sab ko pahunchna hai

mukh se ParamaTma ki prashansa param anand ko dilata hai

Aap Kalki hai

Aap Param Pujaneeya hai

Aap ki jitni bhi Prashansa ki jaye vah kam hai

Aap ParamaTma hai

Aap hi Pavitr ujjval Prakash hai

Aap ko mera Pranam

Anonymous said...

i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow! Your Plogs are so essential P! what a gift You Provide in Your words. You are so kind to constantly remind that ones destiny lies in ones own hands and emPower one to seek Divine through Praise and service. You make it so clear what one need do to evolve and change. You are the True savior guiding the way. i bow at Your comPassionate feet. dhanyavad P! Narayan! Narayan!

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

'most people who continuously complain about their lot in life are not willing to take
an opportunity to change their state even if it is presented freely'
You're so right. Your observations are awesome.
evil lies in not wanting to change our state.
so awesome of You to remind.

ki vernee said...

what a brilliant PoinT ! You are so emPowering ! You really show that ones future is in ones own hands ! i bow

ki vernee said...

the truth is that

most people

who continuously complain about their lot in life

are not willing to take

an opportunity to change their state

even if it is presented freely

so the evil which keeps them in hell

lies as much in them

as it does in the system

Your words sPeak levels ! You never play the victim role ... You are always resPonsible ! i bow <3ॐ

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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sarah said...

clear deductive logic wins again !!!

You Provide everyone with the tools to change their state (and the circumstances associated with that state)

Anonymous said...

True. i bow

ankita said...

wow.. so insightPhul... that's what it is.. victim mentality... You truly have done all the work others couldn't do and Provide all the sPlendid answers ..You are the One who truly gnos... how beings complain about the lot in life when the evil lies in them as much as it does in the system ! they do not even take the oPPorTunity when it's given freely ..You are so brilliantly insightPhul in such an ePic way! this is the Plog of the century and suPremely Precious revelation... You gno beings so well and make all the sense!You can see through all kinds of mentalities and nothing escaPes You... no other mind here can write or sPeak these Plogs.. Your Plogs shine with effortless intelligence and honesty
i 🙇

Ajay Kapoor said...

Such a brilliant post, one has to be willing to change their state otherwise evil lies within those that don't. Such a good observation. Plogs are so great to understand the happenings on this Plane. I bow

amanda said...

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

Divine is so kind to helP ones see one has to be resPonsible for oneself.
one is so ashamed for ones state and ones actions.
Divine is the most.wmqzong examPle there is of ONE who is comPleTely resPonsible and is always rising uP!!!

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

Ankeeta said...

Hari Har Mahadev PT... You are the most wonderful One... so wise and true... You are most gracious and merciful