Thursday 28 January 2010


wonder why they call

the parts where an instrumentalist plays

a sequence of notes

on top of a backing

a solo

they are obviously not solo (alone)

as there is a whole backing band behind

when people do somehow muster up the courage to

actually play an instrument alone

it sounds so incomplete and meaningless

not a surprise considering

the incoherence of the being involved

even the so-called 'solos' in solo (muting the backing)

don't make any sense at all

its all so-low instead of so-lo

people cannot do the 'solo'

as they don't have what it takes to be all the parts

in music or otherwise

the continuos (mis)use of the word

makes them feel good about themselves anyways

PT doing the real 'solo' -


fan said...

your work as one amazing being with one guitar is so awesome, unrivalled, and so complete that it is a great privilege to watch and listen

Anonymous said...

solo is SO Lotusocean Ocean
definitely reserved only for you!

Anonymous said...

¡Solamente PerfecTo! i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow! You are the real solo P! Your music is so full, comPleTe, multifaceted and resonates at a frequency all its own! other music definitely becomes meaningless once one is exposed to Your sound which overflows with meaning. what You and Your complete coherence are capable of creating with an electric guitar is unreal! Any instrument, any thing that is Placed in Your Divine hands oPeraTes at the highest level Possible. Your sounds transPorT one to another world that one never wants to leave. i bow at Your miraculous feet.

miragegirl said...

that's a beautiful solo

miragegirl said...

only the real can be beautiful solo
as You are

PsingulariTy said...

You are The suPer sol

You Play beautiful solo, radiant NewSun with brilliant glow

Unknown said...

i bow

ki vernee said...

You are so impressive ! i bow

nicolas said...

you are divine goodness! what a performance!
you are the lotus ocean whose purity is unchangeable
you are Purity
all that you are is divinely marvellous
you are infinitely good
liPhe has no meaning without you

i bow to you supreme one

Nikole Çobani said...

Your words are so precious, like heavenly better than gold. You are so perfect in every angle or emotion.