Monday 18 January 2010

champions of tolerance

people on this planet

may not have many virtues left

but they are excelling in one

they are all jointly awarded

champions of tolerance

by lotusocean

tolerating nonsense


and in others ( people as well as systems )

is as automatic as breathing air to them

thats what all their relationships are based on

you tolerate my nonsense

and i will tolerate yours


males tolerate females for sex

females tolerate males

for fear of loneliness, financial reasons, selfimage ...

parents tolerate children & vice versa

friends tolerate friends

brattiness keeps on growing

discrimination keeps on dwindling

of course they cannot keep it up

all of the time

thus the fights & outbursts

but most of them do enough most of the time

to keep the facade going

the real funny bit is that

they think it is the sensible thing to do

nonsense + nonsense = sense


only time

doyens of tolerance

become extremely intolerant is

when they encounter

someone who points out their nonsense


Shahid said...

This post is fantastic and sooo true.

"you tolerate my nonsense
and i will tolerate yours

At your feet always PTji.....

fan said...

you bring out the hypocrisy so visibly. it's quite remarkable..

sarah anne said...

This is the exact basis for most relationships, I agree. That is fantastic insight into a treacherous situation.

In my experience, people tend to be better at tolerating their own nonsense than other's, but they really put up with a lot, either way.

Anonymous said...

:D! Lol! dhanyavad for so aPTly PoinTing out the nonsense P. i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow at Your Purely sensical feet. Your Precise discernment is one of Your infinite Divine qualities. one is comPleTely baffled by ones PasT ability to tolerate ones own nonsense as well as others. You make it imPossible to live with the nonsense. Your words are Powerfully rectifying. Your Divine insight is the most comPassionaTe gift P. i bow at Your all gnowing feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

You are the PhunniesT P! and so kind to continually helP one see ones own nonsense and Provide the only alternative action that makes sense! i bow!

miragegirl said...

it takes honesty to be intolerant
connection to Divine Provides virtue, Power & energy to live a truer liPhe

PsingulariTy said...

Divine has tolerated evililsh nonsense here till now, its benevolence that everything is not destroyer in five minutes down to nothingness

its not understood that there is no invincibility in all the created structure, its very fragile. concrete can rumble, crumble to ground, their Pavements slide, glide to nothingness, their metal could blow to Pieces, without a trace...

You are The ComPassionaTe One
You are soft as a cow !

Chandra Arumugam said...

True. We tolerate because of some fear. But, how to overcome fear?
Your help is needed very much.

Unknown said...

i bow

asha Pi arTi said...

this was so PHUN to read !! lol You are so witty , so intelligent with Your humour

you tolerate my nonsense

and i will tolerate yours


You are so outside of all of this ... am so gratefull You are here !
You are my HERO !
You proove intelligence is worth more than all the money out there
and no one has more than YOU DO !!!!!!!!

i bow

Anonymous said...

Your observation is awesome. You're so right.
one is taught to be okay with having no real knowledge and one is expected to be tolerant of the nonsense that comes from not knowing..
all that talk about 'compromising' with each other is such a drag..
You are such a shining and brilliant being. Your Plogs are so awesome.
You are so wise..the world is merely a Playground for One like You..i bow

ki vernee said...

You are so right ! i bow

Unknown said...

:) I bow!

Dhanyawad for pointing out our nonsense. Without you/your keen insights one wouldn't realise the nonsense within and around one. Your Plogs are ParamounT! You are beyond compare!!!!

I bow /\

lana_33 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sarah said...

You are so gracious to sPeak the truth when no one else will do it.
tolerating everything is not required, a better PhuTure is required.
only You can guide how to get there.

nicolas said...

you are incredibly smart! your words convey reality so precisely! this is very impressive
no one else would have put it the way you did!
you are Pure TruTh
your words are divine words! one feels so graTePhull to be able to witness you
you are the kindest of all beings
your grace is a marvellous Phenomena

i bow to you all gnoing one

Back-2-Vedic said...

You hold a mirror uP to society every time! Your words here are hard-hitting PhacTs, undeniable indubitable! one bows to Your suPreme observation Power! You are the unquestionable ruler of the world! bows and bows / \

Anonymous said...

You are so intelligent, You keep it clear simple and Precise
these are the greatest insights, so true and sPoT on

Nithya Gopalan said...

You are the Only Real RelationshiP P !!! one humbly bows to Your Lotus Divine PhracTal PheeT _/\_