Monday, 29 June 2009
Friday, 26 June 2009
many people on this planet
especially the new-agey kind
are expecting some ufo's to arrive
out of which some et's will step out
and solve all of the world's problems
it doesn't occur to them that et's
can have problems of their own
they don't realize that anything
that is still in 3-d universe
and heavily reliant on
blissless technology like metal craft
is nothing but a problem
they are ready to see et's as gods
in their eyes
anything with more tech = god
even amongst socalled experts
it is now fashionable to reduce the term 'god'
to some et's called annunaki who
genetically engineered homosapiens
yes the masses were programmed to see them as gods
but surely these experts
once they have given up their petty ego's
and stop spreading the lie that
'everyone is god'
can find a way for a
much more higher & all encompassing definition
the whole concept of evolution
is now so mixedup with technology
that they cannot fathom
advancement in spiritual terms
there are and have been beings
on this planet who are much more
evolved and have gotten much closer to the truth
than any et
but as the saying goes
'grass always looks greener in the other field'
the beings which come here from
higher planes of existence are the
real extra-terrestrials
( called 'avatars' in vedic terminology )
the word 'terrestrial'
refers to the whole earth(terra) plane
which according to the vedic puranas
includes the whole physical universe (bhumandala)
there is news for those waiting on ufo's/et's
they are already here
they have been here for a long time
they run the affairs on this planet (shadow government)
and is everything going groovy ?
it is just common sense to realize that whether its
the et's or the spanish conquistadors
the whole scene is driven by selfish motives
only those who have surrendered to the divine
do not have such motives
and those beings can be found on this planet
as easily
as any yoda(s) from any other planet in our galaxy
or other galaxies
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
'friendship' is another concept
accepted by society
& pushed vigourously by the media
but why friendship ?
coz it is the best distraction
for your already dizzy attention
your friends are basically
people on a similar level to you
that don't hurt your ego
in fact
friendship is a mutual ego pampering circle
friend = free-i-end
simple put
the one who puts an end to
'a chance at freedom'
thus in its modern 'english' sense
it is anti-evolution
in earlier times disciples under a common guru
could be friends
they all helped each other
in a quest for evolution
the friends of today have a different role
they assist you in your quest for hell
it is a collective escape pod
friendship of today
curtails any slight chance of
the flowering of the delicate seed of individuality
it unashamedly promotes hive mind
this socalled friendship creates a blanket
which distracts one from seeing
the reality of their hellish existence
like buddha did
unfortunately he didn't have friends
so he could not just carry on smiling & laughing
he had to seek the 'truth'
not only does friendship cause one to not seek the higher
it promotes confrontation with the higher
the street gangs you see heckling people
are never just one person
people lose their head in the strength
which comes with numbers
they feel invincible
what the whole mindset is can be summed up in -
better to have company in hell
than to be alone on the road to heaven
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
the first step
when people ask me
what is the first step
for betterment of this world
i say that the world has to
stop misusing these 3 words
' Love ' , ' Free ' & ' God '
the rest will all fall into place
the energy paradox
the same person
on the street
who is very energetic
in its selfish pursuits for happiness
(eg. teenage girls out on the prowl in
miniminiskirts & skimpiest tops
in the coldest midwinter nights )
which somehow always eludes it
is often found to be
completely berefit of all energy & zest for life
when it comes to serving divine
( the same girls would suddenly feel
very cold & lethargic
if assigned any evolutionary task by any higher being
in the same weather/conditions )
the only action which can
give it the happiness it desires
it fails to find the energy for
BirdMan - Setting the Record Straight
a cropformation which appears on 14th Jun 2009
puts the whole mystery to rest ...
the message can no longer be refuted
Sunday, 14 June 2009
BirdTribe Phoenix CropStamp ~ 12 Jun 2009
the cropformation imprints keep on going
the lotusocean direction ...
birdtribe phoenix right thru
the heart of the sun
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
there are lots of attempts at singing
by various genepools here on earth
from an objective outsiders look
it is seen that
most of these genepools haven't
even learned to speak properly
i.e speak from the center of their mouths
they all speak in lopsided twisted ways
either to the left or to to the right
if you don't believe
switch on the telly
and start paying attention
toddlers learn to walk before they run
but here people learn to sing
before they can speak
all twisted & annoying wailing, screaming
passes off as singing as long as
it aims to hit some funny intervals called notes
no intonation or mantric power
in the voice
is seen as a requirement for singing
in fact it is taboo
to be that impactful
singing is afterall just one part of
the light entertainment circus
'gnoing' is also not seen as having any relation with 'the voicing'
despite the fact that all tales tell an opposite tale
'the voice' of benegeserits in dune
which can command or
'the voice' of sages in the puranas
which has a direct soul impact
anything real with any power has to be avoided
simply coz its not something one can relate to ...
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
3 Fishes - Another त्रि Formation
another chapter in our cropcircle saga
how cropcircles/formations
have been following lotusocean intent
in this case the response was to the
following film -
Monday, 8 June 2009
त्रि (Tri) Response Formation - 05 Jun 09
another chapter in our cropcircle saga
how cropcircles are following lotusocean intent
in this case the response was to the following film
Friday, 5 June 2009
'worlds most amazing videos'
name of a TV progam
the content -
police car chases,
extreme stunts, torture, misfortune,
dumbness, madness, craziness
it is all part of mild easy lightweight entertainment
amidst all the loud crashing & chaos
its easy to forget that
it defines the word 'amazing' for the masses
Thursday, 4 June 2009
the deal
there are those
who think that deals
which involve the soul
for fame & fortune are a myth
so lets hear it straight from a 'famous' mouth
if the voice won't chill you
the content will
yes 'the world we can't see'
people do need temptations
to grind in this hell
created by evil
some are ready to work for less
some ask for more
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
on the surface
this world's structures
seem to give you many options
option to be in sports, movies, farms, festivals, religions ...
the self sees all this choice as freedom
when it is just one big trap for soul-slavery
as long as one chooses from options provided
by the society, system or establishment
or whatever else one wants to call it
one will never break out
of this hell
option of choosing amongst the many rooms on the titanic
as it sinks
is not really an option
Monday, 1 June 2009
when P lays
its Play
when P is arty
its Party
P = the axis
of the multiversal tree
in other words
P is the Pole you spin around
what was lost is now being found
funny how many consider themselves
like the people at the original 'woodstock'
when they are
just being pawns in an event
organized by the establishment
the military bringing in the LSD & so forth ...
to be anti-establishment one has to atleast
gno what the establishment is
just scratching the surface & being confused
are the major characteristics
of this deluded sense of bravado & selfrighteousness