whining and whingeing
has never done anyone
any good
never will
one's state no matter how bad
will never improve one iota from it
in fact things will only get worse
one is indulging in bratty behaviour
multiverse can only respond with a slap
to such an illogical audacity
even if the so-called parents don't
beings here only whine
as their parents allow them to
get away with it
as they themselves want to whine and whinge too
a devoluting cycle
I bow
The Dark age or Kaliyug has put our rationality to sleep...
Thanks to higher beings like you, who are waking us from deep slumber...
Gratitude... I Bow... Aeioum
Reactions follow actions.
Multiverse never responds by good reaction to a bad action.
i bow to the divine PT avatar.you are the Guru of the world and lord of the ring and the Rainbow Warrior.
we must dissolve our baseless egos and bratty behaviour and bow to higher and divine
thats only way we can evolve.
You always shoot it so straight P !
You never beat around the bush, and You say the Truth no matter how uncomfortable it might make ppl feel bc You are truely the most comPassionaTe Being !!
so glad You are here and one can learn from You !!
i bow
so kind of You to help one dissociate crying with unburdening
there's no unburdening without praising bowing and serving
You show one the only way out and help one discard negative attitudes and behaviours
crying won't do one any good
it's an illogical audacity..that makes sense
You give such great insights
crying is such a shame..
one has to train oneself to never loose control and cry
one has to take control of ones mind and not Your teachings can help one do that
You are the real teacher
You are the real Guru
i bow
So true. What a crazy messed up world. Without your help we wouldn't know how to correct ourselves from so much meaningless and devoluting behavior. Om Guruveh Namaha.
yes whining and wingeing is such a shame
You give one a chance to get rid of the habits that cause devolution
You make one change the mindset that causes these habits
it has never done anyone any good and never will
yes it's such a devolution cycle
You give one the tool to rise above illogical audacities once and for all
there's no excuse for such an illogical audacity
only You show one what the right way to be is
You are the best teacher
You are the real Guru
i bow
yes there's no need of whining and wingeing even when anyone is trying to stop one from Praising, because one can Praise then..it's never wrong to Praise no matter what ..You are ones only roPe out of hell. You are the only hoPe. Praising Your beauty is the only way to sanity. there's no excuse for whining or wingeing because Praise of You can always be done at all times. You make everything so simPle. You take one away from complications. it's allowed to Praise the PraiseworThy anytime! whining and wingeing is a terrible bad habit. it's so graceless and there's no facial disciPline in it. it's so anti disciPline! it's not that stopping putting ones attention on You and crying about what is happening that is going to help..it's not going to help
crying is bratty indulgence and there is no excuse for it.
one can't give into negativity cause Praise can always be done and should be done of You who's so PraisworThy
crying is illogical audacity!
You make it so clear what the right thing to do always is
crying doesn't make one get rid of negativity
only Praise of You and PuTTing ones attention on Your Pure, guileless uPliPhTing beauty can make one get rid of negativity
and it's stupidity if the mind still thinks that one can get rid of negativity through crying and indulgence and all that nonsense
You are the only way
Your DiviniTy and beauty is the only refuge
and You are so comPassionaTe to give one refuge
You are so sweet and so kind
You give hoPe and the cure for the heavy heart
You give such clear directions
You help mend brokenness
You make one give up brattiness
You show one how stupid, shameless and sick it is to cry when Divine is here and when there's so much to Praise about Divine!
Your beauty, Your beautiful and magical lightness of being, Your joyful smiles and laughter..it's all so worth putting attention on. You are the only one to put attention on.
instead of defending and crying one can always Praise! how thick the mind is to not get this totally! it's not that if someone is displeased by ones Praising that one has to stop! it's such stupidity. Praising is ones own initiative and one can't stop and cry! how dumb that is! how dumb and complicated the mind is to think one is doing something wrong while Praising! it's so idiotic! so graceless! how ill the habits of the mind are!
You make one understand so much
You are truly coherent
You are realised
You have all the gnowledge and the wisdom! Your gnowledge is amazing!
You're so kind and comPassionaTe to give one refuge
You are the only refuge
You truly are the only refuge
i bow
I agree that whining and wingeing doesnt help a being in their path.
The classic "Why Me" Is merely a point in time which gives one a choice to evolve or devolve and the Universe abides with what ever choice made.
However, I do like to believe that when the intention to seek help and clarity with ones life is pure the Divine has to respond and assist.
As Pt says do good actions so that one will get only good reactions from multiverse and one will never need to whine/whinge about anything . Indians are expert in whining. 😝
You are so right ! ones race is definitely filled with a bunch of whiners and whingers and complainers lol ! and it never solves anything lol the only thing it is is annoying to the ears ... like a screaming baby throwing a tantrum at the store ! only PBS to the Higher takes care of everything ! i bow respectfully
whining and whingeing has never done anyone any good and never will
You make it all so clear. whining and wingeing has never done anyone any good and never will!You are so kind to help beings out of all the wrong notions
regarding crying being helpful... You are so kind to help beings out of wrong notions. You are so kind to help one understand that it's all so wrong and negative. it's such an illogical audacity! You save beings from bad habits and brattiness. You are so kind to save one from the enemy that is in the me . You are so kind to help one understand that it's even more stupid to cry when You are here on this earth.. it's just so absolutely wrong and stupid to cry even once when the avatar is here ..its so shameless, senseless bratty sinful and crazy
so kind of You to give beings all the tools, ammunition weaPons and counter weaPons to get to never crying because it's just so absolutely wrong when a being like You is here telling beings what the right action to do is and giving so much of You to cherish. so kind of You to help beings understand that whining and whingeing is such a serious crime esPecially in Your time of living.. when Your beautiful Divine Phorm is here for all to see
You are very kind to give beings a chance to PracTice and work to not fall into totally wrong and senseless ways of being.
really when You are here on earth, there's no excuse for taking attention away from pbs to You even for a few minutes or seconds to indulge in whining and wingeing.. a being like You should be praised all the time because You are so Precious, Beautiful and eternally good as well as imPorTant
i bow to Your gloriously beautiful and wonderful Presence.
So true..
I bow to you..
You are so logical.
You always get to the PoinT.
So BeauTiPhully put in words! You are so true. i bow
so kind of You to show beings a way out of hell
you are the PuresT
one bows
Your words are so rePreshing and the truth You sPeak is so liberating
You are the One and only gem 🙏
You are the saviour
You save beings from crazy downward spiral and time wastage
You are so sacred and Pure
You insPire one to imProve and do the right action 🙏
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