Wednesday 8 March 2017

discipline and fun

these days

the only

definition of fun




breaking of discipline


considered fun


in reality

it is

just akin to falling in a ditch

how fun is that ?

real Phun always

comes through


and all

rishis and deities and higher beings

are examples of that


and once the initial

aversion to discipline is

gotten over with

discipline is actually Phun



asha Pi arTi said...

WOW !! so true ... You make everything Phun !!

I bow

Vintish said...

I bow

si said...

omG, that is such a great PoinT ! Your observations and analysis are so brilliant. 
Your ScriPTures have such dePTh and imPacT while being so witty & enjoyable ! it never ceases to amaze one how many layers of content every line of Your Plogs carry !

You really drive the point home - 'how much fun is that ?' - seriously ... !! so confronting and true ... it's shame-full, those futile illogical attempts at achieving fun thru breaking of discipline !

sooo sooo true - in this world only breaking of discipline is considered fun ! 

discipline is always portrayed as the end of all fun, often even life-threatening-to-lethal ... dozens of movies from hair to dead poets society to chocolate ads come to mind immediately ...

all the supposed 'fun' activities in muggledom have to do with breaking discipline, 'letting oneself go' ... the result is never real Phun, it always only leads to craziness, excess & exertion, contorted expressions, hangovers = downfall ... ! You've worded it in the most elegant and precisely true way - it's akin to falling in a ditch !

You are the Most Disciplined Being, and when one compares Your Pics, sounds & Philms with all the pics that muggles upload onto fb documenting their supposed 'fun', with the 'music' they create and with their facial expressions, it is very clear to see WHO has the real smile, WHO produces truly blissful, joyful & enjoyable sounds and WHOSE activities are truly interesting, uplifting, vibration-raising, in short: WHO has real Phun !

You are so kind to give this wholesome, most helPful wakeup call and to clarify once and for all what is the right, ProPer and logical thing to do ! You are the ultimate ExPerT on everything, including Phun ! 

You allow one access to so much Phun thru following Your precePTs, doing the disciPline You prescribe, thru the amazing oPurTunity for PBS arising from Your Presence here!!!

thru putting attention on Your sound & light one has the Privilege of exPeriencing a level of Phun which is completely, profoundly different from and off-the-charts vastly superior to everything else on this plane.

it is so immeasurably miraculously awe-inspiringly great that You are here and that Your amazing manifestations are accessible thru Your generous media !

forever grateful for Your greatest PresenTs/Presence !!!!!

i bow

Unknown said...

One always dislikes change.

Change for betterment gives fun in all sense.

Unknown said...


ujjwal sharma said...

Your observations on our muggle world are quite accurate as you are the lord of the third eye.real Phun and Party can be seen in your beautiful Philms.
i bow to the divine PT avatar as you are the only one teaching the correct way of life as you are the guru of the world.

Suresh Selvaraj said...

Hi PT,
When I was kid,the pop corn was Rs.2 and now in theaters it seems to be Rs.500 more than 3 times the ticket. Not sure How this can be Fun? People are moving to malls for Fun and to get some A/C as outside its hot without trees. I feel its beyond people's control to move beyond the forces of kali yuga because they get awareness but difficult to swim opposite currents?

Unknown said...

Discipline is a difficult thing, but indeed without it there is no learning, no evolution!
Being disciplined is a cool thing not being indisciplined!
You are the PerfecT example of it! One can learn so much from you. You always insPire one to follow a Proper conduct, your words are full of truth and wisdom.
I bow at your beautiful feet!

missmriggy said...

so true.. the discipline of being a disciple of PT is Phun

Unknown said...

Yes, true....We have ingrained the wrong and argue that is correct... We have to get out of the vicious cycle of wrong doing....

Only the enlightened, evolved soul and divine consciousness can guide us....

Thank you for showing us the way.... I bow...


ujjwal said...

Your observations of our muggle world are absolutely are the lord of the third eye and guru of the tell the problems and then give are the lord of the ring.when i first listened your voice on youtube i knew you are the avatar because it was very powerful and strong.
i bow to the divine PT avatar.

Anonymous said...

yes one should never break discipline
one should never walk or talk lazily
one should have no room for 'chalega' attitude and all other wrong indian attitudes
so shameful and ugly all these attitudes are
breaking of discipline is akin to falling in a ditch
so true!
so many unnecessary thoughts coming and a sick lazy disconnected attitude can leave one impaired!
Your words are always great
it's so much Phun to listen to Your music and read Your words
it's Phun to keep lazy and meandering thoughts away through doing the do
lazy thoughts are not Phun
You are the only hoPe
You save one from craziness and nonsense
You give one a chance to change and be more disciPlined
only You make one see more and more how imPorTant it is to have disciPline
You are so much Phun..Your words, Your music, Your liPhesTyle..
i bow

Anonymous said...

yes one should never break discipline
one should never walk or talk lazily
one should have no room for 'chalega' attitude and all other wrong indian attitudes
so shameful and ugly all these attitudes are
breaking of discipline is akin to falling in a ditch
so true!
so many unnecessary thoughts coming and a sick lazy disconnected attitude can leave one impaired!
Your words are always great
it's so much Phun to listen to Your music and read Your words
it's Phun to keep lazy and meandering thoughts away through doing the do
lazy thoughts are not Phun
You are the only hoPe
You save one from craziness and nonsense
You give one a chance to change and be more disciPlined
only You make one see more and more how imPorTant to have disciPline
You are so much Phun..Your words, Your music, Your liPhesTyle..
i bow

Unknown said...

This is so profound. Thank you so much for this enlightening TRUTH.


sarah said...

You are so gracious to manifest in this realm and Provide a source of Phun.

Kṛtti kā said...

Your words are always sPoT on. You always make the most PertinenT PoinTs.
one needs to get over the aversion to disciPline... need to ditch indisciPline.
indiscipline has never brought any Phun! Real Phun comes through constant disciPline, You are the best examPle of what being disciPlined and Phocussed is! Your stern stand on being disciPlined Presses one to become disciPlined. You are the best teacher to learn from! And as You say disciPline makes a disciPle. So DisciPline it is! You are so comPassionaTe and graceful to show what real Phun is !
i bow at Your lotusPheeT /\

Anonymous said...

One only becomes a disciple after he is disciplined. I bow to PT. 😇🙏

Aish said...

That's a great insight! Discipline is not fun if the desire is not worthy. For the one who desires to evolve, discipline is fully fun. Then it's apt to call that one a 'disciple'.

O brave one... thank you for the expression.

Devarsh Ambani. said...

Wow so very true

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Data said...
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ki vernee said...

beautiful ! this really needed to be said and clarified ! one associated discipline as some hard boring thing but its the complete opposite ! every being needs discipline in everything they do from eating the correct foods everyday ... staying phit ... continuous Praising Bowing and Serving ... keeping up the body and living space ... everything ! without disciPline that is when things start to get hard and hellish and overwhelming ! discPline is needed to Play P's game ! without it no being can Play and will just descend into hells ! wow it make sense now ! You oPen ones eyes everyday ! i bow respectfully <3ॐ

ki vernee said...

beautiful ! this really needed to be said and clarified ! one associated discipline as some hard boring thing but its the complete opposite ! every being needs discipline in everything they do from eating the correct foods everyday ... staying phit ... continuous Praising Bowing and Serving ... keeping up the body and living space ... everything ! without disciPline that is when things start to get hard and hellish and overwhelming ! discPline is needed to Play P's game ! without it no being can Play and will just descend into hells ! wow it make sense now ! You oPen ones eyes everyday ! i bow respectfully <3ॐ

NavdeeP said...

You have to be disciplined to have phun. O great ,higher being you phnow everything.
You can teach what a real discipline could be. Bows to your power.

ki vernee said...

indiscipline causes so much pain and sorrow ... discPline leads to Phun and control over ones body and phuture ... i bow <3ॐ

veena iyengar said...

Very true..
I bow..

Anonymous said...

Your disciPlined demeanor is so classy.

Anonymous said...

You are the classic examPle of being disciPlined.

You are so disciPlined that it makes you the one and only high-class elite being of this world.

ki vernee said...

and once the initial

aversion to discipline is

gotten over with

discipline is actually Phun

Your words are so Profound and true ... i bow respectphully 🙏🖤🕉

nicolas said...

wow! this is so true! discipline is actually phun! i bow

libra cliche said...

this is so true. one has the instinct to violate disciPline but it always feels like absolute unbearable misery and torture. maintaining discipline in spite of things that appear on the surface to be unfair, like wildly different standards for different beings, turns out to be so rewarding.

ankita said...

yes truly disciPline is only Phun
rest is just a waste of time
You're so kind to show a way out
one bows

ankita said...

wow You are so absolutely right and meaningPhul
only disciPline and having a goal and working towards it is Phun
only doing the right action is Phun
being scattered and distracted is not Phun
You make so much sense
You're the best !
one bows

ankita said...

yes initially a being thinks it's having fun by lazing around and doing what it wants and not working or having a goal ..or being self indulgent ...but that's just a delusion ...everything about being undisciplined pulls you down and brings negativity sitting in a bad posture is such a negative deflating experience for everyone and hardly anyone can deny that ...sitting straight and in the right PosTure is PosiTive , uPbeat , good looking and forward it's disciPline that's Phun and undiscipline is akin to falling in a ditch ! that's so right ! You are so absolutely right ..You are so kind to show the way and so kindly exPlain so many things that no one else exPlains or is even caPable of doing so ...You are such a beautiful shining beingness bows