Friday, 2 September 2016


those accusing


of  being negative

should understand that
















asha Pi arTi said...

that is so beautyfully true !!
You words are so PosiTive comPassionaTe and liberating !

it is such a privilege to learn from You P

so glad You are here !

i bow

Vintish said...

Absolutely beautiful *__*

Vintish said...

Absolutely beautiful *__*

Vintish said...

I bow

Vintish said...

I bow

MS Vedic Spirituality ~ Magha Foundation Charitable Trust. — Acharya Mayur Bhupendra Sharma said...

New wisdom true knowledge best person on this planet earth. NEG-AT-I-VE ARE NATIVE nagging at themselves WHO CAN NEVER BE P-o-s-i-T-i-v-e Possession of true attitude view (truth)--PT. Please be my chariot and show me the path.

Yadaa Yadaa hi Dharmasya Glaanirbhavati Bhaarataaa.....
Abhyutthaanam...H.. Adharmasya...Tadaatmaanmm... sRRijaamyaham....H..

Meghhnaa said...

Humans have a tendency of running towards illusion and running away from the truth. So it is good to let go.

pinx said...

have never encountered anyone more PosiTive than YOU !!!

You are the BEST !!

i bow !

M. Sinha said...

PT You've given me all the truths that I had been seeking for years.
I am so grateful to you.
Thankyou so much.. :)

Unknown said...

I love you PT,
There is no negative and no positive. Its the absolute truth. People are under a veil and due to ignorance becuase of the conditioning of thousand years makes them weak and unable to accept the absolute truth!! Everybody is not privileged and made for this truth!
They cant absorb and assimilate it within themselves.
Bow down to PT.
Truth is one and absolute!��

missmriggy said...

All Glories to PT. The greatest Positive Phorce on the Planet.

Unknown said...

You are true benevolent mystic, who is bridging humanity with the other world - those who think that perhaps maybe you are a little eccentric or negative will forever wallow in their own misery it may keep them prim and proper in this pseudo world as far social decorum is concerned but it's like tiger chasing its own tail for aeons! Please continue to guide all of us so that we can better ourselves and be closer to the truth and all pervading natural benevolence. Namah Siva-ya!

Prabhu Ganesh

Anonymous said...

The PosiTive Phorce
the Rosemantic Rose
from Heaven the Hero
come down to save us
the PosiTive Phorce.

InherentNow said...

In this era of fake gurus, prophets, people and relationships it is a blessing to come across a divine soul like your PT.

I bow,

Unknown said...

You are the most PosiTive being one has ever come across! I bow!

Unknown said...

I bow !
The true understanding comes through following the true basics of life... Which PT recommends..

Anonymous said...

this is an unforgettable blog

Unknown said...

I'm not fully sure what this means yet. I understand P is proper and T is crossing. My understanding is that there are no positives or negatives everything is just experience or just is.

Anonymous said...

Bhudevi is ProTected only because she has PT . I bow to your divinity. The ProTecTor .

Anonymous said...

All those people are slanderers who without knowing defame the PuresT PHorm of Divine...the PHorm which brings everything to life ....(including them)which gives life....maintains it and destroys it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

aeioum...tq god for sending PT into this planet awaken souls & showing the truth & rite path ....called love & light..only I know what I have learn just by watching his sound videos..& there is more to it...!

Unknown said...

aeioum...tq god for sending PT into this planet awaken souls & showing the truth & rite path ....called love & light..only I know what I have learn just by watching his sound videos..& there is more to it...!

asha Pi arTi said...

Gaia/Bhudevi clearly agrees with this ! She doesn't respond like she does for You with anyone else no matter what !! the continous celebration of sunbows lightbows rainbows moonbows suPernaTural sunsets and cloud formations and all the cropcircle formations are just out of this world beautyfull !!!! THAT IS REAL POSITIVITY !

You only have shown one what real PosiTivity is !!!! You are total PuriTy !!

You are definitely PosiTivity in loveable fractal beautyfull form !!

i bow

Unknown said...

All positives reside in nature.

Shahid said...

Your music, pictures, movements, work- it's all

It's my good fortune to have come across such
a higher and Divine being as you Lord.

Jai Sri Narayan <3

Anonymous said...

You are so full of beauty and wisdom
You bring such PoisiTive news that anyone can evolve from whatever state one is in
Your Plogs are so PosiTive and wonderful
You show one the way like no one does
You do it like no one can
You are the most awesome teacher
You are extremely unique, enthralling and awesome
You are awesome PosiTivity
You are great

sarah said...

You radiate PosiTivity

Anonymous said...

yes absolutely..
PosiTive is only PosiTive because it has P and T in it
You are the most PosiTive ,joyful and relaxed being
You are so effortlessly PosiTive
You are full of PosiTivity and wonderful lightness of being
You take one out of negativity and nonsense
yes it makes more and more sense ..PosiTive is only PosiTive because it has a P and T in it
You are so unburdening
You have the cure for the negative mind
nothing in this world is PosiTive
only You are PosiTive
there is a reason why PosiTive has P and T in it
it is solely Your word
there is no PosiTivity elsewhere
i bow

Data said...

and P&T is where one finds the absolute TruTh!!! PerfecT in its simPliciTy
i bow !!!

Anonymous said...

I love being PosiTive.💕💕💕💕🙏

ki vernee said...

You overflow with Pure Positivity ! Your initials even make uP the word itself which shows the connection and PhractaliTy ! lol its phunny how beings try to judge something they have not even looked into or understand ! that's why You are the only judge ! love how You say there is no good or bad there is just Power and You exude inPhiniTe amount of that ! i bow respectfully <3ॐ

veena iyengar said...

Yes..I agree..
I bow..

NavdeeP said...

Yes!!! Positive is only positive because it has P and T in it.
O HIGHER BEING!!!! It's you whose is not spreading the false hopes among the beings.
Otherwise whole world is trying to get positive by pleasing people and giving them all false hopes which are never worked for them either.

Even children are stuck in this positive and negative terms.
You are teaching this being how to speak the truth.
You are teaching one how to ride on a positive wave.
One is learning from your teachings how to behave properly in front of HIGHER BEINGS.
Only your teaching are making ones foundation which one was not able to make in many years.

You are providing real, phact ful teaching to this being which are only working .
People in this plane-t are Just stuck in terms of POSITIVE and NEGATIVe.

The things which are not pleasing to muggle world is always termed as negative.
Words are only make sense when they have P and T in them.

If muggle people think they are positive in every way why they are staying so stressed and always be a problem for everyone around
O GURU!!! I bow down to your pheet for showing the right path.

Anonymous said...

Your straightforwardness kills the ego of many beings which they find it negative.

But in realiTy to get one's ego killed by a divine being is the best PosiTive thing.

Anonymous said...

Yes! 🙂
This undeniable PhacT simPly cannot be refuted.

nicolas said...

I love how you always go to the basic rooT core of everything in your explanations! You are so wise! i bow to you, divine one

Anonymous said...

there is no one more PosiTive than You inPhacT !!!

how You clearly objectively PracTically Plainly state the problematic situation

and how You Provide the Real Solution to eradicate it from the root so it never comes back again

how You emPhasize learning attitude and taking control of the body and being resPonsible with ones actions and disciPlined overall in order to go higher

You Provide the most PosiTive beautyfull brilliant Realistic PracTical, 'gonna work for sure' Teachings ever !

just have to look deePer and more thoroughly to find out that You are the only greatest PosiTive Phorce who is showing the way out of 3D !

ankita said...

You are the only truly PosiTive being!
only You show a way out of entrapment and negative attitudes...You are suPremely PosiTive in every way. ..You are the saviour, the corrector....You are all that is PosiTive like hoPe, clarity, right direction...You make all the sense ...You are all that is PosiTive ever
one bows

ankita said...

that's so very true !
PosiTive is only PosiTive because it has a P and T in it !
one bows

ankita said...

that's so true

You are so PosiTive

there is a way out for everyone none ....and that's such a PosiTive news

the attention can be controlled to go in a PosiTive direction through body control no matter what the situation is

in any situation the right action can be done

You are the only real PosiTivity because You are truly showing a way out of the plane of incessant and guaranteed pain and torture

You are the kindest and so PosiTive

one bows