Tuesday, 27 September 2016




be used

2 ways



can be put on

one's own self


cause all kinds of complications/grief



can be put out onto

something much more



higher & divine


create bliss

which is more natural ?

a no-brainer


this is the basic root decision

everyone here

has to make


Vintish said...

I bow

Asha P said...

⭐️ so Beautyfull P !!! what a CRYSTAL CLEAR POINT !!!!

one is so fortunate to learn from You directly !

You are so kind to make putting attention on Higher and Divine so Phun easy accessible uplifting & REAL !!

i bow ⭐️

Asha P said...

⭐️ so Beautyfull P !!! what a CRYSTAL CLEAR POINT !!!!

one is so fortunate to learn from You directly !

You are so kind to make putting attention on Higher and Divine so Phun easy accessible uplifting & REAL !!

i bow ⭐️

InherentNow said...

The basic root decision has been made in my case.

I am doing my best to do all the things you are suggesting in your videos and articles.

I bow,

Unknown said...

PT ki jay!!! i bow

asha Pi arTi said...

You are so ATTENTION grabbing & the most inherently interesting BEing !!! wow what a Beautyfull POINT !!!! i bow

MS Vedic Spirituality ~ Magha Foundation Charitable Trust. — Acharya Mayur Bhupendra Sharma said...

Love you PT. I wan feel everything what ever teach by you. I am implementing it in everywhere everyday. Please give your blessings so that we can reach our goal ultimate universal goal.

missmriggy said...

This is one of the greatest PT posts ever. Why is it that every PT post is the greatest post ever!!!! If everyone could follow PT what a happy world this would be.

Unknown said...

Why focus on the self while one can focus on the divine which is mysterious beautiful and has much to teach me. Wise words PT (I bow)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will put all my attention to divine..

InherentNow said...

I bow!

Great words from the great master.


bindu ravikumar said...

Always attention to greater SELF :)

Astro said...

Payying attention on Higher and Divine leads to bliss. Attention on self only leads to more grief. Thankyou PT. I bow to thee. Aeioum...

Unknown said...

Yes this is true

ki vernee said...

You are so logical ! You are the most gnowledgeable Being !

missmriggy said...

All Glories to PT!!!!!!

no identity left said...

Only we decide what we chose in life, the choice and decision-making is left to us..
But as all liberty comes with a great deal of responsibility.
In a same manner, the choice between focussing on yourself or focussing on the multiverse lies with us,
and when you take the abode in PT's divine wisdom, you wont be led away on wrong path.

Unknown said...

One should let attention to the most interesting.

Shahid said...

Putting all attention on the Divine is the best thing one can do for oneself.
This is the road to joy and P-eace.
Jai Sri Narayan <3

asha Pi arTi said...



can be put on

one's own self


cause all kinds of complications/grief



can be put out onto

something much more



higher & divine


create bliss '

so great to read this again, and so ultimately cool that You are here so one can do this for real :) You are the best example of Vedic ness, You make all the storys myths and Legends come to life ... from the lightening that You wield to the electricity exuding from Your guitars and amps that * excite * whats around with Your amPlified coherence or the zen rainbows that reflect Your Phractality... You are very exciting to put attention on, it can be almost too much ecstasy, like an addictive drug ... but how sweet an obssession it is to be addicted to You instead of anything else !! so much natural beauty and grace to see when putting attention on You !

i bow

bindu ravikumar said...

This is the most interesting blog for me :) Thank you for spilling the actual knowledge to us /\

bindu ravikumar said...

I am in love with your blogs /\ it brings me joy reading them. Thanks a lot for educating us /\

Anonymous said...

You make the most imPorTant PoinTs
one needs to PracTice keeping the attention on Divine in a way that it doesn't bounce back to oneself
it's horror to be reminded of oneself and ones decrepit state once when the attention goes back to the self
if only one could forget oneself completely and just enjoy Your fractal PasTimes
You give one hoPe when You say evolution is possible for everyone
You're the only way out
i bow

Anonymous said...

you're so right..as soon as the attention is put on the self it causes all kinds of complications and grief..
You have such great overstanding
one has to PuT the attention on You who is so very interesting and gives one such real, actual knowledge
You are the only hoPe
only You can bring clarity to the muddled mind
You are so comPassionaTe
so kind of You to tell one that PuTTing attention on the Divine and not other things is so very Possible..one needs to understand that it's not an impossible feat
You're so beautiful and so PosiTive
only You and Your words can help one go towards clarity
Your words are so beautiful, PosiTive and stabilising
i bow

Anonymous said...

yes attention doesn't have to be stuck on oneself and ones progress or lack of it..or comparing ones progress with that of others..it just has to be on Your beautiful Divinity all the time. only Your beautiful and light image is soothing and it's absolutely more than alright to put ones attention on You all the time ..You are the only hoPe
You are the saviour
putting attention on you can save one from the crazy complications that arise from putting ones attention on oneself and analysing ones Progress or others ..
one doesn't has to worry about what one is doing right or wrong..one just has to do the do and put ones attention on Your beautiful and amazing Divinity
all else is complicated and poisonous
like You said any branching away from Divine is poisonous
You are the refuge
You are the saviour
You can save one from ones own neglectful attitudes
You are saving one from ones harmful attitudes
it's unbelievably lucky to come across the avatar
You are everything good
You are everything that makes sense
You have the cure for the fearful, scared mind
You have the real medicine
You gno what the root cause is
i bow

Anonymous said...

I'm practicing to put my attention on the higher and divine beings. I bow. Aeioum pt🙏😇

Aish said...

That is an important message. One can know oneself only by knowing the divine. And one can know the divine only by giving undivided attention to the divine.
O brave one... thank you for the expression.

ki vernee said...

gosh ! attention really is everything ! phocusing on the self and other beings naturally will not get beings anywhere because they are in hell too ! it is only naTural to Phocus on a Being who is in a heavenly state all the time ! its just crazy that the strong contrast does not propel beings towards the Higher quicker ! so many are choosing pain instead of Pleasure ! one is so fortunate to have gone through enough pain to be lead to You ! i bow respectfully <3ॐ

Anonymous said...

You're very kind to help beings get into their consciousness more and more that one has attention and one can use it..one can actually use it! Your Plogs are suPreme treasures!..
You are so kind to help beings use their attention ProPerly
Your words are words to hold on to
Your words have liPhe saving Power
You give all the keys that lead to freedom from the mind and hellishness

You are so kind to give beings a chance to learn and PracTice how to control the attention so that one can keep it on You and be trouble free
You are so kind to take beings towards freedom from the mind and it's ugliness
Your words are the real revolution!
You are such immense comPassion
You are the kindest being to share the truth
Your Plogs are absolutely ePic and Divine

Your words are so soothing
so kind of You to help beings get to the understanding that there is actually a way of avoiding putting attention on the self and creating misery and complications for the self
so kind of You to give all the help and the best solutions to not be on the vicious and very miserable cycle of putting attention on oneself and then others in comparison to oneself. .it's all so miserable and putting attention on You is always so soothing and such a great exPerience. .
so kind of You to help beings rise above the wrong notions of there being a compulsion to put attention on others when the truth is that only You are what one should put attention on no matter what ones own ego or the egos of others suggest.. only what You say matters!
only You are imPorTant no matter what ones ego or anyone else's ego suggests!
You are so kind to save beings from this terrible wrong doing of making oneself important or others important when only You are imPorTant!
so kind to give beings a chance to PracTice getting out of miserable habits!
putting attention on Your real Phorm always feels nice and putting attention on anything if the mind always creates misery !

You are so right.. putting attention on You is the natural thing to do. .a no brainer! how true..
very kind of You to give beings a chance to get out of wrong ways of being
it's so natural to want to put attention on You because that's what is soothing and uPliPhTing!
You are so kind to help beings learn how to get to being in ProPer control of their attention
Your Plogs are suPremely Precious and imPorTant
i bow to Your liPhesaving words

veena iyengar said...

Yes..very true..
could'nt agree more..
I bow..

Anonymous said...

Thankyou PT for teaching the basics of liPhe.

You are a Pure genius.

Your teachings makes one aware of the Pure TruTh. It hellPs one to Pay aTTenTion to the divine.

You hellP one to evolve from one's own narrow mindset.

Thankyou PT for everything!

Anonymous said...

So Pure and True.

nicolas said...

You are so Truthphul!! Your gnowledge is very Profound and clear! i bow to you, all gnowing one

ankita said...

wow . only You take beings to sanity...one has attention and one can put it wherever one wants to!
keeP the attention on Divine and create bliss instead of putting attention oneself . .that seriously creates complications !
i 🙇 bow

sarah said...

attention on divine is the only source of joy

Anonymous said...

such a crucial PoinT dealing with the basics like where one puts ones attention as a being.. such insightful truthfull Divine Gnoledge !

without attention on the Higher & Divine which exists for sure in this Multiverse, there is no joy

it becomes clear how muggledom is bereft of any gnoledge ! muggledom is a constant struggle of complications and grief for sure from attention on oneself. with no gnoing of how to get out of that complication and grief.

You are so very kind to Provide this gnoledge gem ! that attention on Higher and Divine creates Bliss ! that is definitely so !

You show the way out of hell and into Higher realms and better ways of being !

bowing to You 🙏🏾

libra cliche said...

attention on You is the source of all joy
You maintain a high vibration at all times
Your innocence, Playfulness, intelligence, and masculinity are traits unique to You, if one goes shopping elsewhere even finding a poor imitation is exceedingly difficult.

ankita said...

nothing feels better than taking a deep breath and reading Your Plogs !
You are the rePhuge
You are the saviour !
one bows

ankita said...

the most beautiPhul clariPhying words ever !
one bows to the comPleTe One !

ankita said...

yes there is a choice ..

its not good to let the attention run here and there ... attention should be on the goal that is aligning with Divine and getting out of hell ...

You are so overPhlowing with Pure PrinciPles and right actions

putting attention on You who sPeaks the truth is so uPliPhTing

like You so kindly calriPhied that anyone who knows how to control the attention, will not have any problems

so kind of You to show the way to control the attention ....there is a way out for everyone and so kind of You to show that way

one bows