Saturday 14 November 2015

PerspecTive ...

beings here

might not be

good at much

but they

are good at


getting to any real


when they do get to some


they dont act by it


they don't really work to

hold onto



they remain

rats trapped in




life after life


Vintish said...

You have the coolest PerspecTive

Vintish said...

I bow

Vintish said...

Divine has the most beautiful PerspecTive & is the only way of freedom ! I bow ♥

Vintish said...

Divine has the most beautiful PerspecTive & is the only PaTh of freedom ! I bow ♥

Anonymous said...

i bow.
You are the only One with real PersPecTive!
You are SO generous to share it P!
to give one chance after chance to come to real PersPecTive through You and Your Grace!
to helP one see how imPortanT it is to always and only act by Your PersPecTive!
never by ones own faulty perception!
it is SO generous the ways You helP one see how vital it is for one to work constantly to hold onto Your PersPecTive!
to hold onto You!
'if one lets up even for a second one looses it!'

It is SO comPassionaTe of You to help one face the Truth that one is a
'rat trapped in a hell-cage'
and how serious this life is!
and that one will remain this way 'recycled life after life'
unless one changes ones ways!
You always PresenT the Truth in the most straightforward way!
You are SO kind to Provide the only way to really change P!
the only way to break out of this painful cage!
i bow.

sarah said...

Your reality checks are so necessary and brilliant.
so embarrassing to recall how often this happens.
Your comPassion in the face of excessive stupidity is unfathomable.
You are so smart and so sincere.
if any words can penetrate a thick dead mass, or override the premise of a spirit, they are Yours.

asha Pi arTi said...

i bow !! what a P~specTive !!!!!!! Your words are so imPacTful and effective P ! its so true, one has to work harder at holding on to Your PerspecTives and staying on Your wavelength at all times !! You make the consequences of not doing so, so very clear !!

Your description of rats in a hell cage being recycled life after life is so PerfecT so True and so scary ! You can condense the entire Gita in to one line !!! That is how Powerful You are !!!! You are so compassionate to share this

You provide the way to learn from Divine allow everyone to evolve,& eliminate all confusion ! You are so encouraging and the only real comfort in a world gone mad !!

You are the refuge for everyone ! You are always winning always liberating !!

i bow !!

miragegirl said...

ghambir, divya rang bara
adbhut alankrit akash
teesri ankh khuli jinki
unika jadu bara
prajvalit drishy
hai kaun vah mahan
joh hai aab darti par
dikhata hai yah sach
kahta hai, nahi hai swapn

asha Pi arTi said...

i bow. Your comPassionaTe Truth is so Beautyfull and so comPleTe !! i bow !

Unknown said...

Adaptability to higher is good.

Anonymous said...

Your writing is so awesome..You are so kind of You to share Your wisdom with us..Pranam

Unknown said...

I bow! /\

Your blazing words of truth Pierces through and keeps one reminded of one's resPonsibiliTy of deciding where one's PhuTure will head!

You are so benevolent to keep giving amPle oPPorTuniTies to change ones way and be mindful of one's action at all times!

You are unboundedly comPassionaTe and mercyful to keep one aware and alarmed of the consequences of staying a b-rat through your unceasing Plogs full of real education and wisdom! Your PerspecTives are of ParamounT imPorTance !

"when they do get to some
they dont act by it
they don't really work to
hold onto

You are so benevolent and considerate to Precisely and clearly state that one has to continuously imPlemenT your PerspecTives in ones action , keeping up with your teachings always! And you Provide with the right insPiraTion and motivation for the seekers to keep working their way up, rewarding with real Phun and bliss!

Your PerspecTives are clariPhying and liberating... Your firm stance on being humble and sincere in ones approach for real evolution is made imPacTfully crystal clear through your numerous Plogs and Philms, you are the highest example of sincerity and doer of consistent coherent actions for one to learn from and inculcate it ! You bestow one with a correct and sensible mindset and ways to apply it properly...

Dhanyawad for all that you so abundantly and graciously provide to the beings... Only you have real limitless love, comPassion and goodwill for everyone's betterment! So grateful one is to have come across you...

I bow at your glorious triumPhanT lotusfeet /\

sarah said...

what an accurate descriPTion of the situation.
You are so Precise.
i bow.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown Andanonymous said...
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ki vernee said...

You come from the Highest level of PerspecTive every time and always hold the Highest PerspecTive ! continuously phocusing on You leads beings to a higher consciousness ! i bow respectively <3ॐ

ki vernee said...

You have the best PerspecTives ... not getting to any real perspective is definitely a 'skill' out there in society ... i bow respectfully <3ॐ

veena iyengar said...

WOW..your definition of the word perspective makes me see things from a different
i bow..

Anonymous said...

You are so kind to helP beings get to PerespecTive, by keeping things in respect to YOU
with You being here one gets PerspecTive of higher and lower, You being the Highest
everything You do, say and are Provides great PerspecTive on Your shining highest Divinity and the lowly standard of everything else
the PerspecTive of You is the truth, the reality
You PoinT out that one must work to hold on to PerspecTive, work to see You in highest regard always, which the truth
one must work to hold onto the PerspecTive You Provide about oneself and other lowly things in ones existence
You are blatantly higher and one should only act by Your PerspecTive

Your words are stirring, most Powerfull and Truthfull

rats trapped in
life after life

You are so kind to make it clear that one is in a hellcage
without Your PoTent clear words one wouldnt be able to see the truth for what it is with such clarity
You are utterly compassionate to point out what beings are doing wrong... not acting by PerspecTive and not trying to hold on to PerspecTive

one must act by PerspecTive and work to hold onto it,
its amazing that doing P B S continuously would allow one to do that automatically and not face hellish consequences

You are the ultimate liberator with an actual solution
Your words are the overstanding truths
You Provide the PerspecTive one could never get to without You

i bow to Your ultimate answer, PBS
i bow to YOU

Anonymous said...
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nicolas said...

So True! You have the besT PerspecTive! The most broad, the most precise and the most beauTiPhul of all PerspecTives

You are so great
I bow to you all gnowing one

ankita said...

so kind of You to show a way out and helP beings learn how to work for PersPecTive
i 🙇

ankita said...

wow ultimate revelations!
one bows

ankita said...

You know what is going on

You sum it all uP correctly

clarity cannot be taken for granted

if beings work to get to some PersPecTive, they do not work to be able to act by it and then they do not work to hold on to PersPecTive

so much work is required to get to PersPecTive , act by it and then hold on to it

You are suPremely work oriented and PracTical that's why You are who You are

You are the best examPle of how to be