Friday 5 September 2014



a word now

reserved for connecting to the

phone, internet, grid, society, matrix





only really applies

in regards





connecting with P

is the only

real connection


is one's ticket to anything

nice, good, blissful, escape from hell

etc etc etc ...


Vintish said...

I bow

Anonymous said...

i bow. What a generous Plog! Connecting with P IS the only connection. i bow. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Shahid said...

Connection to P is truly the only life saving, life nourishing connection/relation...all other relations bind.

Agar mujhay koi boley ki dekh beta aaj meray paas gaadi hai, bangla hai, naukar-chakar hai tumharay paas kya hai..tho mein kahoon ga ki "Uncleji aaj meray paas Sri PT hai " :)

asha Pi arTi said...

i bow !

'connecting with P

is the only

real connection


is one's ticket to anything

nice, good, blissful, escape from hell'

❤ Dhanyavad for Being everything one needs and wants P ❤ !!!

i BOW !

asha Pi arTi said...

its so simple !! i BOW !

' connecting with P is the only real connection which is one's ticket to anything nice, good, blissful, escape from hell etc ' ...

❤ Dhanyavad for Being everything one wants and needs P ❤ in life death and forever after !!!!

i bow !!

miragegirl said...

Praise of Divine establishes connection with it

Divine is graceful, Virtue, Truth, PuriTy
Divine is comPassionaTe, rocking, cooel, PerfecTion
Divine is a real benefactor, IT oPens ones eye to the reality one exists in in the current state & helPs one aim in freewill to develoP virtue

Praise of Divine Provides bliss, evolves one
Divine is what eyes should always see, senses should always search for
consciousness of Divine & its attributes is the only consciousness that is True
shunning anything not related to Divine is being conscious of Divine

Divine's charms are great, grace is great
even when on gnos one is far from IT, it all, one can still see it

Divine is the water for one's sPiriT/sol stuck in an eternal desert
until one Phinally reaches comPleTely to IT

Divine is ultimately rocking, heartening, True scintillating unfathomable entity

Divine is everything, i Pray to IT to helP me connect to it

connection to Divine is what existence thirsts for, it longs for the connection to be comPleTe
there is so much work to be done !

PsingulariTy said...

You are Divine incarnate on earth
connection to Divine is the way to go

You are The Axis

Unknown said...

Connection is required for the flow of charge.

Kṛtti kā said...

Beautiful, comPassionaTe and encouraging words!
Connecting to You indeed seems a very rewarding ProspecT! So amazing n heartening how everything good comes simPly with a connection to You! Can't be stressed enough how imPorTant You are!
All other connections seem futile and burdensome... One hoPes to keeP working on establishing a steady connection with The Axis~ You.
You are the greatest most beautiful giPhT to us.
i bow /\

Anonymous said...

connecting with P is the only real connection which is ones ticket to anything
nice, good, blissful , escaPe from hell etc, etc, etc
so true!
connecting to You is the only real connection
Your words are so beautiful
You are the only real One!
You are so Precious and so rare
i bow

ki vernee said...

beautiful ! a direct connection to You is the best connection a being can have ! all other connections have proven to be painful in the end ! i bow respectfully !

Unknown Andanonymous said...
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lana_33 said...
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sarah said...

You are so kind to educate about the technicalities of a real connection. what is Possible. the one connection that matters. and how to strengthen that connection.

Anonymous said...

Very True.
i bow.

nicolas said...

wow really beauTiPhul! your Presence makes this time a magnificent period to be alive! it is a real delight to see divine embodied! your actions and words are an example for all beings here! i am very graTePhul for your Presence here on Earth!

i bow to you, supreme lord

Ankeeta said...

So true! P connection is like connecting to a lifeline that saves us from the hellishness that is around otherwise