muggle idea of
in today's world
is based on
millenia of programming & manipulation
it is a 'False Respect'
based on no foundation
except lies. deceit & falsity
which crumbles very quickly
at first need of any real core respect
as there is no real difference
in terms of evolution or state
amongst beings in question
people are trained to respect
what is seemingly inaccessible
like the person on TV
people in big palaces surrounded by a legion of gaurds
something requiring a whole lot of money to approach
god somewhere up there
anything easily accessible
anything free
is met immediately with disrespect
anyone dealing with them from close quarters
without pretension or airs
is immediately disrespected
real respect
only springs
from a real desire
to break out of hell
and 3-d matrix
which most people do not have
or even have a concept of having
so the way muggle perception is trained
it is very hard for them to respect
real higher/divine beings
real is much more open and unpretentious
than they can fathom
they automatically seek equality
with the real higher/divine
as there is no external pressure to be respectful
real only triggers their ego negatively
as they do not really have any
real seeking of real
I bow
I am simply floored by the beauty, wisdom, compassion of the expression of Truth in this post.
wow !! so eloquently and beautifully explained !
You are so EPIC P !
i bow !
This is brilliant ! Celebrities and rich people are granted so much false respect, and to cope with it, they assign artificial respect to their dominatrix. All the brutality in the world is not as effective at clearing up the situation as Your profound insights ! one is so grateful to observe what a real quality being is !
for real! dhanyavad for always showing and telling how it really is. i bow.
i bow. one is so grateful for how real and unPreTentious you always are. everything that is not True crumbles in Your Divine Presence. dhanyavad for Your constant Divine discernment P. i bow at Your flawless feet. Narayan! Narayan!
i bow. i bow. i bow. You are most Divine and ungrasPably real! Your beautiful infinite wisdom shows one over and over and over again how fake and false and faulty oneself is. You are inPhinitely comPassionaTe to guide one toward freedom from such a devastating fate. dhanyavad for being the Phorce to insPire and guide one to Pursue that which is real for real. i bow ceaselessly at Your most resPecTed feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
i bow!
Divine exPlains the muggle PlighT PerfecTly! one had no concePT of resPecT whatsoever! so shameful was the way one approached Divine. one is so grateful to be learning through Your Grace what resPecT is and how to develoP it!
Divine is most comPassionaTe and magnanimous to give one the oPPorTuniTy to develoP real resPecT. to share Divine wisdom and guidance oPenly in all the ways Divine does to give any the chance to bow down to Divine. it is only Divine who can deProgram the disgusting 'millennia of programming and manipulation'! it is You, Divines who gnos and sees beyond all of it and helP to bring full awareness of the traP that is existing in 3D!
'real respect
only springs
from a real desire
to break out of hell
and 3-d matrix'
i bow to the One who has no equal! You are the highest and most Divine!
wow ! a great Plog ! as all Plogs always are, they are Truth
Truth is beautiful
You are beautiful !
one understands Your highness now
one will work towards one's behaviour being consciously resPecTful towards You
You are grand !
You are The Elder
to resPecT
You are the most charming, benevolent, All Gnoing One here
You are Divine
most charming !
You are The Elder
worthy of all reverence and resPecT
So much programming to keep one trapped.
highness is one truth
indescribable kindness
not blood of untruth
remove the glove
remove your screen
you are not queen
look who wins all hearts
fool aint no queen
you just played your cards
time to go now you see
the king that rules
follow him and you free
birth of the warrior
greatest that is
see and self free
The respectful elder
without You we are lost
shame is better
for sinner no guilt the worst
love is You
compassion is You
shade in hard summer
our respectful elder
You are so right! You only sPeak what is True! Your eyes see through every muggle falsity! You exPlain it so eloquently! You are the reason that there is crumbling down of this deceit and falsity, You have hacked this evil driven mind programmed system, You are the reason behind expansion of consciousness!
"anything easily accessible
anything free
is met immediately with disrespect
anyone dealing with them from close quarters
without pretension or airs
is immediately disrespected"
No wonder why muggles are miserable...
You are so kind so big hearted and open handed for always being available to anyone who seeks You,
You always take care of those who take Your refuge,
You freely extend Your helP,
You are ever alerting beings of the consequences of going against Divine,
You are ever imParTing Your comPassionaTe teachings to all which are the most vital things to truly live n evolve,
You are so merciful so PatienT so forebearing to even give PlenTy of chances to constant offenders to mend and correct,
You are the only one who is comPleTely honest, comPleTely straightforward, comPleTelt unPreTentious, comPleTely magnanimous... You are a True well-wisher of the beings here... It is only one's own misPhorTune and misdeed to be disrespectful to You !
You are Pure comPassion, Kindness and mercy to even helP and uPlifT the contemptibly foolish!
Aap nissandeh Karuna aur Daya ke Sagar hain!
one bows in shame for having conducted disrespectfully so many times
one bows in gratitude for Your Benevolent helP and ever Phlowing comPassion
So true people here have resPecT for a God somewhere uP There, they can only Phind resPecT for the mute idols in temPles in the name of Divine... So true when You say people are stuck here because they don't know how to behave with higher beings! How can anyone qualify to ascend when they can't be humble n resPecTful to Divine when it incarnates as a Human, easily Perceivable to the limited lowly senses!
You are so kind so benevolent to generously teach beings how to behave Properly, how to be resPecTful and Your forbearance for all here is incomParable! Your loving comPassion to illuminate and elucidate on what's Proper conduct, what is the way to evolve, why one is here and everything is endearing!
i bow /\
You are absolutely right ! through You beings are so fortunate to learn how to respect their elders properly ! i bow respectfully !
each word You sPeak is so beautifully true and ePic
best observations Possible
Your words are so ultimate
Pricless words of truth
the Phires of truth come blazing from Your mouth truly
Your words are incredibly insightful words to hold on to
You are so Divine
You gno it all!
i bow
So True. i bow. You are the one and only who deserves all the resPecT in this world.
i bow again and surrender at your feet.🙇🙏
Your openness and un-pretentiousness are the ultimate source of delight ! Your way of Being is such a treasure !
i bow to the unpretentious PerfecTion of the Dark Lord.
wow so beauTiPhully put!! you are amazing! your observations are so sharp and accurate! you really are a genius
your words are divine words, no one except you would have explained this PoinT with such clarity and details!
you are the best of all beings, no being on Earth comes close to your level of beingness
i bow to you, supreme one
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