Thursday 25 July 2013

good time/ bad time

any time

is a good time



higher & divine

and if one does that

one will never see a

bad time


Vintish said...

I bow

Asha said...

I bow ! what a beautiful simple and important reminder !

You are so gracious and kind to write this !

I bow !

Asha said...

I bow ! what a beautiful simple and important reminder !

You are so gracious and kind to write this !

I bow !

missmriggy said...

A truly relevant truth and a guiding force for every moment of living. Such a simple statement but so full of grace.

missmriggy said...

A beautiful Point! The most necessary Point! Perfectly illuminated!

Anonymous said...

Your Divine compassion is timeless. i bo2. dhanyavad. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

* i bow. Again and again. :)

Anonymous said...

i bow. You are so amazingly generous P! You make it so simPle ones idiocy can forget how real and how Powerful Praising You is! You are so incredibly kind to Provide these sweet reminders along with Your brilliant videos, ePic music and gorgeous PicTures for anyone to bow down to and admire. You Provide the best time, the Only time. i bow at Your One of a kind feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

You are the one who is virtuous
the one who is Pure, uPholder of Truth

Your tuning into multiversal time PhuncTioning & Your Performance of acts is intensely joyful to see

Your sounds are creating a whole new world, a renewed earth, a better mindset among PeoPle, better air, water, better everything

Your Plogs are sPreading Truth, they act similarly, PeoPle see them, listen, change their attitudes in turn
they are not so weighed down, earth gets some more relief, things around imProve for the better ...

Your P casa shows the earth & its most beautiful forms, shows nature at its best, shows the Divine PasTimes, shows Divine beauty

all Your manifestations are high class, they are for the good of an individual & the collective & the earth & for all entities that Pay attention

You are The Enlightened One
You are doing the best for everyone & for everything
You are Divine incarnate on earth

PsingulariTy said...

You are P the Axis
The Peaceful One
who can Provide 'ease, comfort and contentment'

Unknown said...

Most beings are in action at any given time.
Action is worth, only if its reaction takes one closer to divine.

Anonymous said...

so awesome of You to remind that any time is a good time for Praising/serving higher and Divine..refreshing Plog
Pranam..i bow

sarah said...

Your words are so accurate

sarah said...

divine is the only source of a good time

ki vernee said...

You are so PosiTive ! Your liPhe is evidence of nothing but the good times ! i bow !

sarah said...

You give the most comforting PerspecTives and show how to take control.

Unknown Andanonymous said...
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sarah said...

how lovely that there is a magick trick for having a nice time under the most seemingly dire circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Such a beauTiPhull and encouraging Plog! i bow and surrender to you.🙇🙏

nicolas said...

wow this is magnificent! the solution to all problems is you! your beingness is the most inspiring thing there is!
i bow to you supreme lord

ankita said...

You are the only trustworthy being
such PosiTive and Phinal words
so kind of You to give so much time and sPace! Your Plogs are so PosiTive!
You are real PosiTiviTy
You bring such great vibrations with You
so great that You are here
Your messages are so simPle and beautiPhul
You are so comPleTely agenda free great to come across the One and only being who has no wrong intention or ulterior motives at all!
such great beauty of beingness
i bow to Your Phenomenal comPassion

sarah said...

for a good time, Praise divine !

ankita said...

You are so PosiTive
very beautiPhul words
You have taken care of so much for beings here...
given time and sPace to evolve,
Your Presence here has raised the vibrations, the age of aquarius and internet is here through Your grace ...
You have shared Your magical maiPhesTations with everyone on Your channel for all to see..
and earth has enough food for all beings .. all one has to do is do what You say to free oneself from hellish situations and ways of being! You so kindly insPire beings to utilise what is given with Your words and Divine deeds 🙏🙇
You are the best Presence.. Your Presence here is all the hoPe and PosiTiviTy ..You are so delightPhully sweet and uPliPhTing
i 🙇 🙏🙇

Shruthi said...

You are such a Paragon of PosiTivity! No calendar marked or sPecial days to do PBS to higher and divine. Any time is ausPicious to praise and serve the highest. So sweet of you to lay it all out so succinctly. You are the best ShivNarayan. very gratePhull for you and one bows to you always!