Thursday 25 July 2013

faith in time

there are so many here

who seem to have a

lot of

faith in the entity called 'time'

'time will heal

in time we will learn

time will bring all good things

... '

all they have to do is just hang around


funny because

time is just a neutral entity

it is one's actions

which heal

or make anything else happen

if one just leaves it all on time

all one would get is

decay & hell ...



Vintish said...

I bow

Asha said...

so true ! I bow ! what a blazing PoinT ... You are the epitome of one who wastes no time and does the actions required for anything at all times !

faith in action instead and its a great reminder to be responsible and only rely on one's own actions and not expect anything from Time - 'a neutral entity ' that's so Beautifully defined by You !

I bow !

missmriggy said...

So inspiring..

Anonymous said...

i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow. You are the ultimate TimeLord! Your wise words helP one continue to see and exPerience more and more clearly how ParamounT action is. You PercePTion is unParalleled. You are the only safe and Truly Divine entity to PuT ones faith in! i bow at Your suPreme feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

Praising Divine all the time is the ProPer way of liPhe
Praising Divinities is the ProPer way of liPhe

higher realms are interesting, PhascinaTing to imagine
a realm where there is no birth & death & memory erasure is very aPPealing

imProving self takes one to higher realms
Praise of Divine is the work that imProves one

Divine is charming, sweet, Pure in intent, PuriTy all through, has immense Virtue, is virtue itself
Divine is rocking, its manifestations are beautiful, they helP one evolve
Divine is Playful, Divine attracts all charge
Divine is not into P~ain, Divine is into P~ain crossing
Divine is colourful like a rainbow & even beyond
Divine is all Powerful, all the time
Divine is connected to the entire realm of existence

Praising Divine is the way to go
Praising Divine Paves the PaTh to higher realms

PsingulariTy said...

You are P avaTar
You are The PracTical Man

Anonymous said...

wow such an imPorTanT and awesome Plog
'time is just a neutral entity'
You highlight the suPremacy of correct actions and the neutrality of time so awesomely
Pranam..i bow

sarah said...

You are the ultimate military commander

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful Plog
You're so very right
time can just slip through ones fingers in this crazy world with ones heavy mind running hither and thither and dragging one down to ditches
if one just leaves it to time ones heavy mind would lead one to terrible decay
this is an awesome Plog..You so wonderfully highlight the imPorTance of right actions
You are awesomely and effortlessly intelligent
Your Plog is so stabilising
You are such an awesome and wonderful being. You write awesomely.
right action is so absolutely important for the undisciplined mind that runs amok because time is anyways slipping through ones fingers in its neutrality
Your Plogs are vitally imPorTanT for this world
You so kindly and comPassionaTely tell one how imPorTanT and crucial right actions are..
You are extremely awesome
'it's ones actions that heal or make anything else happen'...such beautifully awesome lines
i bow at Your comPassionaTe feet

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So kind of you to keep reminding one to be mindful and responsible of one's action and fate! One's action determines whether one will heal or decay!
You PoinT out the imPorTance of always being responsible for one's actions and getting out of such notions!

You inspire one to get on the right PaTh, cultivate proper behaviour and do right actions. You are so compassionate, so benevolent!

So so grateful for your brilliant edifying Plogs!

I bow!
I bow at your beautiful feet!

ki vernee said...

You make the most imPorTant PoinTs ! right actions evolve the spirit ! no more waiting on time ... i bow !

sarah said...

You are so clear that one has to take proper actions rather than succumb to entropy.

Unknown Andanonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So True. i bow and surrender at your divine feet.🙇🙏

sarah said...

You are the most insPiring Being, Your actions always lead to something way better !!!

nicolas said...

beauTiPhull! action is supreme! your gnowledge is very impressive, you are the wisest of all beings! nothing is ungnown to you
i bow to you lord of the universe

ankita said...

inPhinTely crucial and beautiPhul words
i 🙇

amanda said...

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

Divines actions in this world are always PerPhecT!
Divines scriPTires are the kindest action.

One prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️