Tuesday, 4 June 2013


when asked

what is the biggest problem


right here right now

lotusocean says

just one word


it all starts with

denial of



than transforms into


about one's actual state


about other people's state


about state of the planet


its only


which leads to all

kinds of pretension

honesty the only cure


asha Pi arTi said...

its so great of You to simplify all problems to one irrefutable truth !! so well said P *applaud* !!!

so so true, its undeniably bad now ! and its a horrible chain reaction of denial that enables ppl to keep on going in the sinking ship without admitting defeat and jumping towards the safety of Divine ! hiding with friends, family, alcohol, tv & movies, drugs... all completely in denial too !

so glad one does not have to be in denial, ignorance or confusion about anything anymore due to Your Grace mercy and ScriPTures !!

I bow !!

Vintish said...

I bow

pinx said...

another undeniable truth written from Your honest hand !

You always PoinT out so eloquently the rudimentary basics that are essential to get correct if one is to evolve as a being. facing things for what they are is so crucial, truly no steps can be made towards truth until one can at least face some basic realities. it is such a delight to read Your words, unlimited wisdom is found in them and You always make one face the truth of so many things ! no room for denial when reading LotusOcean scriPTures, the truth You share cannot be denied !

I Bow to Your undeniable truths !

missmriggy said...

To face up to your truths is undeniably the only thing worth
putting attention on.

Shahid said...

Sachi baat hai, denial leads to all kinds of pretensions.

Lotusocean blog is leading all it's readers to the path of Moksha and beyond. GLORY to Rishi PT, the writer of such a life/soul saving sriPTure.

sarah anne said...
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Anonymous said...

i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow. You are so wise P! Your attention and focus on the basics is so crucial for one to read and establish oneself in. to recognize ones own state of denial and stop is the only way to grow and evolve! You give one eyes to see how deluded this world is and how deluded one can become by egoic thoughts and actions of false importance. one is so grateful for the many truths You exPose one to that would be imPossible for one to conclude with out You and Your Divine guidance. Your Plogs are the most ImPorTant words scriPTed! i bow at Your generous feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

world is full of lies
one needs to imProve ones own genes

honesty is the way of True liPhe
Praise of Divine is the way to go

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Enlightened One
All You say is Truth
Gnowledge full of immense imPorT for here, during death and afterlife

Unknown said...

i bow

sarah said...

just so dazzled by how quickly You became enlightened after being honest.
Your honesty is so Pure and comPleTe
Your actions are so aPProPriaTe

ki vernee said...

You are so right ! You are the most honest and realistic Being ! and You are the only One who can save beings from their denial ! i bow !

ki vernee said...

You are so right ! You are the most honest and realistic Being ! and You are the only One who can save beings from their denial ! i bow !

sarah said...

You PuT into words and make exPliciT everything beings can sort of tell but are not brave enough to admit and are unable to articulate. Your examPle of suPreme honesty is comPelling and caPTivating.

Anonymous said...

So True. Your observations never go wrong P. Only You have the cure for all diseases. You are the best healer and the only one in this world. Your PracTical solutions have the Power to destroy the problems from its root. i bow and surrender at your divine feet.🙇🙏

nicolas said...

magnificent! you are the most honest, the real medicine man! your truthphulness is exemplary in the most inspiring way!
i bow to you supreme one