Friday 24 December 2010

open to all

have been asked



is open to every


the simple answer is

it is

some think

i am against

certain race(s)

the truth is that

lotusocean just

tells it how it is

no one can take a step forward

without understanding

who they are

what their genes are made up of

what there ancestors have done


where they stand in the ladder of evolution

any misnomers or delusions


take one down not up


Stardolphin said...

PT- the only enlightened being

we're trying though, and maybe we'll get there...hope you can bear with us :)

amruta patil said...

tough instructor :)

PT the Axis said...


besides the sarcasm

here is the thing

trying to hack the branch
one is sitting on is also

everyone is trying something
or the other

trying what is the question

getting there is not even in the picture
before this nature of trying
is sorted

Stardolphin said...

wasnt meant as sarcasm at all, prashant

said before mankinds mental programming is so dense and longstanding it will not break down over night...frustrating though it is. We are not an island, we have the rest of humanity to deal with, and live with, on planet earth

meant it in all sincerity and humility

PT the Axis said...

those who really want to break the programming in order to evolve will do the necessary bit ... which is service & praise to divine

there is no time counting in that process ... overnight or many nights ... just an actual doing

a* said...

Wow PT, you make the option of getting out of the complicated mess of this world so clear and real... no need for theorising, philosophising, or contemplating... just doing like you said! And what one has to do is actually laid out for one so distinctly as well, so yeah, where is trying even required?

Kate said...

lovely said: open to all
feel so blessed to have You and LotusOcean :)
greatful for all You say and do , share on here. without You i would still be lost in the muggel life.
LotusOcean just tells how it is... beautiful pure divine TRUTH
open to all

Anonymous said...

Your honesty cuts through all excuses and pretense. one is ever grateful for your PracTical and no non sense way of helping other approach You. i bow. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Shahid said...

Pure truth in every word here.
Blessed to be reading this divine blog
since 2011.
PT ji, you are the most electric
and rocking being on this multiverse.
Jai Narayan <3

Anonymous said...

i bow. You are Divinely comPassionate to share what is needed for one to do to evolve as the pretend world sells their pretentious lies! i bow at Your wise all gnoing feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

i bow!
You always tell it as it is! no nonsense and no pandering to petty egos! You state the facts so beautifully P! You show reality as it is not as the show and lie everyone else is presenting, participating in and buying into!

'no one can take a step forward
without understanding
who they are
what their genes are made up of
what there ancestors have done
where they stand in the ladder of evolution
any misnomers or delusions
takes one down not up'

You Provide the way for one to get honest about ones state. You make it clear that one can not move forward without this and that deluding oneself only take one further down the ladder!

i bow!

miragegirl said...

You are comPassionaTe
You are the most benevolent

ujjwal sharma said...

these Plogs gives great multiversal gnowledge and listening to your divine music provides a sPirTual nourishment to us.
i bow to the divine kalki PT avatar for providing us with multiversal gnowledge and divine are the lord of the third eye and the guru of the world.

ki vernee said...

wow ! so true ! love how You always PoinT out the truth and reality about everything ! You are so thorough ! i bow

Data said...

Breaking programmed behavior is a challenge made much easier by your wise, compassionate guidance. I am grateful that i found you & i respect and bow to you!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I bow to royal and merciPhul PT 🙏🙇

nicolas said...

wow your words are magnificent! you are the real hero!!!!

"the truth is that
lotusocean just
tells it how it is"

i love all about you! you are the ONLY ONE who sPeaks real TruTh! no nonsense, no mumbo jumbo, just the real deal! reality as it is! you are the real miracle of this world!! your perception is above all, you always see things for what they are and this is magnificent! you are the kindest one to share your divine observations! one feels immensely graTePhull for all that you share so generously! your words are God's words

"no one can take a step forward
without understanding
who they are
what their genes are made up of
what there ancestors have done
where they stand in the ladder of evolution"

truly brilliant! you bring the real essential for evolution! in these times, only you can do such a thing! your words are like water in the desert of this world! you are the only real Guru!
everything you write is magnificently insPiring! your teachings are the best ones! they are real and practical! one can only evolve if one follow you for real!
you bring back the real foundations to one's being-ness! this is irreplaceable
there can only be one like you, you are the true saviour

i bow to you supreme lord

Anonymous said...

i bow to divine.

Ankeeta said...

You are the most elevated being...the One with Pure intent, blameless One, faultless One, flawless One...You are the One one humbly always wants to follow and never steer away from..