Saturday, 25 April 2009

A NewSun Response Stamp

a New Sun from a different world

has Come to take Us

across the ocean of this world ...


sailor said...

sailing is definitely easier watching your videos..:)

PT the Axis said...

for amruta patil -

smile ... the wordsmith seems to have run out of words

say 'gratitude' and calmly get back to the nonsensical actions, thoughts & words


Anonymous said...

i bow! You are the most blazingly brilliant NewSun shining the way to a New World! The videos documenting Your Divine and incredible other worldly magic are the most Phantastic thing to watch and witness! dhanyavad for Your comPleTe magnificence P. i bow at Your golden feet. Narayan! Narayan!

PsingulariTy said...

great brilliance coherence filled sound
so "on ToP of ocean" sound !

only You understand croP formations & exPlain so clearly

great message !

Unknown said...

to PT the Axis, i bow.

Unknown said...

to the newsun, i bow.