Monday 13 April 2009

modern non-violence

it is fashionable now to
advocate reading of bhagavadgita
to whoever
hits out at
gandhian idea of non-violence

quite baffling considering
gita is
all about krishn advising arjun
to follow the divine will and kill

gandhi is another one of those global celebrities
who is raised to that pedestal without
any proper examination

his self-coined 'experiments with truth'
were just
'experiments in triviality'

his incoherent words and teachings have
become a benchmark for the pretentious
to confuse people with words like
peace & non-violence
when the reality
is just a violent battle for
illusory position & power


truthseeker said...

it's good that you point that out..

sree said...

so very true

its a battle for 'illusory position & power'

in reality violence as opposed to non-violence

you show the maya of the world, of how indeed it is an upside down world

sarah anne said...

I am so impressed by the truth of this perspective. "peace" and "non-violence" have been reduced to manipulative tactics to attain a trivial and pretentious goal, and this incoherence has more of a basis in the bible than in the Vedic tradition.

Anonymous said...

i bow. Your PerfecTion is exemplarary in the countless ways You are above it all, including the illusion of PoliTics which so many of the confused center their PoinTless lives around. i bow at the feet of The Axis, the True center. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

what a beautiful way of saying things

any so called guru outside would die before speaking about truth regarding gandhian ways

You are the fearless True Guru who can & does sPeak about the truth
the only one who does it

You are our true leader, true PresidenT, the Patriarch

its like beings are watched, whether they create unneccesary, unacceptable harmful energy & are given just rewards for that or

one heals oneself, that is actually death raising Phoenix asPecT haPPens

You help the latter haPPen
eventually hopefuly with hard work that asPecT haPPens for me

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Peaceful One
The real Mahatma, in Phact You are ParamaTma, the 'Divine suPer soul'

the One who is teaching how to gain real Power, real Bliss in a rightful way is Peaceful. nature does not PlesanTly suPPorT and acknowledge unPeacefulness !

gandhi did not bring any change, he did not gno of Vedicness, did not sToP PolluTing of land and ganga, in PhacT all of that became more from his times.
gandhi is a crazy non-violence PreTendo

Unknown said...

Your coherent words and teaching works as a light for those who are in dark. You bring out so much in each post, its dazzling!!

Unknown said...

to Krishn, i bow.
to the Peaceful, i bow.
to the Divine, i bow.

ki vernee said...

wow ! that is so beautifully put ! You make the best points ! i bow !

Gita said...

The World has been commercialized a lot these days , dono if this is the right words to use but fame politics money manipulation competition is rising and cos of this people are forgetting their reason of existence here..

I tend to blame our roots for this, roots being our parents grandparents for training / forcing us to get into this mess...

Now only an external force can help us...

Ajay Kapoor said...

I bow, gandhi has become a 'celebrity' status whom beings place their attentions towards. Instead their attentions should be placed towards higher/ divine. I bow.

veena iyengar said...

yes..very true..

undecided said...

I bow. You have clearly illustrated the necessary power of Shiv, destruction through divine will.

All stop signs are red, so we are all programmed to believe red means stop and comply.

But what if the forces telling us to stop and comply just continue us into the pathway of hell?

PT brings up amazing points to help us take a look around and see things for what they really are. aeioum

nicolas said...

so true! only your coherence is Perfect! you are the Purest one! your words are the words of God
you are the most amazing of all beings
it is really amazing to witness your existence, your liPhe is legendary

i bow to you ShivNarayan

PatrykJurkiewicz said...

Wróciłem do tego tekstu w perfekcyjnym momencie, gdy już cały opór w mym wnętrzu zniknął.

Od nie długiego czasu czytam twoje teksty i jak tylko się na nie otworzyłem doświadczyłem tak przeogromnego podziwu i miłości dla twej boskości, że brak mi słów by To opisać. Tamtej nocy widziałem ciebie we wszystkim.
Jestem wdzięczny że jest dane mi tego doświadczyć. Dziękuję perfekcyjnej boskosci za te możliwość.
Kłaniam się.