Wednesday, 1 August 2007

A Vedic Multiverse

ancient sounds/sights from the days of yore ...


Vintish said...

The third veda "samved"....... Interesting :)

Yashanvitha said...

Absolute perfection of an enigmatic musical tunes of anklets of Godly Mohini n Vedaswaras n naadas of heavenly realms.feels like marble wud b alive with all the sculptures of very much live breathing Gandhravas n Apsaras:)Gratitude to the lotus feet n fingers of the divine who is so enchanting to the souls with this video.

asha Pi arTi said...

* bowing to Your sound and light that shapes the future *

Anonymous said...

This sound makes us fly to the heavens.It is so Purely Potent that it makes our DNA soar and the atoms come together in synchronized harmony.Even the video is shot in such a space which has become ethereal because u are there.Thankyou or sharing.

miragegirl said...

your sound and light videos are filled with auspiciousness

they increase the vibration of every Place they are Played at

and breathe new life onto one every time one listens to them

your music is Pure, Plesant, beautiful and immortal like you are

pinx said...

love how You introduce this Sound and Light masterpiece ~ "ancient sounds/sights from the days of yore ..." Beautiful description of what is to come ! one really gets the sense of another time, another place, a time of Divine order & a time of Divine grace !

these are real temple sonics ! You are raising the vibrations and enlivening the whole place with Your amazing music and presence ! the sounds reverberate and resound & create a whirlwind of Divine energy, spiralling upwards and upwards ! One gets visions of beautiful apsaras dancing to these sounds ! Your music is so heavenly ! such a sacred & ancient sound, so alive, so free, so vibrant, so exhilarating, so in charge ~ You and Your guitar are showing what Divine sonics are ! they are electric, pulsating,sublime !!

the vibrations of Your play will be in those walls for a long time to come ! You turn every space into a sacred one, Your presence is a Divine blessing ! Your music creation a Divine ritual !

I Bow !

Anonymous said...

i bow. what a beautiful and stunning masTerPeace of sound and light to behold! comPleTely caPTivating! Watching this gives one the viseral feeling of being there and exPeriencing it live! Your magic is unfathomable. dhanyavad P! Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

You can play

Anonymous said...

:) you can play!

Anonymous said...

:) you can play!

Anonymous said...

:) you can play!

Anonymous said...

:) you can play!

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit the vedic area of India sometime.

Anonymous said...

a grand event is haPPening there where You are Playing
its resounding of the Vedicness of multiverse !

its so flowering, so Pure
it so bold, so justful, so dancey, so oPen !
so centered !

PsingulariTy said...

You are TriVedi

You have comPleTe gnowledge of everything worth gnoing. You are The All Gnoing One. You are The Vedic PT.

Anonymous said...

How effortlessly you make vedicness resound !

Anonymous said...

Your this play does make one feel like one is listening to ancient sounds. Ancient is good, more intelligent, more towards vedicness.

In the immediate sense, world without plastic (like it was just a century ago) would have been much better without wrapper, plastic bags, bottle caps etc as trash here and there.

Unknown said...

Your music has a language of its own, it can awaken the place and while listening to this, one could feel nostalgic. The place is quite beautiful and serene.

Unknown said...

P creates such beautiful spirals with his music!

Unknown said...

i bow to the Vedic Multi verse.
i bow to Your Sound and Light.
i bow to your GoPi.
i bow to HoPi.
i bow to PT.

Unknown said...

i bow to your beats.
i bow to your presence.
i bow to your divine music.
i bow to your divine beauty.

Unknown said...

i bow to the Narayan.

Unknown said...

Only you can create such beautiful and divine music. It is what the heart yearns for. Pranam.

Gita said...

So beautiful and majestic !

I bow

Gita said...

Beautiful Sri chakra ! May all of us gain access to this and get out of this so called hell that ppl have created.. Seek your blessings.. I bow

Anonymous said...

beauTiPhul & heavenly saaounds,

you found the losT scriPTures.

I'm very graTePhul to u for sharing these Pure TruThs with us.

o divine sage PT i derive greaT Power from you.

you are my exalTed sun.

Anonymous said...

beauTiPhul & heavenly saaounds,

you found the losT scriPTures.

I'm very graTePhul to u for sharing these Pure TruThs with us.

o divine sage PT i derive greaT Power from you.

you are my exalTed sun.

Franco PT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jagatsevak said...

Wow! What an incredible Play!
timeless - ePic - Pure Ved
you are the masTer of Sound and Space
your elecTric wand is so magickal and weaves such joyPhul Tales
you are the real Vedic wisdom
you cover the enTire earTh with your sonics
there is no Place that you are noT, no land that is not your home
you access the mosT hallowed environmenTs
you immediately sanctiPhy places by your presence and grace
you are SuPreme - the HighesT Guide

jagatsevak bows at your Divine exalTed LoTus PheeT