Thursday 1 June 2017


people here

have made up

so many different

kind of relationships

under so many names and titles

but in

Truth & PhacT

there is only

one relationship

between any 2 beings in this multiverse

and that is


Guru-Disciple Relationship



are also

Guru-Disciple Relationships

even the most venerated


relationship is

Guru disciple Relationship only


Mother * is the Guru and the Child is the disciple

until the PoinT Child outgrows the mother

if one tries to have

any other kind of relationship in any other name

one will only come to grief


* whether the mothers of now are fit to be Guru's of anyone

is another matter



Vintish said...

I bow

Asha P said...

You are the best Guru ! Guru of the whole world !!
You are the Only Guru as nature only responds to You !
You are so kind to explain the ONLY RELATIONSHIP ! such a great PoinT about mothers !
so so glad You are here P !

so grateful one can have this relationship with You ! πŸ™πŸ’–πŸŽΆπŸ™

You alleviate all 'guilt' people experience in modern times about not having relationship anymore with family once Guru comes !
You also explain why there is so much grief in all other things and give one an alternative to trying to play guru oneself before one gnos anything worth gnowing !!!!!!

SO GRATEFUL for this PerspecTive and the opportunity to learn from You directly !
You are the ULTIMATE GURU ! the Guru of the World !

I bow πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Anonymous said...

if one tries to have any other relationship in any other name one will just come to grief

You write so beautifully
You are so clear with what You have to say
so great to have Your Precious guidance all the time
i bow

Unknown said...

What an illuminating PoinT you have PuT forth... Amazing how you get to the Crux of everything and simPlify all the unnecessary complexities made up by the people and one's own mind!

"Truth & PhacT
there is only
one relationship
between any 2 beings in this multiverse
and that is
Guru-Disciple Relationship"

You say the most Profound things in the most eloquent and lucid ways! Your words imParT clarity to the mind!

Any relationship in this multiverse is a Guru-DisciPle relationship... your words makes so much sense! One has to be careful with forming any kind of relationship, for one will learn and pick up something from the other person!

Your Plogs helP one declutter and align the mind with logic and sensibility, with what's really right and wrong! Dhanyawad for your Plogs, one is deeply grateful for all that you so comPassionaTely, so abundantly Provide... You are ever nourishing ones mind, body and soul through your countless benevolently evol-loving actions! So glad, So PhortunaTe to Phind you, to have a chance to choose you as ones Guru, to learn from you. You are the only one worthy of being called a Guru. You are the only one to have any relationship with!

I bow at your beautiful lotusfeet /\

Unknown said...

Multiverse has simple ways with no compartments.

PsingulariTy said...

high jump to the other side
wasted lives in improperness
Your ever clear truth revelations
Push one closer to track again

Unknown said...

So true and very well explained I am grateful to have you as guru and I found more meaningful and clear vision for this life and relationship now. Aeioum

missmriggy said...

What an epitome of Truth. I don't think anywhere has anybody explained this Truth so simply and eloquently.

ujjwal sharma said...

You are the guru of the world.your Plogs and music always inspires to rise and evolve.
i bow to the divine PT kalki avatar.

Unknown said...

How should lotusocean be promoted?

Unknown said...

GURU-SHISHYA, relationship so pure and pristine, simple and clear yet profound.

Thank you for this TRUTH PT Ji.


Unknown said...

I am still grasping your teachings. Your interviews on u tube are full of learning. I am trying to learn ways suggested by you. Doing basics, grounding etc. Thank you


funtoosh said...

This Post opened a new dimension for me .(ESP bond with my child ) . thank you .. such simple sentences and such powerful message .. I bow down to to you guru ji ..


Anonymous said...

I am happy to have you as a guru in my age of living! Thank you.

veena iyengar said...


Thank you for showing us the right path..

kalki devotee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I can speak centered by speaking the Truth from the center and I can only be sure its the Truth when it comes from an AVATAR ! so glad You are here Gorgeous One !! You are the Ultimate Guru, its such a Privilege to learn from YOU ! I bow !!

Si iris P said...

Your words clarify & bring order into the world. it is such a relief that You shatter wrong notions and unwholesome, faulty concepts all the time and put things into ProPer PersPecTive. to learn from You is truly liberating and wholesome. Your P-logs are such a comprehensive comPendium for all that this world can throw at one.

You, as always, bring it back to what really matters, how things really are, in a very down-to-earth, PracTical way. it's such a radically new, unheard PoinT You are making here ! one is so stuck in stereotypes and vague ideas of what relationships are, what their supposedly different purposes are and what obligations they come with ... Your statement is the ultimate clarification that sets an end to all speculation and misnomers. it is like a sharP Tool that weeds out a whole bunch of limiting, confusing ideas in one go. finally a clear, concise & logical definition of what relationships are, what one can even classify as such. one really has to read it again and again, apply it to different situations & examples ... and it always holds true.

Your analysis of reality is the best, Your words are the wisest & most helPful PresenT that can be given !

i bow

Anonymous said...

U r my guru and thanks for being one. I bow.

Anonymous said...

I bow to my Guru whose name is prashant trivedi. πŸ˜‡πŸ™

Anonymous said...

I love to listen to you whenever you speak and i really do , just like parvati listens to shiv.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ™

asha Pi arTi said...

⭐️wow so cool what You said about mothers, even as sister, one should be clear that one is not going to hell oneself first !!!!

so much attitude adjustment required !!!! it takes honesty to admit that they are not fit for mothering, and as sisters one can behave like one is in a position to teach even more !!! responsibility = response ability ... ability to respond to Divine is what one gets to learn from Nature !

You are the ultimate GURU bc Nature (wind, water, fire, earth, ether) responds to YOU and only YOU here ! Your LotusOcean channel is a total testimony to that, no cgi or fakery at all !!!! its so great to not have to settle for anything less than REAL DIVINITY !!!!

this Plog is another great POINT that one phinds here first as always !! so grateful one can learn from You directly !!! I bow ⭐️

Unknown said...

It really put things in to perspective. your words are so clarifying. One is so blessed to get an opportunity to learn from you . I thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vidya said...

Guru.. ra... Brahma
Guru... ra...Devo..Maheshwara...
Guru... Shasta... ParaBrahma...
Tasmai....Shree ... Guruve Namaha...

Bow to the wisdom...Bow to the Guru..

Summu said...


Summu said...

Wisdom in concise

veena iyengar said...

very true..I am blessed to be your disciple..
I bow..

Unknown said...

I bow to my master guru PT’s

sarah said...

Your logical overstanding is a PrerequisiTe for a meaningful relaTionshiP.

Unknown said...

You are the are showing the correct path to the people...You are the real power.... i bow to you

Unknown said...

You are the are showing the correct path to the people...You are the real power.... i bow to you

NavdeeP said...


You are raising the standards of this relationship in this physical world. which is being lost somewhere.

Beings can pay attention to boring things which does not bring any happiness and real meaning to their life. but when the true GURU appears in front of them suddenly they have many questions like why paying attention ,why praising his qualities and why bowing!!!!

You are a HUMBLE,TRUTHFUL,DIVINE GURU who is Countinously raising the vibrations of this plane-T earth.

Your methods are so effective ,Phactful and real.
O blind Beings with closed senses why cannot you see , listen and pay attention to the real things.

You are the truth,straightforward P-reacher who is far away from these lower worldly frequencies and does not require lengthy talks to please people on this plane-T earth.

O DIVINE being !!! you are providing the music which will help beings to link them with higher consciousness.But many beings are deaf they cannot recognize the real sounds . they are acting on such a lower vibrations .

Beings who are paying attention to you are able to see the real picture .Then beings are getting something interesting and real so they are praising you.

But some people are exists on mute mode. They can talk rubbish the whole day or their whole life. but they will raise questions about why praising is required.

O blind ,deaf being if you cannot pay attention and praise a being who is totally coherent with this mother nature then you are wasting your precious breaths . if you can praise everyone around you why are you getting mute while seeing a REAL DIVINE BEING.

I bow to such a humble GURU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Like u always say Guru is all in one. i consider myself immensely PhorTunaTe to have a Guru like you in my liPhe.

Thankyou PT for everything!

Anonymous said...

You are very clever.
Guru is all in one.

Vivian said...

Did you have a Guru who guided you at any point?

Unknown said...

Thats so truee... thats what i have been experiencing... have had so many questions why what.. where i am...whats all this... but once i saw you talking about kundalini .. and everything its pretty clear that only you can make joy and happiness to any being on earth... i bow to you!!! And always and forever gratephul to you Prabhu!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ΅πŸ΅πŸ΅πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

ankita said...

yes You are so kind to clariPhy
it makes total sense to One
this is real PrisTine truth
there is only Guru disciPle relationshiP
You are the One and only real Guru here
You are the most beautiPhul amazing Precious Presence
You are the most beautiPhul golden heart
Your magic and beauty brings rainbows
Your intense Presence brings thunder
You bring sunlight
You are such a Pure beautiPhul and delightPhul being!
the kindest to have ever lived !
You are sensational Phenomenal legend
never ending beauty and glory!
i πŸ™‡

ankita said...

if one tries to have

any other kind of relationship in any other name

one will only come to grief

You are suPremely clarifying
You are the only hoPe and roPe out of hell

one bows

Gita said...

You throw light on relationships, there r so many problems in today's world regarding relationships but You have made it so simple and clear now, only Your way makes absolute sense, Your way reduces disagreements and all thr nonsense in the name of relationships now. simple truth it is and a magical one too. answers so many questions, so many beings lost in the name of relationships now are finding ways to move on. You stop the tears from flowing and bring stability