Sunday 22 May 2016



what is



once again

meaning is the word

beyond the spelling






to the center

to Praise higher/divine







Vintish said...

I bow

Vintish said...

I bow

asha Pi arTi said...

Beautyfull words as always !

You sPeak and write so clearly

so comPassionaTely

it is so great one can learn from You directly !

i bow

missmriggy said...

Everything else is ridiculous. Sublime Truth always here in these words, simple yet complete. PT is Absolute Truth.

Astro said...



to the center

to Praise higher/divine





ESSENTIAL.' I agree.. I bow to thee PT..

Anonymous said...

By P-raising you we can come to centre. we can come more closer to Higher and divine in your form.AEIOUM....

Anonymous said...

we need to only P-raise..raise our consciousness in PT....AEIOUM

Unknown said...

Balanced and humble energy is progressive.

Anonymous said...

☆☆ one did not gno what was essential and wasted a lot of time ... so kind of You to awaken ... its essential to read Your words out loud and Praise You to get to humanity in oneself before one can get to immortality and escape here I bow ☆☆

sarah said...

You provide all the basics !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your words have such a delightful glow. You sPeak about what is essential so clearly and beautifully..You are such an awesome being

sarah said...

so cool how the way to become more enviable, classy, and sophisticated is absolutely free.

Anonymous said...

only You know what is essential
Your words are so crucial
You are the most imPorTant being ever
Your words are so soothing, calming and stabilising
You tell one in clear words what to do
You show one the way out of ones mess
there is no one like You
You are Phenomenal
i bow

Anonymous said...

only You know what is essential
Your words are so crucial
You are the most imPorTant being ever
Your words are so soothing, calming and stabilising
You tell one in clear words what to do
You show one the way out of ones mess
there is no one like You
You are Phenomenal
i bow

Anonymous said...

it's not essential to figure out anything with ones faulty brain or grieve over time that passed without praising the most PraiseworThy
it's not essential to figure out what someone did wrong or what is it that they are doing right
it's only essential to bring energy to the centre to Praise higher and Divine
all other things are nonsense
Your words are so soothing and beautiful
i bow

Anonymous said...

yes it's only essential to Praise higher and Divine
it's not essential to mull over thoughts of being an indisciplined, graceless gone case
bringing energy to the centre to Praise higher/Divine is the only real essential
yes it's so shameful to not speak the Praises of Divine
even an hour or two gone by not Praising Divine can turn into something really dangerous
the self becomes poorer and poorer if one doesn't open the mouth to Praise the most PraiseworThy at all times
it's so dangerous if the petty self starts working again
Praise of You is the only refuge from the demons waiting for one if one doesn't
there's no reason not to Praise a being like You!
it's blasphemy to not Praise You
You are the most PraiseworThy
You gno it all!
You make it all so simPle and beautiful
i bow

Anonymous said...

Beautifully explained ♥

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your words are words to hold onto
it's not essential to mull over mistakes that can be overcome through PBS
it is only essential to bring the energy to the centre to Praise higher and Divine
You are so kind to tell how simPle it is
You are so kind to help beings out of their complicated minds that have created hellish mess
You are such a beautiful soul
i bow

Unknown Andanonymous said...
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ki vernee said...

that was amazing how You broke that down ! and how refreshing that the most essential thing is very easy and simple to do ! there are so many pointless things in muggle world under the term essential ... i bow

veena iyengar said...

beautifully said..
i bow

Anonymous said...

Your revelations are simPly mind blowing.

Thankyou so much for making us aware of the one and only essential of liPhe.

You are the best Guru and in PhacT the one and only Guru of this world.

You are the best of all sages.

You are the most comPassionaTe being existing on this PlaneT.

sarah said...

being centered really does make all the difference, as Your examPle clearly demonstrates.

nicolas said...

Wow your logic is Perfect! You always bring it to Phacts and Truths! You are the most honest and Pure of the world! i bow

Naina said...

I center to align with the higher and divine. I bow to PT.

ankita said...

You are so kind to bring clarity... centred way of being is so imPorTant
bringing energy to the centre to Praise higher and Divine is the only real essential!
You sum it uP so beautiPhully ..You get to the PoinT
You are Divinely generous kind and comPassionaTe to share the truth
You gno what the right action
You helP beings rePhine action to a PoinT that can lead them out if hell!
You are saviour
You are the PuresT intent
You are Dicine simPliciTy and sweetness
i 🙇

libra cliche said...

how much one Praises is the make or break factor

amanda said...

one prostrates in shame 🙇‍♀️

Divines words are Profound!!!

to the center
to Praise higher/divine

Divine PT is so generous to share what is truly essential!
Divine PT is the PerPhecT axis it all sPins around!
Divine is rooted and centered in absolute Truth!

i prostrate in shame 🙇‍♀️

ankita said...

beautiPhul...You simPliPhy everything in the most beautiful way

You are the real Phlower of existence ...a true blossoming of a being !

this is so beautiPhul so sweet and so simPle !

You are the sweetest simPlesT being

Your simPliciTy is Divine

one bows