Friday 6 February 2015

nothing to be said

there is

nothing to be said

to beings



care about

the phuture

of their



the only voice

they will get to hear

is that of the



Vintish said...


Vintish said...

Jaisa Karma vaisa Phal

Anonymous said...

all one can do is bow!
i bow!

Unknown said...

so brilliant. You are so nonchalant, responsible, and cool. You illuminate truths in the most mind-blowing, breath-taking way.

Unknown said...

Your style is so majestic. it is so nice how people get spoken to in a language they understand.

Unknown said...

Your style is so majestic. it is so nice how people get spoken to in a language they understand.

Anonymous said...

i bow!
these are such humbling, striking and sobering words!

You are the One to listen to in every moment P!
how vital it is for one to always heed what is said by You. how crucial for one to care about the PhuTure, to keeP ones attention on it in every moment and to be doing the actions which move one toward it.

Your way of teaching is Profound, You guide one to develoP real resPonsibiliTy for ones self. You and Your scriPTures are the Truest guide to exist.
i bow to Your infallible wisdom.

miragegirl said...

a very dire warning P & truly so !

i care about my PhuTure
i want it to be with You, someday

miragegirl said...

dance of music in Your eyes
heartbeat rainbows & golden nebulas rise

into sPace , stars you sPread
killing dark black with blood red

filling air with an enchanting sPell
me and mine, with lovely rays You kill

You rise again time & time
Magic Man, ParT of Your game

Your dance of music, the most Powerful sPear
swirling energy to a PoinT deep and clear

Your music of life, sPreads like Phire
stars and galaxies , a lease of life acquire

the best, if there be
' of men on earth or gods in the sky '
i now clearly see it is he
whose helps unknot the earthly tie

PsingulariTy said...

You are P avaTar
You are The Lord here, The PresidenT

You are the suPreme Judge
Your court is the suPreme courT

You Judge. You Rule. Elements are there to 'test-i-Phi'.

Anonymous said...

i bow
Divines beautiful voice is the only Voice one ever want here
to care for You and only You to serve You and only You to work for Divine and worship Divine and work toward the real PhuTure is the only True care one should ever concern oneself with!
one is so ashamed to have ever pretended to care for anything else!
so grateful for the Power of Your straight uP Truth P!
for all the ways You helP one get straight and Phocused on the real PhuTure!
i bow

Asha P said...

i bow

Your Judgement is so Powerfully Beautyfull

Asha P said...

i bow

Your Judgement is so Powerfully Beautyfull

only You show and Teach how to shape a better PhuTure for oneself through the inside out Way !

i bow

Asha P said...

i bow the voice of the consequences is such a comPassionaTe line ... one does not want that voice especially in ones own head and being ... one prefers to hear Your Voice ! who needs who is so clear ! i bow !!

Unknown said...

One should be careful about future.

Unknown said...

One has to take the first step.

sarah said...

You make it clear that caring about the PhuTure is such a better oPTion than not thinking about it. You are the best examPle of a Being with a sorted PhuTure.

sarah said...

so insPiring to be more ProacTive creating a nice future.
You show how to take control.

Anonymous said...
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ki vernee said...

You are so smart ! You already gnow there is no PoinT in reasoning with beings who dont have phuture perspective ! there is so much to learn from You ! i bow <3ॐ

Unknown Andanonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You are so clever and PowerPhull.

veena iyengar said...

I bow..

nicolas said...

so true! this is completely logical!
i bow to you, all gnoing one

libra cliche said...

You always communicate with beings at their level